Why watch anime you don’t like?

Most of us drop anime we don’t like after a certain amount of time, whether it be after one, two, or any number of episodes. However, there are some that commit themselves to getting through every anime they decide to watch even if they never grow to like it…

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Buying anime

Since I became an anime fan over a decade ago, I’ve been buying all sorts of anime products ranging from DVDs to artbooks and keychains. However, as I discussed in a previous post about how the US anime industry, and the media world in general, has changed over the years, my ways of buying anime couldn’t help but change as well…

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Ignorance and elitism in anime fandom

When we think of a fellow anime fan as an “elitist,” it usually means that they have some kind of elevated view of how anime – and to a certain extent, its fans – should be, and they deride what doesn’t live up to that view. The most common ideas associated with anime elitists is that they believe the only good anime are the ones that are distinctly creative and intellectually stimulating, or that the only true fans are those that watch anime using strictly legal methods…

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Anime Blog Carnival round-up post

For the final part of the Anime Blog Carnival that I posted earlier this week, here are my concluding thoughts on some things I got out of the project…

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The present and future of the US anime industry

This past Saturday I spent the day at AnimeLA, a small anime convention about an hour’s commute from where I live. One of the panels involved discussing how technology has changed the US anime industry. That, together with the recent news of Bandai’s closing, got me thinking of exactly what the future holds for the US anime industry…

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Anime Blog Carnival: What makes a 10/10 anime?

Today’s post is part of a new project called an “Anime Blog Carnival,” started by du5k. What it consists of is myself and a handful of other bloggers writing a post about the same topic, linking each others’ blogs, and submitting our posts on the same day. The first topic of discussion for the carnival is “What makes a 10/10 anime?”…

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How long should an anime take to “get good”?

I’m sure we’ve all been in the situation where someone recommends an anime for us to watch that we’re not too thrilled with right away, yet they assure us that “it gets good later.” But how late should “later” be before it starts to feel like it’s not worth our time?…

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Finding the appeal (and plot) of plot-less anime

The argument that’s often made against anime classified as slice-of-life and iyashi-kei is that “nothing happens.” In other words, the shows are plot-less, which to some makes them boring and stupid. As someone who enjoys these kinds of anime as much as anime in any other genre, I’m going to examine why this is so…

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2-D love

On the very extreme end of anime fandom lies the otaku who develop romantic feelings for certain anime characters, to the point of actually desiring a 2-D relationship over a real, 3-D one. This topic of major moe, mai waifus, and dakimakuras is nothing new to otaku culture, but it’s certainly among the most controversial. Bitmap over on The Untold Story of Altair and Vega recently wrote a post about the very subject, which sparked some thoughts for me…

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Anime endings

How anime series end is one aspect of the medium where I hear more negativity from fans. I’ve even heard people say that they’d like anime better if it weren’t for how unsatisfying anime endings tend to be. Since most anime series have episodes that follow a continuing story, often full of different subplots amongst the main plot, it can be tricky tying up all the loose ends in a restricted number of episodes, and impossible to do so in a way that will please every viewer. So what is it about anime endings that divide fans so?…

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