Archives for 2006

Inuyasha manga coverage on MAY

I’ve been thinking about it since I started this blog a little over a month ago, and I’ve finally decided that I’m going to do weekly reviews of the Inuyasha manga. First of all, it’s been my favorite series for a few years now, and it’s one of the only manga series’ I’m continually reading(I only have time for so much, and anime usually takes priority over manga for me =P) Also, I don’t hear anyone on Anime Nano(which MAY recently got listed on ^^) talk about it, even though it’s still ongoing like Bleach and Naruto. So I figured, why not? It’ll be something unique for my blog and since manga chapters are way shorter than episodes, my reviews will be short and easy to keep up. I know it’s kind of late to start reviewing it since the series is supposedly going to end soon, but better late than never I guess, and right in time for the 10th anniversary chapter too ^_^ I’m very interested to see how these final chapters will go =) Anyway, I’m going to use this post as an introduction to my Inuyasha manga coverage, and then follow up with an acutal review of the latest chapter 482.

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Grave of the Fireflies on TCM

Isao Takahata’s acclaimed Ghibli film, Grave of the Fireflies, aired last night on the Turner Classic Movie channel. But unlike other Ghibli films that have aired on TCM in the past, only the English dub version of this one was shown. This is one of the few Ghibli films I hadn’t seen before; I was avoiding it because I knew it would be extremely depressing and the kind of movie I would have to psyche myself for. But I finally watched it, and I liked it, though it isn’t one I would want to watch over and over, not because I don’t think it’s a masterpiece, which it is, but because it’s such a tragically sad story.

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Nana: the halfway mark review

Well, I’ve finally watched half of the Nana TV series(25 out of 50 episodes), so I figured it was time to write a review about it ^^ I have to admit, I thought Nana was a bit boring at first. I’m sure those of you who’ve seen Nana know that it’s more like a Japanese drama than an anime. I’ve never watched any Japanese dramas(since I’m so busy watching anime, LOL) and I usually tend to stay away from major shoujo/drama series’ that don’t have any fantasy in them. But I heard good things about Nana and the story sounded interesting, so I decided to check it out and I ended up liking it a lot. I don’t think it will become a favorite, but I really respect it for being a well-made, unique, and deeply involved series.

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Asatte no Houkou eps 1 to 3 Review

Asatte no Houkou is one of the other new series’ I started watching recently. I picked this one just because it sounded “different.” And it is, but in a good way…

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Sumomomo Momomo eps 1 to 4 Review

As of today, the only new fall 2006 series’ I’ve been watching are Death Note, Kanon, and Pokemon Diamond & Pearl. Though I would like to, I don’t have time to watch every new anime that comes out. So I read about each one, pick a few that sound the most interesting, and watch those. Usually they all sound good to me, LOL, so it’s hard to pick just a few to dedicate my time to XD But Sumomomo Momomo was one that sounded like it might be a lot of fun, so I sat down today and marathoned the 4 episodes of it that have been released so far…

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, from Mainichi Anime Yume! Hope all your anime screams come true! ^.^

By the way, MAY turns one month old today ^_^ Thanks to everyone who’s visited, and I hope you’ll continue to check back!

Anime 2007 calendar scans!

The four 2007 anime calendars that I had preordered from CDJapan(Bleach, Inuyasha, Pokemon, and Konjiki no Gashu Bell) arrived yesterday. And since I had nothing much to do today, I made scans of all of them and posted them on the main site ^_^ You can see all 28 of them on the Anime Import Calendar Scans page(along with all the other calendar scans I’ve posted from previous years.) Just like pretty much all anime calendars straight from Japan, the artwork on them is absolutely gorgeous! ^.^ Enjoy!

Inuyasha: why there should be a new TV series

With Inuyasha being my most favorite series of all, this is something that’s been on my mind for a while now. And now that all the episodes have aired on Adult Swim, I feel even more obliged to get my point across…

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Bleach review: an overrated shounen anime?

Well, the Bleach TV series has finally reached 100 episodes, so I figured it was time for me to write a review of the series ^_^ I remember it was a little over a year ago today that I got my new computer and was finally able to download anime fansubs, and Bleach was one of the first I checked out. At first, I didn’t really like it all that much until the episodes hit the late teens or so. 100 episodes later, it still isn’t one of my all-time favorites, but I do like it a lot and will continue to keep watching it.

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Kanon eps 1 & 2 Review

I’ve actually never watched the original Kanon series from 2002. But a while back I felt like reading up on what the new fall 2006 anime series’ were going to be about, and after I read about Kanon, it sounded like a very interesting story. Plus I really enjoyed Air, and since it’s by the same company, I figured Kanon should be worth checking out.

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