Making a list of favorite anime openings

I’ve made a lot of anime favorites lists over the years, but I was recently reminded that I have yet to make a list of favorite openings, a list that many bloggers have already done. Although there’s a reason for why I’ve been avoiding such a list, I finally managed to come up with a top 10…

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My 5 favorite anime of 2010

Before I get to the main content of this post, I just want to apologize for the recent lack of blogging. I’ve been very ill this past week and haven’t been able to do much of anything except lie in bed in a fevered stupor. Currently I’m on the road to recovery but I’m still pretty weak. However, I wanted to keep up my New Year’s tradition of picking my five favorite anime from the passing year…

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My top 10 favorite anime songs

After writing editorial/analytical posts the past few weeks, I figured it’s time to take a break and return to good ‘ol fan-gushing posts. I haven’t done a list of favorites in a while, so here’s one that I’ve always wanted to do – my top 10 favorite anime songs…

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How does one love an anime character?

We all have our reasons for why we love certain anime more than others. But what about that very important component that often determines whether we’ll even like an anime or not – the characters. Just as we have our specific tastes when it comes to our favorite anime, we all have our character preferences. But how exactly do we describe the love we feel for certain characters?…

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Dividing your favorite anime and characters into tiers

In previous posts over the past year, I’ve assembled lists of my favorite anime titles and characters, discussed the differences between how likable they are versus how good they are, whether to adore or to analyze anime, and many other aspects of the fandom. Today I’m going to do something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while – organize my favorites into “tiers”…

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Who are your “redeemed” anime characters?

Good character development is one element we love to see in anime. If done well, it can take a seemingly unlikable or uninteresting character and pleasantly surprise us by turning them into something special. Today I decided to think back on some of my favorite “redeemed” characters – characters I wasn’t thrilled with at first only to be utterly amazed by them once their character development kicked in…

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Anime worlds I would like to visit

A couple of weeks ago, Caraniel came up with a great idea for a post that entails thinking about which of the various anime worlds you would like to visit. I thought it would be a fun thing to try, so like Caraniel, I came up with a list of five worlds in anime I would enjoy spending time in…

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My most favorite non-Japanese comic

Back in January I wrote a post about my most favorite non-Japanese cartoon. Today I’m following up with that idea and writing about my most favorite non-Japanese comic. I’ve always been an avid fan of animated movies and TV shows, but I’ve only read a few non-Japanese comics. I never had that much interest in comic strips, but this one stands out to me in particular…

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My favorite pixiv illustrations

フライヤー by ながれぼし

Anime fan art is not hard to come by. However, exceptional fan art could be if you don’t know where to look. I first heard about the Japanese fan art site, pixiv, in late ’08. It is indeed the number one site to find incredible anime fan art from many different series…

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Favorite anime groups

I’m sure many of us have listed our favorite anime characters at some point. But what about favorite groups instead of individual characters? What I mean is favorite groups of characters in a specific series, as in favorite duos, trios, foursomes, etc,. I don’t think lists of favorite anime groups have been done much before, so I decided to give it a go…

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