Being bullied for liking anime

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Whenever your tastes and hobbies fall out of the norm, you run the risk of being called out by those who don’t approve of anything “different.” Anime, being the niche medium that it is, is a likely thing to be put down about by classmates, family members, coworkers, etc., who, in all likelihood, have a distorted, ignorant view of what anime is. Luckily I haven’t had to experience any extreme pressure at school, work, or home about my anime obsession, but I have had a few incidents that I wanted to share…

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My 10 unpopular anime opinions

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Today’s post idea came from Artemis over on the Otaku Lounge (who got it from Guy Shalve…I love how post ideas get around the blogsphere!) It sounded like a fun topic to think about so I decided to give it a try…

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Photos of my anime-filled room (2014 edition)

Decorating my room with posters, figures, plushies, etc., from anime and other media I love has been a big thing for me for many years. After all, my room is where I spend most of my time when I’m not at work/school, so why not cover it with things I love? I started posting photos of my room in 2008, and again in 2009 and 2012 as I’ve changed/rearranged things (the 2009 post actually got featured in ANN’s Shelf Life column!) Now it’s been a little over two years since I posted my last room photos and I finally feel that things have changed enough for me to share new ones…

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Advertising your anime fandom

Being a big fan of anime and other things, I always feel the need to have something on my person that shows it, whether it’s a keychain, pins on my bag, or an anime T-shirt. A few years ago I actually wrote all about how I “wear” anime on my person all the time in a past post. There I described how, over the years, I’ve always kept little fan trinkets on me, like pictures on my school notebook or charms on my phone – the “how” of advertising my fandom if you will. But today, I wanted to look at the “why” and “why not” of people who like to publicly show that they’re anime fans and people who don’t…

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Watching anime raw

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In past posts I’ve talked about the subtitle quality in anime we watch, as well as anime dubs, but I never specifically wrote about watching anime in its “pure” form – raw in Japanese without any subtitles. However a recent post by froggykun got me thinking about the what, why, and when of my viewing of raw anime…

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How do you stay connected to the anime community?

Since I got into anime in the early 2000s when the Internet culture was just taking off, I can’t comment on how fans stayed up-to-date with anime and connected with each other in the years before then. But it’s very obvious that the medium and its fandom would not be as universally accessible as it is today without the Internet. Thanks to the World Wide Web we can now converse with and share things with fellow fans from all over the world, any time, anywhere, as well as stay up to date on all the latest happenings of the anime world. So for today’s topic, I want to discuss my personal routine for staying connected with the anime community and see how other people’s routines differ…

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Anime, manga, and video games – can you balance all three?

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If you consider yourself an anime fan, chances are you also partake in related hobbies like reading manga or playing video games. Even though I do like the other two, anime is the hobby I spend the majority of my time, money, and energy on, but I’m always impressed by people who manage to more or less equally balance themselves between all three of these big hobbies…

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When to take a break from anime

How many Disney characters can you spot?

In past posts I’ve talked about forms of anime “burnout,” from personal anecdotes about people I’ve known who lost interest in anime over time, to discussing exactly how/why someone would burnout on anime. But today’s topic isn’t so much about losing interest in anime as it is simply taking a break from it, which can be a form of preventing loss of interest in the first place…

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How well do you remember every anime you’ve watched?

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Three years ago I wrote a post discussing how, over the years as I’ve watched more and more anime at a given time than I used to in my early years as a fan, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to remember every single one. Recently czai over on the Blacksheep Project wrote a post dealing with a similar topic about how she remembers some of the 200 anime she’s watched more than others and why that is. So today I was inspired to revisit this topic of how well we’re able to remember all the anime we’ve ever watched…

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Anime Expo 2013 coverage and photos

I spent this past July 3rd through the 7th at Anime Expo, America’s largest anime convention and the highlight of every summer for me since I started going in 2005. This year I stayed longer than before – for the full five days – and it was also the first AX where I had Internet access throughout my stay, as well as my first time going as a press pass holder instead of a regular attendee. All this presented new experiences for me that made this year’s con quite exciting. There were some bumps along the way which I’ll mention in my coverage, but for the most part it was a great AX. So yes, onto my coverage and photos…

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