Haruhi season 2 episode 11: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya (part 2)

Part 2 of “The Sigh” continues exactly where part 1 ended…

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Haruhi season 2 episode 10: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya (part 1)

The harrowing two months of “Endless Eight” have finally come to an end. Now we move on to the next story arc, “The Sigh”…

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Haruhi season 2 episode 5: Endless Eight (part 4)

We have been trolled once again…

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Haruhi season 2 episode 4: Endless Eight (part 3)

The third part of Endless Eight…and it’s still not the final part…

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The String Concert of Haruhi Suzumiya

Suzumiya Haruhi no Gensou (The String Concert of Haruhi Suzumiya) was a concert held in Tokyo this past April 29th featuring the Tokyo Philharmonic playing music from the Haruhi TV series. The CD of the concert tracks was just released last week…

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Haruhi season 2 episode 3: Endless Eight (part 2)

Although “Endless Eight” was originally expected to be only one episode long, it’s now clear that it’s probably going to be three…

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Haruhi season 2 episode 2: Endless Eight (part 1?)

I just finished watching the new Haruhi episode via live stream and, I’m sure most of us will agree, it ended quite contrary to what was expected…

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A timeline of Haruhi season 2 trolls

Since everybody’s already posted their thoughts about the new Haruhi episode, I thought I’d do something a little different…

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Haruhi and Shana 2009 calendar scans

Every year for the past four years I’ve posted scans of newly released anime calendars on my site around this time. So this year I have scans for the Haruhi and Shana 2009 calendars…

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Anime import calendar scans

I’ve been collecting original Japanese anime calendars for a few years now, either buying them myself or downloading the scans online. I’m just a big sucker for large, original, and gorgeous images of official anime artwork! XD As of today, I have over 150 calendar scans on my computer from 11 different anime (and I always add a few more each year). Since I started collecting the import anime calendars, I created a page on the main Anime Yume site to post them. As the years went by however, that page fell into a bit of a disarray but I finally took the time today to organize the calendar scans and to also share them here on the blog…

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