The beginning of the end for Haruhi

I was originally going to write this post a couple of months from now (for a reason I’ll explain later) but with the recent news that the Haruhi manga series will be ending on its next chapter, I decided that now would be just as good a time…

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Examining anime criticism

As I strive to be an open-minded anime fan, I’m reminded time and time again that many things simply boil down to personal taste; that no matter how much I think a certain anime is great or another one is terrible, there will always be fans who feel completely different from me and have their own valid reasons for it. Inspired by posts from a couple of other bloggers, I felt like examining the concept of criticism within anime fandom specifically…

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Pokemon X and Y thoughts and speculations

Credit to linked pixiv user

Last night after work I reserved my copy of Pokemon X at my local GameStop (got a free poster with it too, which you can see after the jump). It made me realize that Pokemon X and Y are just about 2 months away from their October 12th release date. That may sound like a long time, but much has already been revealed about these games that has the fandom both hyped and apprehensive. Three years ago when Pokemon Black and White were coming out, I wrote a couple of pre-release speculation posts about them. So I figured now is a good time to do the same for what’s been revealed about Pokemon X and Y thus far…

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When to take a break from anime

How many Disney characters can you spot?

In past posts I’ve talked about forms of anime “burnout,” from personal anecdotes about people I’ve known who lost interest in anime over time, to discussing exactly how/why someone would burnout on anime. But today’s topic isn’t so much about losing interest in anime as it is simply taking a break from it, which can be a form of preventing loss of interest in the first place…

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How well do you remember every anime you’ve watched?

Credit to linked pixiv user

Three years ago I wrote a post discussing how, over the years as I’ve watched more and more anime at a given time than I used to in my early years as a fan, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to remember every single one. Recently czai over on the Blacksheep Project wrote a post dealing with a similar topic about how she remembers some of the 200 anime she’s watched more than others and why that is. So today I was inspired to revisit this topic of how well we’re able to remember all the anime we’ve ever watched…

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First impressions of the summer ’13 anime I’m watching

It took a while but I’ve finally settled into my summer 2013 anime picks..and it’s seven series, more than I usually pick, especially for summer. But I’m enjoying them all, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be sticking with them the entire way. Here are my thoughts on the first three episodes of each…

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Anime Expo 2013 coverage and photos

I spent this past July 3rd through the 7th at Anime Expo, America’s largest anime convention and the highlight of every summer for me since I started going in 2005. This year I stayed longer than before – for the full five days – and it was also the first AX where I had Internet access throughout my stay, as well as my first time going as a press pass holder instead of a regular attendee. All this presented new experiences for me that made this year’s con quite exciting. There were some bumps along the way which I’ll mention in my coverage, but for the most part it was a great AX. So yes, onto my coverage and photos…

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Belated spring ’13 anime reviews – Gargantia, Karneval, OreImo 2, Hataraku-Maou-sama! (plus Little Witch Academia)

Hey all, sorry for the brief hiatus, but the Anime Expo excitement is over and I’m now ready to resume regular blogging =) To get myself caught up, I first want to post my reviews of the recently finished spring anime I was watching: Suisei no Gargantia, Karneval, OreImo 2, Hataraku Maou-sama!, and I also threw in Little Witch Academia since I watched that within the past few weeks as well. I know these shows are old news now since everyone has moved on to the new summer ’13 anime, but I still wanted to write up my thoughts about them XD…

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Plans for Anime Expo 2013 (and brief hiatus)

For those of you who have been following my site for a while, you know that Anime Expo is the big anime convention I attend each year. I’ve been going every year since 2005…well, minus 2006 and 2009 because I was in Japan =P So this year will be my seventh Anime Expo. However, a couple of things will make this year different. First, this will be the first time I’ll be staying the full five days, arriving on Day 0, July 3rd, and not leaving until the end of Day 4, July 7th. And secondly, this will be the first time I’ll have Internet access while I’m there, which means I’ll be able to live-tweet things I see and do via Twitter. But as a result of my staying the full five days and my current work schedule (and I won’t be blogging while I’m at the con), I’ll have to have a brief hiatus since I won’t be able to blog again for at least a week and a half from now. But don’t worry, you can look forward to my full coverage of the con, as well as my reviews of the anime that are finishing this season, in the weeks after. My planned schedule for AX and more info after the jump…

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Watching anime alone vs watching it with others

The most common way the anime fans I know watch anime, myself included, is by themselves. But there are certain occasions where fans watch anime in groups, whether with just one or a few other people at a weekend get-together with friends or family, or with tons of other people at a big gathering like a convention or an anime club. Though I usually watch anime by myself, I’ve of course watched it with others many times over the years as well, and it’s interesting to think about how the viewing experience is different for each…

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