Archives for 2008

Back for the holidays (and with a pretty big update too!)

Hey ^^ It’s been quite a while but I’m finally on vacation now and I’m ready to do some long overdue blog posts! X) Unfortunately my vacation is only 3 weeks long but since I don’t have too much planned, I’ll probably spend a good amount of time catching up on blog posts and site updates. Today I did a pretty big update on the main site, adding a bunch of new media files and pictures, so you can check that out. In addition to doing at least a couple more updates on the main site (and possibly adding new anime sections), here on the blog I’m planning to write reviews of a few fall 2008 anime series I’ve been watching, post scans of some 2009 anime calendars, and also write a couple of game reviews. Hopefully I’ll be able to cram all that into 3 weeks, so check back within the next few days! =D

Back to uni (and back on hiatus for the fall)

Well, my three months of summer vacation have finally come to an end; tomorrow I’ll be putting MAY back on hiatus for a while, heading back to university, and starting the fall quarter of my (hopefully) last year of schooling…

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The Anime Preference Survey 2008 results

The results of the Anime Preference Survey (2008 version) are now posted! I opened this survey a little over 3 weeks ago (I had one in ’06 and ’07 too) and it was basically a quick survey recording general preferences, interests, and tastes among anime fans such as how they watch anime, what anime products they buy, favorite series, etc,. The survey received about 160 participants…not as many as I would have liked, but still enough to make some sort of statistical inferences about the interests of anime fans nowadays ^^

Click here to see the survey results. I’ve also commented on the results and compared some of them to last year’s survey.

Sola review

After hearing that Sola was voted as the “best anime of 2007” in a Japanese poll of two million votes, I decided to check it out as soon as I could. And after finally getting through the 13 episodes series this summer, I can definitely see why it’s thought so highly of…

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Anime import calendar scans

I’ve been collecting original Japanese anime calendars for a few years now, either buying them myself or downloading the scans online. I’m just a big sucker for large, original, and gorgeous images of official anime artwork! XD As of today, I have over 150 calendar scans on my computer from 11 different anime (and I always add a few more each year). Since I started collecting the import anime calendars, I created a page on the main Anime Yume site to post them. As the years went by however, that page fell into a bit of a disarray but I finally took the time today to organize the calendar scans and to also share them here on the blog…

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My fall season ’08 picks

As I count down the last few weeks of my summer break, I’m also counting the anime I’m planning to watch this fall season. I think I might be watching more anime this coming season than I ever did before, mostly because of all the sequels that are coming out. Since I’ll be back at university soon and will not have time to post much about these shows, I figured I’d give a quick rundown now of what I’m planning to watch…

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Nostalgia: what anime did you used to watch on TV when you were little?

I used to love Samurai Pizz Cats! ^.^

It wasn’t until I became an anime fan around 1999/2000 did I find out what anime really is. However, unbeknown to myself at the time, I used to watch some anime and anime-related shows on TV back when I was a kid in elementary school, despite the fact that I didn’t have cable TV back then (and anime like Voltron, Robotech, and Kimba were before my time). Lately I’ve had a wave of nostalgia these past few days thinking about and missing some old cartoons I used to watch. So I felt like sharing four of the old anime TV shows I used to adore when I was a little kid…

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Do the Japanese value fandom more than America?

Taken in Osaka; Japan appreciates Stitch more than America XD

For some time I’ve been puzzled about the difference between “fandom” in America and “fandom” in Japan, not just anime fandom but fandom in general. It seems to me that the Japanese place more emphasis on having people become totally immersed and supporting fans of anime and other entertainment, while America doesn’t really offer the same kind of hard-core immersion in its shows and movies. I’ll illustrate my points further in this post, and I’d also like to hear your opinion as well…

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私の部屋へようこそ – Welcome to my (anime covered) room

*Click the image for a larger, better version*

Since I first became an anime fan back in the late 90s/early 2000s, I’ve always tried to make my room look like an amateur “anime art gallery” of sorts; basically I try to cover just about every inch with anime pictures and products. Of course it’s changed many times over the years but I think it’s at its best right now so I decided to take some photos and share them here on the blog…

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The Anime Preference Survey 2008 version

I conducted the 2007 Anime Preference survey a little over a year ago with very interesting results. If you would like to take the new 2008 version, click here. It’s basically a quick survey recording some general preferences, interests, and tastes among anime fans. Like the 2007 version, it’s 20 quick questions that should only take a few minutes (you’re also not required to answer all of them). The statistics of these surveys usually prove very interesting so if you could take a few minutes for the survey, I’d really appreciate it! ^^

Also, if you want to see the results from the 2007 version, click here. Depending on how quickly I get responses to the 2008 survey, I should have the results posted sometime within the next 2 to 3 weeks so check back! =)