Why are characters in Japanese and American children’s cartoons so different?

In addition to watching niche anime marketed towards fans, I also enjoy a number of children/family series that are marketed for the general Japanese public, from the massive, long-running hits like One Piece, Pokemon, and Naruto, to shorter and newer shows like Tegami Bachi and Kobato. Since I started watching kids anime over a decade ago, it never ceases to amaze me how vastly different the characters are compared to American cartoons…

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12 moments of anime 2009: #3 Completing the Enies Lobby arc of One Piece

Continuing with my 12 moments of anime for 2009 (in order of significance to me personally), here’s #3:

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End of year updates and site news

Today I finally did an update on the main AnimeYume.com site, mostly new mp3s, which you can find links to below…

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Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 6

Chapter 6 of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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Teaching an anime enrichment class: first session complete

Back in September, I got hired as an after school enrichment teacher for the local YMCA, with my topics being Japanese and anime. Each week I go to a few different elementary schools in the area and give lessons to the kids. Last week I finished my first eight week session of the enrichment…

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Rebelling against corrupt authority in One Piece

As I’m making my way through the concluding episodes of the Enies Lobby arc of One Piece, I’m continually intrigued by the series’ reoccurring theme of “rebelling against authority,” particularly how the heroes of the show are pirates, and the villains are often the Marines or other authoritative figures…

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Anime import calendar scans

I’ve been collecting original Japanese anime calendars for a few years now, either buying them myself or downloading the scans online. I’m just a big sucker for large, original, and gorgeous images of official anime artwork! XD As of today, I have over 150 calendar scans on my computer from 11 different anime (and I always add a few more each year). Since I started collecting the import anime calendars, I created a page on the main Anime Yume site to post them. As the years went by however, that page fell into a bit of a disarray but I finally took the time today to organize the calendar scans and to also share them here on the blog…

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One Piece openings 5 & 6 full translations

The fifth and sixth opening songs for One Piece were the first anime songs I translated myself ^^ I love pretty much all the One Piece songs, especially the openings, so that’s what motivated me to put my Japanese skills to work and translate them. After that, they were sitting idly on my computer for a while, but now that I have my own blog site, I figured why not post them here, along with other anime/j-pop songs I decide to translate. So here they are =) I plan to translate more of my favorite anime songs in the future, so keep a lookout!

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