My niche in anime fandom

One of the main awkward aspects of my personal niche in anime fandom is that, despite being a girl, my true favorites tend to be the “Akiba-kei” anime that have a much greater male following. But before I go further with this thought, I feel a bit of background is necessary…

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Thoughts on anime shipping

Shipping – a part of anime fandom that invites some of the most extreme feelings of passion and dispassion amongst fans. Though I know there are plenty who love anime without caring about shipping, I’m sure most of us do or did have at least one shipping pair we were into. I too have gone through a few favorite ships, though more so in the old days than now…

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Web browser tabs and me

One web browser feature I’ve been using a lot for the past few years is tabs. However, much to my surprise, most of the people I’ve met don’t use them, at least not as much as I do…

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I’m thankful for anime

For my fellow American anime fans, today is Thanksgiving, a day to spend time with family, eat good food, and contemplate all that you’re thankful for…

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Thoughts on dubbed anime

Fruits Basket – one of the best dubs ever

Despite what we may think nowadays, the majority of us got our start with anime through dubs on TV, whether it was shows like Astro Boy and Voltron in the old days, Pokemon and Dragon Ball in the semi-old days, or Cowboy Bebop and Inuyasha in the newer days. Ever since anime began to be recognized as a medium that should be separated from typical cartoons and not necessarily be edited and Americanized, most non-kids anime, especially DVD-only releases, have had dubs that stay faithful to the Japanese script. So what is it about dubbed anime that spawns so much debate?…

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How does one love an anime character?

We all have our reasons for why we love certain anime more than others. But what about that very important component that often determines whether we’ll even like an anime or not – the characters. Just as we have our specific tastes when it comes to our favorite anime, we all have our character preferences. But how exactly do we describe the love we feel for certain characters?…

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The appeal of the anime “short skirt plus long leggings” look

Skirts blowing in the wind is always a nice touch.

Not too long ago, while I was showing my mom a video of May’n and Megumi Nakajima’s Budokan concert, she made an interesting comment about their outfits. She said that she found the combination of a miniskirt plus long boots, tights, stockings, etc., to be an attractive look. This got me thinking about what an expected, and almost overly generic, appearance this style has become for the average anime female character…

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Rating anime

Attaching numbers to our opinions about anime is an easy way to stay organized amongst so many titles. After all, it’s not very plausible for most of us who have watched hundreds of anime titles to write full reviews of every single one, so giving it a number rating on sites like MyAnimeList (MAL) keeps things simple. However, as keikakudoori has recently pointed out, everyone not only has different opinions about the anime they watch, but different ways of rating them. A “10” rating given by one person could mean something different than a “10” rating given by another person. Thus, to remove the vagueness given by a standard number rating system for anime, I wanted to delve further into what my ratings means…

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Distinguishing good anime from likable anime

I apologize for the lack of posts this past week. If you must know the reason, I decided to take a short break from blogging to indulge in playing Pokemon Black =P My review of the game will be posted soon, as well as some belated series reviews and first impressions of fall 2010 anime I decide to watch. Posts should be going back to their regular schedule for now (2-3 per week I would say).


Whenever I think about my favorite anime, or any anime I like actually, I often find myself liking a certain series better than another even though I recognize that the latter is clearly better in many respects than the former. When I post any list of favorite anime, I feel obligated to make a statement such as “These are the anime I enjoyed the most and not necessarily what I think are the best anime.” To give an example, why am I much more into K-ON! (i.e., buying K-ON! products, looking up fan art, etc) than Eden of the East, even though I know that the latter is an overall better show? A post by digitalboy however, helped me figure out this distinction between anime I like and anime I think are good…

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Reasons for liking anime

I came across this post earlier today and it made me realize that I’ve never actually thought about the exact reasons for why I personally like anime. Although anime has been the love of my life for over ten years now, I’ve never put together a comprehensive list of reasons why. So that’s what I’ll be attempting to make here…

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