Anime tastes I’ve acquired

A recent post by Leap250 talks about how, through our years of being anime fans, we often acquire tastes for certain genres and tropes in anime that we didn’t originally have. Even though I’ve always been pretty open-minded as far as the types of anime I watch, there were a few I was hesitant about back in the day that I like now…

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Yumeka’s SoCal travels: Disneyland

Today I wanted to experiment with a different kind of post – one that involves taking a break from anime and blogging about one of the most popular overall blog topics: places traveled to. I’m not much of a traveler and haven’t been to many interesting places. But there are some I would like to share at some point, besides Japan and anime conventions, which I’ve already shared quite a bit of here on the blog. So what better way to start than with the “happiest place on Earth”…

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A few older anime I’ve recently watched

As many of you know, since 2007 I’ve mostly been watching seasonal anime and rarely start watching older, completed titles. While last year I decided to rewatch a lot of my favorite series, this year I’ve been trying to watch older series I hadn’t seen before in additional to seasonal ones. For this post, I wanted to talk about four such anime I’ve watched over the past bunch of months. These aren’t full-on reviews so much as my general thoughts about each one…

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Spoilers in anime reviewing

In a recent post on EmptyBlue, Feal87 discusses the issue of spoilers in anime review blogs, particularly how to make spoiler-free episodic posts and post titles. Since I only write full series reviews of anime, I thought it would be interesting to address the topic of spoilers in regards to those kinds of posts, and for anime reviewing in general…

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The ultimate anime questionnaire

I’m feeling under the weather today, so we’re having a light topic for this post. Some years ago on my old fan site, I made a questionnaire that covered just about every aspect of someone’s anime fandom. Today I’ll be making a long overdue updated version of it, and would also like to invite any of my readers and fellow bloggers to take part in it as well…

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The roots of our fandom

When I think of where my anime fandom originated, I know that it started with my obsession with Pokemon back in the late 90s. However, the roots of it go back further than that – perhaps the origin of my eventual anime fandom can be traced back to how I related to all the fads I ever went through as a kid…

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10 years of AnimeYume

This past June 30th marked the 10-year anniversary of my domain name, I would have mentioned it sooner, but as usual around that time of year, I was busy with Anime Expo and writing my reviews of completed seasonal anime. I decided that today would be a good day to post about it since, while Mainichi Anime Yume is only 6 years old, this is the blog’s 600th post…

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The episodic blog and the editorial blog

In hind-sight of the recently completed 2nd Aniblog Tourney, chikorita157 wrote a post regarding the ever common argument that arises when talking about anime blogs – which is better, episodic blogs that post reviews of episodes of whatever seasonal series the blogger is watching, or editorial blogs that post about anime topics in general…

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Anime Expo 2012 coverage and photos

Yesterday I returned home from my 4-day stay at Anime Expo 2012. I had a fantastic time to say the least – I met up with a lot of cool people, went to great events, saw amazing cosplay, and bought lots of goodies! You can see my full coverage and photos of the con after the jump…

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Off to Anime Expo ’12

Tomorrow morning I’ll be heading off to Anime Expo for my 4-day stay at North America’s biggest anime convention (today I’ll be stopping by just to get my badge). This will be my sixth time going to AX and I always try to make each time better than the last =D I have a lot of friends I’m planning to see and fun events I’m planning to attend, so it should be a good one. You can see my tentative schedule for AX after the jump…

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