A series of mini-reflections on OreImou and otakuism

The five episodes of OreImou that have aired so far have given me a number of otaku-related subjects to ponder. This post is a collection of six short essays about specific topics that OreImou has made me reflect on, both in terms of the show itself, as well as my own personal experiences…

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Belated reviews of spring and summer 2010 anime I watched

I finished watching seven seasonal anime over the past two weeks…more than I’ve done in quite a while actually. Since the fall ’10 season is already upon us, and I’ve only reviewed three of the seven shows so far (Ookami-san, Heroman, and Maid-sama!), I decided to finish things off with mini-reviews of the remaining four shows: Occult Academy, K-ON!!, Rainbow, and Seitokai Yakuindomo…

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Kaichou wa Maid-sama! review

My review of Kaichou wa Maid-sama!…

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Heroman review

HEROMAN by ビギナー

This anime series based on a manga by Marvel Comic’s Stan Lee has just come to an end. While it wasn’t as well received among American fans as I’m sure the original creators had hoped, I actually found it pretty good…

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Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi review

One of the more enjoyable, and regrettably shorter, anime titles from the summer season has come to an end…

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Belated, obligatory Black Rock Shooter post

I wasn’t in a hurry to watch Black Rock Shooter, which is why I just watched it a couple of days ago. Saying there was hype for this 52-minute OVA would be an understatement – as soon as it came out, 9 out of 10 blogs on Anime Nano wrote a post about it. So, if you’re still not sick of hearing people’s opinions about it, here are mine…

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Belated Durarara!!, Working!!, and FMA post

I was planning to post sooner about these three shows that I recently completed, but attending and writing about Anime Expo got in the way. So now that that excitement’s over, I feel obligated to write a few words about each of these series…

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Angel Beats!: concluding thoughts and inquiries

もうおやすみ by u

Since I’ve already written a fairly long post examining the appeal of Angel Beats!, on this post I’ll be discussing the opinions and questions I have about the series after completing it…

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Examining the appeal of Angel Beats!

Being one of the most hyped series of the spring ’10 season, Angel Beats! has sparked a lot of discussion, both negative and positive. But in spite of the fact that I can recognize its flaws, why am I enjoying it more than any other currently airing seasonal show I’m watching?…

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Evangelion 2.22 thoughts and impressions

I wasn’t planning on making an Evangelion 2.22 post since everyone has already written reviews/impressions of it and I can’t imagine what more can be said. But…I had a lot to say about it anyway and I just couldn’t keep it to myself XD This post is sort of a review, but it’s mostly my thoughts and impressions after finally watching the movie last night…

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