Major media update!

I’m finally free of work and school today, so I did a huge media update on the main site, There’s lots of new opening/ending video clips and mp3s, and I’ve also decided to experiment with having both kinds of media files posted at the same time, rather than rotating them each month as I’ve been doing. Hopefully it won’t have too much of a strain on my bandwidth and I’ll be able to have all the media files available all the time ^_^ LOL, I’m too lazy to post links here on the blog of all the new files that were added, so just check the main site to get them all =)

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done an update this big on AnimeYume. As you probably know, I’ve mostly been doing posts here on the blog, saving major site work only for when I have a lot of free time(which is not very often =P) Doing the update today made me kind of nostalgic for the old kinds of info/media updates and other work I used to do on Don’t get me wrong, I love writing posts here on MAY, but I just wish I had enough time to work on both sites equally. What I would really like to do is add new anime sections to AnimeYume. There are so many new series’ I’ve watched in the past few months that I really want to make sections for…I just can’t find the time to do it XP As I’ve said before, work and school assignments eat up about 80% of my time, while the other 20% I use to catch up on the latest anime series’ I’m watching, and to do blog posts. But if there ever comes a time when I have any sort of extended break from both school and work, I’ll just have to sit down and work on all the new anime sections I want to add. Not sure when that day will come, but it will someday. So for now, enjoy the blog posts and occasional site updates I can find the time to provide ^^,,,

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  1. suguru says:

    I like the site–although it’d be kind of cool if there were thumbnails for the picture galleries, instead of having to click on the text to see the full pic. Although these days everyone and their mother probably just gets pictures from danbooru anyway, it’s hard to compete with the sheer volume they have (even if there is a lot of crap to wade through). I’m sure you’ll get a break to work on it more later, my sorry anime blog goes through long droughts of inactivity depending how much work and real life take of my time too…

  2. Yumeka says:

    Yeah, I think thumbnails would be good too, but way back when I started the site in June 2002, I didn’t really know much about html, so I just went with what was easier. Now I think it would be worth it to take the time to make thumbnails for each picture, but I just never got around to changing all the picture galleries. Ah well, as I said before, once I finally get long intervals of free time in my life, that will be another project to work on ^^

    Thanks for commenting by the way. I don’t know what this “danbooru” you’re talking about is though(does that surprise you?) I’ll have to look it up sometime!

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