First impressions of the fall 2010 anime I’m watching

After finishing seven series from the spring/summer ’10 seasons, there weren’t too many fall ’10 anime that immediately grabbed my attention. As of now I’ve settled into five, but I may pick up one or two more…

Tegami Bachi Reverse

Tegami Bachi Reverse is the sequel to Tegami Bachi, a gentler than the average shonen anime that seems to be more focused on the adventure part of the genre rather than the action. I enjoyed the first season, and the first two episodes of Reverse are keeping up the same quality. The last episode of season 1 ended on a huge cliffhanger, and the first episode of season 2 starts right where it left off, without any recap (recap would have been nice actually since it has been quite a few months).

Like the first season, Tegami Bachi Reverse offers the same “light shonen” feel, with themes more along the lines of Mushishi rather than the big-name shonen titles. There’s still action scenes of course, but not as much as there are sentimental, emotional scenes. The main plot of season 1 involved our kind but crybaby protagonist Lag as he learns to become a Tegami Bachi (Letter Bee). The majority of the episodes in the first season focused on introducing the rest of the cast, or were filler-ish stories involving people Lag meets on his various deliveries. As of yet, it’s hard to tell if Reverse will follow the same pattern, but it looks like the new plot involving a “heartless” Gauche will make it more plot-centered. The first two episodes were sweet character development episodes focusing on my favorite, Niche, so I would say the series is off to a good start =)



I decided to check out Bakuman because it’s by the same creators as one of my favorite anime, Death Note. By the first episode alone, I could tell it was going to be good – an interesting, unpredictable plot surrounding the three main characters, introspect about how manga-ka are viewed by society, and slight touches of humor without seeming out of place amongst the drama. Moritaka’s distaste about education and employment in society in episode 1 reminded me of Light’s negative view of the world that’s revealed in episode 1 of Death Note as well. To me at least, it’s satisfying hearing such stark criticism of real world issues in an anime, especially a shonen anime.

Bakuman definitely seems like it will be lighter than Death Note, but like the latter it has an engrossing plot invested in the passion of the characters that’s about brains rather than brawn, potentially fascinating characters, and an eventual outcome that I can’t predict. I look forward to seeing if/how Moritaka and Akito (who remind me of Mikado and Masoumi from Durarara!!…must be the hair color) achieve their goal and what they learn along the way.


Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai

The first episode of this series already had many fans thinking it’s the best of the season, and so far I’d have to agree. At first glance it has a story and characters that look like they could offer only more cliche fan service. But instead, OreImou gives us an extremely realistic, sympathetic portrayal of its sibling protagonists – how one is trying to come to grips with her unusual hobby and how the other is trying to help her. There’s no random fan service and no interrupting hyperbolic comedy, just an honest look into the lives of these characters, as well as an interesting outsider’s look into the hobby of erogames. In addition, it has lovely character and setting designs and the humor is actually quite funny.

Not only do I like the serious, sincere feeling of what could have been another generic fan-pandering show, being a female otaku myself, I can relate very much to Kirino’s dilemma. Certain scenes, specifically in episode 2 where she can’t speak up for the male otaku that her friend mocks, or her awkwardness at the maid cafe meet-up, are prime examples of how good OreImou is at getting the ideas it wants to get across in an intelligent way. My only minor complaint is that I wish Kirino was a little nicer to Kyousuke after all he’s doing for her without asking anything in return, but then again I don’t have any siblings myself, so maybe it’s common for a brother and sister to relate to each other like this? ~_^

I have this fear that OreImou might not be able to keep up the excellent quality it has in the first two episodes, but I hope I’m wrong. Episode 2 introduced a few new interesting characters, as well as yet another good concept of how two otaku can have vastly different tastes but the same level of passion, so I look forward to seeing how it turns out =)


Pokemon Best Wishes!

I wasn’t sure whether to count Pokemon Best Wishes! as a fall ’10 series since it started airing before the others and will probably keep airing for years after the others have finished. But yeah, it’s Pokemon, so if you’re a big fan like me you’ll keep watching each new season, if you’re a semi-fan you may check out a few episodes every now and then, and if you’re not a fan now I doubt you’ll ever decide to watch Best Wishes!. The first two episodes aired together as an hour-long special and they were pretty good as far as Pokemon episodes go. The next few episodes however revert back to the regular formula for Pokemon episodes that we’ve seen for years. But despite the fact that the new Pokemon games that this series is based on, Black and White, seem to be slightly more mature than past games, the Pokemon anime is still as kid-friendly as ever. The games are one thing, but I doubt the international success of Pokemon as a children’s franchise would make Nintendo want to risk creating a more “mature” anime series for its older fans.

I don’t see a point in me reviewing the first few episode of a new Pokemon series, since most fans know by now what they think of Pokemon, so instead here’s some Best Wishes! trivia – Satoshi (Ash) and Team Rocket have new character designs, Takeshi (Brock) has been replaced by the first Isshu gym leader Dent (voiced by Mamoru Miyano), and Iris replaces Hikari (Dawn) as Satoshi’s female traveling companion. This is also the first time since the original series that Satoshi will be traveling with characters who are not playable in the games.


The World God Only Knows

Although the premise of The World God Only Knows is very interesting, and can in some ways be seen as a commentary on otaku in the real world, I see the show itself as a comedy through and through – nothing really serious or dramatic has happened in the first two episodes while the majority of the show is high on gags and humor, with character and plot development being inserted in minimal amounts in between. Keima has the potential to be the Light Yagami of this genre while Elcie has the potential to become a moe favorite. So far the rest of the girls seem rather cliche, but doesn’t that make the real world coincide more with how Keima wants it to be? How Keima views girls in the real world through the lens of his passion for the girls in the 2D world, and how they do sometimes match up, is one of the show’s most interesting aspects. But TWGOK is one of those anime where I’m having trouble saying much more about it until I see the rest of it.

Oh, and it also has a very intriguing opening and a cute ending =)


I may pick up a couple more fall 2010 series (how are Star Driver, Squid Girl, and Otome Youkai Zakuro?) or I may not and instead watch older anime on my “Plan to Watch List.” I’ll see what I feel like =P

And some food for thought, with Bakuman, OreImou, and The World God Only Knows, it looks like this season is focused heavily on anime portrayals of otaku life.

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  1. Liza says:

    Out of the ones you’re watching the only ones I picked up were The World Only God Knows and My little sister can’t be this cute. Bakuman, I read a part of the first manga volume and it didn’t click with me and I haven’t watched Pokemon in years and I really wanted to start up again with Best Wishes but that didn’t end up happening.

    Star Driver…is a very interesting anime. It’s kind of a typical mecha show but kind of not at the same time. It’s definetly not something everyone will like and it will all come down to personal tastes. Personally I found it really funny but I hope the actual plot can keep up with the uniquiness of it. “Galatic Pretty Boy…” That’s all that needs to be said.

    Squid Girl. The best way to describe it would be like Sgt. Frog. A stranger comes and tries to take over the humans but does not do it and crazy stuff happens. Only instead of frogs it’s a squid girl who wants to save the ocean. It’s humerous and quick paced which is good(each episode is broken down into 3 parts). Overall I found it funny.

    Otome Youkai Zakuro has the ability to be awesome…or really bad, depending on where the show leads to. The main girl is a typical tsundere type but the the main guy is unique. He’s a bishonen whose afraid of youkai(minor spoiler but it’s one of those things that drew me into the story). The other characters are average anime characters but the youkai I think are the best part.

    Other than that, I also picked up Psychic Detective Yakumo, Shinkryaku ika Musume, Tamayura, Togainu no Chi, MM! Milky Holmes and Yosuga no Sora(why I want to watch this harem title, I have no idea. >_>)

    And I didn’t notice that but it’s true. A lot do involve otaku life. And with Kuragehime coming out soon, it’ll bring the total up to four.

    • Yumeka says:

      Wow, you’re watching quite a lot from this season (do you always watch this many?) I usually don’t watch more than six or seven per season.

      Thanks for the info about those shows =D

      • Liza says:

        Well it depends on which animes are running. During the summer I only ended up watching four(Shiki, Occult Academy, OOkami-sna and Digimon Xros Wars) because those were the only ones that interested me. Fall season though ended up having a lot more that I enjoy so I’m watching a lot this time around. Lol.

  2. RP says:

    Oh, I’ll have to check out TWGOK. That show completely fell off my radar. I think in my head I was assuming “generic harem”.

    Star Driver is fabulous in a completely flamboyant way. The action is great, but the story and characters aren’t all that interesting so far, but seriously, the fabulosity is blinding.

    I like Squid Girl so far, it’s a cute, quirky comedy that isn’t exactly brilliant, but is definitely above average.

    • Yumeka says:

      TWGOK has some harem elements, but it’s definitely not a “generic” harem from what I’ve seen so far =P The protagonist has already won the hearts of hundreds of 2D girls but he has to now win the hearts of real girls in order to push out evil spirits that reside inside their hearts…yeah, not such a typical storyline XD

      Also, thanks for the info about those shows!

  3. Otome Youkai Zakuro is much funnier than I think anyone could’ve expected it to be (except, y’know, the folks who were reading it), Squid Girl is mildly amusing, and Star Driver takes two episodes to warm up. I honestly wouldn’t break my back to check out Squid Girl, but you should give the other two a try.

  4. Yi says:

    Agreed about OreImo. I find myself sympathizing a lot with her feelings too. It has one of the strongest starts of the season, and I hope that continues.

    • Yumeka says:

      Yes, I’m able to relate a lot to Kirino’s situation even though I’m just an “anime otaku” as opposed to an “eroge/little sister otaku” like her. What also makes the show great is that I don’t just like it because I can relate to the plot, but because I can recognize how well put together it is =)

  5. ~xxx says:

    probably, I’ll start with the ika musume and bakuman.

    Oreimo is not that bad at all.[will try out.]

  6. Shance says:

    Rest assured OreImo *will* deliver the goods properly, and intensely too. But I shouldn’t spoil. That is something you’ll have to find out and ponder for yourself.

    Then again, you might have already read the novels, or the manga…

    • Yumeka says:

      I rarely read novels or manga of a series before I’ve seen the anime, so I don’t know anything about how the rest of OreImou will turn out. Thanks for letting me know that it keeps on delivering ^.^ Looking forward to watching the rest of it even more now.

  7. kluxorious says:

    Now that you mentioned it, this season kinda does focuses more on otaku isn’t it? I wonder why?

    The season, as it turned out, is full of average anime. Only OreImo and PaSwG kinda stand out from the rest because of the issue at hand and the mindfuck it provides (respectively)

    • Yumeka says:

      Maybe all this recent focus on being an otaku in anime is showing some kind of savvy, metaphysical shift in anime storylines, appealing to otaku by providing them with situations they can truly relate to instead of wish-fulfilling stories and characters. Hmm, perhaps I should write a post about this one day…

      The style of Panty & Stocking just isn’t my taste, but I hope you keep enjoying it~

  8. chikorita157 says:

    I agree what you said about OreImouto… since Nogizaka Haruka is a bit of a failure and it has a realistic feeling to it. I still think this is one of the best show in the season so far as long they stick with the theme.

    As for Shinryaku! Ika Musume, it’s a pretty cute and enjoyable show. One thing I noticed while watching this show is that it feels out of place considering that it’s not summer anymore. If you like slice of life comedies, I think you will have an easy time enjoying it as I did.

  9. Myna says:

    I’m only watching Bakuman and kinda keeping up with BW on Serebii. Even though it hurts my soul.

    I liked the first episode of Bakuman so much that I Read 39 chapters in one day! xD I really enjoy this series. It’s the first new manga I picked up in a long time.

    • Yumeka says:

      LOL, I also get like that with certain series I really like. When I got into the Haruhi anime, I read through all nine novel volumes (which take a lot longer to read than manga!) in like, a week. And when I watched Kannagi, I read all the manga (some of it raw) really quickly too. But only a few anime have inspired me enough to do this =P

      Do you know how many chapters Bakuman has as of now? I hope it ends up being as good as Death Note.

  10. OreImo has potential to go one of two ways: it’ll be an interesting combination of how otaku view themselves compared to the rest of society and the familiar bond between brother and sister growing stronger due to a particular theme or the show will go for the brother/sister relationship that will turn it into a negative show for a lot of viewers who hope it won’t go that way. So far it looks to be polarizing between those who view it as the former and those that view it as the latter of those who’ve watched it. The opening song is very catchy in my opinion and the animation design is appealing.

    I think it’s just a coincidence that we have three anime that focus on the “romantic” aspects of otaku/mangaka this season. Typically the process of turning manga/light novels into anime take a while and it just happened to coincide this season.

    As for my suggestion, I’d say go back and catch up on Index I and follow the sequel for the next 22 weeks. The next few arcs that the anime should feature are incredible and show off the whole world of Index/Railgun. It should also set up an ending that will leave you wanting more (and hopefully we’ll get more Railgun too). Since Railgun will very likely get another season, it’ll help to see the original story behind what it’ll focus on next season as well.

    • Yumeka says:

      Interesting points about OreImou. I personally don’t care which angle it decides to focus on as long as it keeps doing it as well as it has in these first two episodes =D

      I am considering starting the first season of Index. If I do, I’m not sure if I’ll finish it in time to watch the second season as it airs, but we’ll see. I tend to remember anime better when I marathon them as opposed to watching one episode a week anyway =P

  11. f0calizer says:

    I’ve read a bit of the Tegami Bachi manga and I’m glad the anime sounds like it’s as interesting as its ink-and-paper counterpart. I might try watching the first season. Besides Iron Man and Ore no Imouto, I’m not following anything in the fall season, although I’m tempted by Bakuman now that I’ve read so many good things about it.

    Coincidentally, I’ve started watching Bamboo Blade (the manga of which I’m reading as well) and there’s a main character in there named…Kirino. What’s more, she’s described as the “older sister” type who’s captain of the kendo club, responsible and enthusiastic, and looks after the other members, and she’s always drawn with a =3 mouth too. So I’m following two Kirinos right now, one onee-san and one imouto, and with very contrasting personalities. Weird.

    • Yumeka says:

      If you’ve read some of Tegami Bachi and like it, I’m sure you’ll like the anime =) Bakuman seems really good so far, but it’s one of those series where you can wait and see how fans feel about it when it’s done airing before you decide to watch it.

      That’s interesting about the two Kirinos. I’ve actually never heard that name before until OreImou.

  12. mccurry says:

    Many thanks for this post, without it I would have completely fogotten about TWGOK, I’ve been looking forward to an anime adaption since I read the manga a while ago.

    I also have to agree with what you’ve said about Bakuman, looks like it will be awesome. Though for some reason it keeps reminding me of Kenji’s struggle to become a manga artist to impress Tenma in School Rumble…

  13. Robert Weizer says:

    I was planning on picking up a load of stuff, but it pretty much turned into me watching Panty and Stocking on Friday/Saturday, Star Driver on Saturday/Sunday, and Kamen Rider OOO on Sunday/Monday.

    • Yumeka says:

      Sounds like the shows you’re watching air around the weekend time. Three out of the five I’m watching (Tegami Bachi, OreImou, and Bakuman) all air on those days as well, giving me these big gaps during the week with no anime to watch (other than my usual ongoing shows like Bleach and Naruto). I should try to use this extra time to catch up on older series.

  14. KyonzumiNagato13 says:

    I have high hopes for Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni… Yeah. Very long name. Anyway, I do. Episode three… Man, I gotta respect the character of Kyouske, having to stand up to his own father in order to protect his own sister. And the ending was truly touching. Anyway, I hope they don’t just end it like a snap. I hope they do it like in the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and To Aru Majutsu no Index where they leave it on a cliffhanger and continue on later according to the light novels.

  15. Toonleap says:

    Nice Reviews and thoughts about this fall season
    The shows I am watching now are Bakuman, The world God only knows and Ore no Imouto…

    It is going to be really hard to blog those for me. Just began blogging Bakuman and seems to be a good series, but I think my favorite so far is “The world God…..” I wonder if the guy is ok, making the girls love him and the next day, They forget…Guess He is used to it after playing so many dating sims…

    I need to write my impressions on TWGOK and Ore Imouto… :)

  16. Odin Force says:

    Thanks for the detail reviews, as always. I have been running around with both works and university’s projects that I don’t even have time to browse through AnimeFreak for the fall 2010 anime. You’re a life saver :)

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