Archives for 2006

Inuyasha ch. 485 review

*images courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 485 “Yakurou Dokusen”

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Digimon Savers: the halfway mark review

I just finished watching episode 25 of Digimon Savers, and even though I’m not exactly sure how many episodes the series is going to have, I’m calling this the halfway mark review since all the other Digimon series’ ended up having about 50 episodes and this one probably will too. Now I’m not a major Digimon fan(Pokemon on the other hand…), but it is one of the first animes I got into back in my early days of anime fandom. I used to watch the dub all the time when it aired on Fox Kids and then I eventually began to watch some of the fansubs. Since then I’ve watched all the episodes of all the Digimon series’, so I decided to stick with that record and watch Digimon Savers as well. But although I like Savers, I honestly think it can’t hold a candle to the old Digimon series’.

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Media update(also JLPT tomorrow)

I finally had time for a small mp3 update on the main site today ^.^ Scroll down to get links to the new songs I uploaded onto Anime Yume’s mp3 pages(all of which are full versions of new openings and endings that were released recently.) And check the main site for more update details.

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Inuyasha ch. 484 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 484 “Youdoku”(Dissolving Poison)

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Naruto News

Recently there’s been some new developments going on with our favorite ninja shounen hero…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy turkey day everyone! ^^ (since Thanksgiving is an American holiday, I couldn’t find an anime Thanksgiving picture to post, so I just went with this funny Slayers screencap instead =P) Anyway, I’ll be spending the day pigging out on my cousin’s delicious cooking. But then I have work the rest of the week, since the store I work at is short-staffed this Thanksgiving break. So I might not have time for another post until next week. But until then, to all my American visitors, have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday ^_^

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.”
– Erma Bombeck

Inuyasha ch. 483 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 483 “Hone no Ori”(Cage of Bones)

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Haruhi Desk Mat

*Click here for a larger image*

I don’t have time for a long post tonight, so I just thought I’d share something that all you Haruhi fans might be interested in. I bought this desk mat about a month ago at a little anime convention called Mikomicon. Not sure if it’s anything special or rare, but I like it ^_^ Like all the anime desk mats and pencil boards I buy, it’s way too pretty to be used for anything but to display as a poster in my room =P Anyway, the booth I bought it from had a few other Haruhi pencil boards, etc., but I thought this was the nicest one. It cost $25…was it worth it? I’ll let you decide. Oh, and if anyone can tell me what the roumaji at the bottom says, that would be appreciated(surprisingly, I can make out more of what’s written on the chalkboard and whiteboard ^^,,,)

JLPT & Japanese studying tips

I finally had time yesterday to review my Japanese, and also to study for the JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) which is coming up in about two weeks. Well, to make a long story short, I’ve been studying Japanese for a little over two years now. Unfortunately, the community college I go to only offers four semesters of Japanese(Elementary Japanese 1 and 2, and Intermediate Japanese 1 and 2), all of which I’ve already taken. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the money to transfer to a four-year college and major in Japanese, but maybe I’ll be able to get some scholarships or something together. But in the meantime, I’m relying on self-study so I don’t forget all that I’ve learned.

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Inuyasha ch. 482 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 482 “Nerawareta Hiraikotsu”(Targeted Hiraikotsu)

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