Mainichi Anime Yume in the 2nd Aniblog Tourney (Final 32)

Just wanted to make an announcement that Mainichi Anime Yume’s next match is up in the 2nd Aniblog Tourney. Once again, for those of you visiting the blog for the first time, you can take a look at my tourney introductory post here to get a quick overview of what kind of blog this is.

When you’re ready to vote, you can do so through the tourney site here (my match is the first one listed). Thanks again for visiting and for your support ^_^

Mainichi Anime Yume in the 2nd Aniblog Tourney

Two years after the first Aniblog Tourney in 2010, Mainichi Anime Yume is again participating in the second Aniblog Tourney that started up back in April. For those of you visiting the blog for the first time, welcome…

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Remembering Love: Haruhiism

This post is part of trzr23’s “Remembering Love” project, a project where bloggers rewatch their favorite anime during the month of May and post about why they love it each week. There’s supposed to be four posts in total, whether they choose just one anime to write about or several. However, due to my personal blogging preferences, I decided to dedicate just this one post for the project…

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Does a love of anime always lead to a love of Japan?

It’s not unusual for people who become anime fans to also become interested in the country that anime comes from – Japan. I’ve seen this interest in some form or other in most of the anime fans I’ve encountered, ranging from mild to extreme. There are people who take up a slight interest in an aspect or two of Japanese culture, and perhaps learn a few Japanese words, but otherwise don’t pursue Japan/Japanese things…all the way down to what the Internet calls “weeaboos” and “Japanophiles,” or people who convince themselves that Japan is superior to other countries and they insist on incorporating Japanese words and cultural habits into their everyday lives, becoming a Japan connoisseur in terms of things like music and food, yearning to go to Japan, and even wishing they were Japanese. But does every person who gets into anime necessarily take up an interest in Japan, whether mild or extreme?…

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How Twitter has changed the anime online community

There’s no denying that Internet social network sites have rapidly changed the meaning of communication. We can now instantaneously share all manner of news, from breaking political events to what we’re having for lunch. One such site – Twitter – has brought about a massive change in terms of how we relate to each other with this ability to share links, videos, pictures, and our thoughts in real-time. As someone who’s been running an anime site for nearly a decade now, I wanted to discuss how I’ve experienced Twitter change the anime online community, especially in terms of blogging…

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50 questions

A list of 50 questions recently posted by AceRailgun has been making its way to various anime blogs, with the respective bloggers taking a shot at answering the questions. The questions are a mix of anime-related and personal questions. It looked like fun, so I decided to give it a go…

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Anime time management

This is a topic that’s been going around various blogs recently, but I was reluctant to write my own post about it since I sort of already did in a previous post. However, after giving it some thought, I realized that enough time has passed since then for me to say something different about the subject…

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The introverted fan, the extroverted fan

While sitting in the waiting room waiting to get my taxes done the other day, I read an interesting article in Time magazine about a study comparing the qualities of an introverted personality versus an extroverted personality. As expected, it got me thinking about these two temperaments in terms of anime fans…

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Buying anime

Since I became an anime fan over a decade ago, I’ve been buying all sorts of anime products ranging from DVDs to artbooks and keychains. However, as I discussed in a previous post about how the US anime industry, and the media world in general, has changed over the years, my ways of buying anime couldn’t help but change as well…

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Ignorance and elitism in anime fandom

When we think of a fellow anime fan as an “elitist,” it usually means that they have some kind of elevated view of how anime – and to a certain extent, its fans – should be, and they deride what doesn’t live up to that view. The most common ideas associated with anime elitists is that they believe the only good anime are the ones that are distinctly creative and intellectually stimulating, or that the only true fans are those that watch anime using strictly legal methods…

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