Archives for 2007

Anime & fansubs mentioned in my college text book

I don’t know if this has become a common thing or not, but this is the first time I’ve seen anime mentioned in one of my school books…

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Inuyasha ch. 490 review

*image courtesy of Freelance-Manga*
Volume 50, chapter 490 “Tenseiga no Himitsu”(Tenseiga’s Secret)

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The deterioration of American animation(another reason why anime is great)

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I’ve been very upset about the direction American animated movies and TV shows have been headed in recent years. Just so you know where I’m coming from, I’m not just an anime fan but also a fan of animation in general, though anime is my favorite form of the medium. I grew up with Disney movies and loved them dearly, as well as the other old cartoons I used to watch. I’ve always preferred animation over live-action even as I grew older, then I discovered anime, which is obviously the most diverse form of animation there is. But for the many years that I’ve been an anime fan, I couldn’t help but notice how the quality of American animation has decreased since my childhood days. By “quality” I don’t mean the actual picture/sound quality, but the quality of the stories. It’s something that’s been on my mind for a long time, so I’m finally going to take the time to make all my thoughts about it heard. This post is mostly about why I feel American animation(emphasis on Disney) has declined so much in recent years, and also how it compares to anime and why I feel anime is more superior.

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Inuyasha ch. 489 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 50, chapter 489 Completed Meidou

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Major media update!

I’m finally free of work and school today, so I did a huge media update on the main site, There’s lots of new opening/ending video clips and mp3s, and I’ve also decided to experiment with having both kinds of media files posted at the same time, rather than rotating them each month as I’ve been doing. Hopefully it won’t have too much of a strain on my bandwidth and I’ll be able to have all the media files available all the time ^_^ LOL, I’m too lazy to post links here on the blog of all the new files that were added, so just check the main site to get them all =)

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Inuyasha ch. 488 review

*image courtesy of Freelance-Manga*
Volume 49, chapter 488 “Kotae”(Answer)

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Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch first impressions

I didn’t think I’d be able to cram this series into the very limited amount of free time I have between work, school, and keeping up with the other anime I’m watching. But everyone says it’s good so I decided to check it out(and I now officially have no more room for any new series’ until I finish one I’m currently watching, LOL.) Luckily only 11 fansubbed episodes have been released so far, so I’m not too far behind(I just finished watching episode 6.) To tell the truth, I’m not that thrilled with the series so far. But it has been getting progressively better since the first couple of episodes, so I’m willing to give it a chance…

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My Japan videos, anime awards(and other stuff)

Compare this to a New York subway, ne?
Well, I finally got around to making a YouTube account and posting the videos I took when I was in Japan last summer…

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Happy New Year, from MAY! ^_^

Happy New Year everyone! ^_^ Just a few things I’d like to say…

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