Archives for 2009

Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 3

Chapter 3 of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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Aoi Bungaku – Kokoro (thoughts and novel comparison)

Kokoro is one of the most famous Japanese novels by arguably the most influential Japanese author, Natsume Souseki. But with only two episodes with which to adapt a roughly 190 page book, the anime version of Kokoro left out a majority of the novel’s content, and instead offered a new twist on the story’s conflict…

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Happy Thanksgiving from Mainichi Anime Yume

Just wanted to wish all my American visitors a happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful day full of good food and family fun ^_^

“The funny thing about Thanksgiving…is that you spend 12 hours shopping for it and then chopping and cooking and braising and blanching. Then it takes 20 minutes to eat it and everybody sort of sits around in a food coma, and then it takes 4 hours to clean it up.”
– Ted Allen

Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 2

Chapter 2 of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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The first 2-D marriage?

Anyone remember the controversy from a while ago when a petition went out in Japan to legalize 2-D marriage? It was started by a man who wanted to marry Mikuru Asahina, but it didn’t pass. However, a few days ago, another Japanese otaku actually went through with a 2-D marriage, regardless…

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Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 1

Back in early 2005, I wrote a “condensed” autobiography of how I became an anime fan. It detailed all the stages I went through, starting from when I was a little kid watching cartoons, to creating my own anime web site and watching all kinds of series. I recently reread this old work of mine, and I have to say that not only is it outdated, my writing skills back then kind of sucked. Now, almost five years later, after watching much more anime and graduating college, I figured it’s finally time to rewrite my anime autobiography…

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Aoi Bungaku – thoughts on In the Forest, Under the Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom

Unlike the previous No Longer Human and the upcoming Kokoro, I have not read the original novel of Ango Sakaguchi’s In the Forest, Under the Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom (Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita). After the dramatic, psychological-intense No Longer Human, Aoi Bungaku switches to this more horrifying though slightly comedic story…

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More on anime as commercialism or art

This is a followup of my previous post, “Anime – a product of commercialism or art?“…

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Anime – a product of commercialism or art?

As much as anime fans love praising their favorite series for artistic values, many will still acknowledge that anime is, in the end, a commercial product that is precisely tailored to what fans want, and whose main goal is to increase ratings and merchandise sales…

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Kemono no Souja Erin 2010 calendar scans

Scans (and a mini-review) of the 2010 Kemono no Souja Erin calendar that I recently purchased…

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