Archives for 2006

Mikomicon coverage!

My coverage and some photos of the anime convention Mikomicon is up on the main site! ^_^ Check it out here. Enjoy!

Taking care of blog business!

Well, it’s been about two weeks since I started work here on MAY. And I’m happy to report that I’m satisfied with how things are going.

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Death Note eps 1 & 2 Review

I was originally planning to write a review of just the first episode of Death Note. But it took a while before I finally had the time to watch it, and by then the second episode was already out, so I figured why not write a review on both instead =P Anyway, just so you know, this review is written by someone who has never read the Death Note manga. I’m not as big a fan of the style of manga as I am of anime, so I decided to wait until the series was made into an anime. Before I watched the episodes, I only had a vague idea of what the series is about and that’s it, so my mood is that of a very satisfied new fan ^^ The series sounded interesting and I heard good things about the anime, so I decided to give it a try…

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Game review: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl(J. version)

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are the latest and highly anticipated Pokemon games for the Nintendo DS. Even long before they were officially released, they were one of the hottest and most talked about topics among Pokemon and video game fans. I’m sure even most anime fans have heard about the hype that these games have received as well. The games were officially released in Japan on Sept. 28th, and my copy of Pearl that I had preordered arrived on Oct. 4th(see scans I made above.) I’ve been playing it fervently ever since, but I finally decided to take a break from playing it and write a review of it instead =P Now, I’ve been a major Pokemon fan for nearly 8 years and I’ve played every generation of the games that have come out, so you’re probably going to think I’m biased when I say this, but Pokemon D&P totally rock.

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New Bleach dub+rant: “Give English VAs a break”

Well, Bleach has finally been officially released in America. And even though it didn’t seem to create quite a reaction as when Naruto was officially released, it’s still a pretty big deal for Bleach fans. As of my writing this, I’ve watched Bleach fansubs up to episode 98 and I’ve watched the 5 dubbed episodes that have aired on Adult Swim so far…and I’m happy to report that I’m pleased with the dub.

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Welcome to Mainichi Anime Yume!

ようこそ、毎日アニメ夢へ!(Welcome to Mainichi Anime Yume!) My work on this blog site has now been officially announced on my main site, I hope those of you visiting from AnimeYume will enjoy Mainichi Anime Yume as well. As you can see, I already have a few posts, so please take a look at them and leave some comments ^^ They should give you a pretty good idea of the kind of posts I’ll be doing. And if this is your first time visiting, please take a look at the “About Mainichi Anime Yume” page. That page pretty much explains everything I want to say about starting my new anime blog ^_^

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New anime OPs & EDs

The new anime openings and endings come all at once don’t they ^_^ I posted the newest openings and endings for Bleach, Naruto, Digimon Savers, and the new Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series(some are AVI files, some are YouTube videos.) And I’ve gotta say, I’m pleased with all of them…

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One Piece openings 5 & 6 full translations

The fifth and sixth opening songs for One Piece were the first anime songs I translated myself ^^ I love pretty much all the One Piece songs, especially the openings, so that’s what motivated me to put my Japanese skills to work and translate them. After that, they were sitting idly on my computer for a while, but now that I have my own blog site, I figured why not post them here, along with other anime/j-pop songs I decide to translate. So here they are =) I plan to translate more of my favorite anime songs in the future, so keep a lookout!

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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Revelations of the last episodes

Back when I watched the first episode of Higurashi, I never thought I would enjoy the series as much as I did. With the exception of the hinting at a horror/mystery element, the first episode made it seem like the series was going to be fairly predictable, with a cast of pretty stereotypical characters. But now that I’ve watched all of it, I have a totally different view of it. Sure, it has its share of flaws, but for the most part, its great blend of suspense, drama, horror, and mystery, all conveyed through a series of story arcs, each acting as a slightly different reality of the same story, while also revealing more of the main and complex mystery of the series as whole, really makes Higurashi a very unique show.

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Game review: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

In the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you take on the role of a human who’s been turned into a pokemon. While trying to unravel the mystery of how you were transformed, you partner up with another pokemon and form a pokemon rescue team. Along with your loyal partner and other pokemon you recruit, you journey through many long and dangerous dungeons, rescuing other pokemon, battling enemy pokemon, and trying to find items and information that will help you solve the mystery of why the pokemon world is currently being shaken by natural disasters, and more importantly, what role does your hero pokemon play in it all.

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