Archives for 2013

Fan art roundup (and quick announcements)

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As much as I want to, I unfortunately don’t have the time or energy for my usual posts this week. I’ve had extra hours at work, I’m in the midst of preparing for a short vacation I’ll be taking with my mom next week, and I’ve been wanting to use the little free time I have to play through my copy of Pokemon X. But I didn’t want to completely neglect the blog this week, so I decided to do something easy – share nice pieces of anime fan art I’ve found on pixiv over the years…

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Anime, manga, and video games – can you balance all three?

Credit to linked pixiv user

If you consider yourself an anime fan, chances are you also partake in related hobbies like reading manga or playing video games. Even though I do like the other two, anime is the hobby I spend the majority of my time, money, and energy on, but I’m always impressed by people who manage to more or less equally balance themselves between all three of these big hobbies…

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Summer ’13 reviews part 2: Free!, Attack on Titan, Railgun S (plus OreImo finale)

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Continuing from last week’s post, here are the rest of my reviews for this season’s anime I completed (also threw in the final three episodes of OreImo since I haven’t discussed them yet)…

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Summer ’13 reviews part 1: Watamote, Kami nomi III, Blood Lad, Kiniro Mosaic

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The way the one-cour summer ’13 anime and two-cour spring ’13 anime ended/are ending this season, I’ll be able to review all the ones I completed in this post and my post for next week. There’s lots of anime to talk about so let’s get started!…

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A concise guide to Weiss Schwarz

Due to lack of time and brainpower for editorial blogging this week, I’m going to post about something I’m always looking to promote – the anime crossover card game I’ve been into for roughly the past year: Weiss Schwarz…

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When is an anime “too old” for us

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For roughly the past decade we’ve been able to watch the same anime at about the same time as fans in Japan, at first only illegally through fansubs, but in recent years, many legal options became available such as official simulcast streaming sites. Now, through legal and illegal means, we have easy access to pretty much every anime ever made, new and old. Despite this, the majority of fans I know, myself included, prefer to watch only new anime – anime that’s currently airing right now in Japan – and might pick up an old series only once in a while. But by “old” series they usually mean a series that aired within the past few years or even months, not something that aired decades ago or even just 10-15 years ago. So when does an anime become “too old” for us?…

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The gods and demons of anime

Having Japanese literature as one of my major fields of study in college, there’s a trope I discovered during my studies that’s always fascinated me. Actually, reading a lot of Japanese literature made me aware of it, but anime and manga is where I see tons of examples of it. It’s when an anime has a character that is some kind of immortal being, whether a god, a devil, an angel, etc., but they’re presented as more or less…human.

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The beginning of the end for Haruhi

I was originally going to write this post a couple of months from now (for a reason I’ll explain later) but with the recent news that the Haruhi manga series will be ending on its next chapter, I decided that now would be just as good a time…

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Examining anime criticism

As I strive to be an open-minded anime fan, I’m reminded time and time again that many things simply boil down to personal taste; that no matter how much I think a certain anime is great or another one is terrible, there will always be fans who feel completely different from me and have their own valid reasons for it. Inspired by posts from a couple of other bloggers, I felt like examining the concept of criticism within anime fandom specifically…

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Pokemon X and Y thoughts and speculations

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Last night after work I reserved my copy of Pokemon X at my local GameStop (got a free poster with it too, which you can see after the jump). It made me realize that Pokemon X and Y are just about 2 months away from their October 12th release date. That may sound like a long time, but much has already been revealed about these games that has the fandom both hyped and apprehensive. Three years ago when Pokemon Black and White were coming out, I wrote a couple of pre-release speculation posts about them. So I figured now is a good time to do the same for what’s been revealed about Pokemon X and Y thus far…

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