Filler post – the anime pregnancy meme

Since midterms have been going on this week and will continue to next week, I haven’t had much time for blogging. Plus I’ve been working on that Halloween post I keep talking about so I can make sure to get it up on the actual day of Halloween. But I didn’t want to go that long without some new content, so today I’m just gonna do a quick and easy post: sharing all the hilarious variations of the anime pregnancy meme I’ve found…

For those who don’t know, this meme sprang up about a week ago and was all over my Twitter and Facebook feeds. It involves a Photoshopped picture of an anime character (usually female but not always) holding a positive pregnancy test. It’s a silly idea, but as usual with these kinds of memes, what makes them so funny is how fans go all out and make tons of ridiculous variations XD Here are some of my favorites:


Hope you guys enjoyed these. I’ll be back on Halloween!

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  1. kgods says:

    There’s a great Miku Hatsune one floating around, where she looks very satisfied. Out of the ones that you posted, I really like the worried/panicked Yuki and yandere. These memes never cease to amuse me with their popularity and creative impulse.

    • Yumeka says:

      I haven’t seen a Miku one actually…but I’m sure it’s funny XD Glad you enjoyed them~ Yeah, it’s cool how fans can get so creative with something as silly as this.

  2. Marina says:

    When I first noticed this meme on my Twitter feed, I was horrified. I’m still bothered a bit by it, but I have to admit I laughed a bit with your final Gilgamesh image :)

    • Yumeka says:

      I can see how one could find it a little offensive, but I wouldn’t take it that seriously…it’s just anime fans having fun and being their weird selves; I don’t think anyone who made these is trying to advocate anything negative ;) But yeah, the Gilgamesh one is great XD

  3. Rioraku says:

    I saw that Pokemon one on your Twitter and though it was hilariously (in)appropriate. This is even better than that “special feeling” meme from sometime back.

    If I had the skill and know how, I’d make a few that I think would be quite amusing…

    • Yumeka says:

      I like how all the girls are happy about it except for Iris and May XD

      The special feeling meme is pretty funny too; maybe I’ll do a post on that the next time I need another filler.

  4. So who got Levi pregnant? XD

  5. Tara says:

    I love these xp There are so many good ones. The Frozen one in particular killed me haha

  6. Kal says:

    Haha, had not seem those, pretty funny. That Free! one is pretty funny, facepalm and all.

    • Yumeka says:

      Heh, I found a few Free! ones actually (one with crying Nagisa from the last episode, one with Rin holding it and Haru looking shocked, and one with all the boys from Rin’s swim team holding it XD) In the end I decided to go with that Nagisa and Rei one.

  7. jimmy says:

    Oh man, this post just kept going. My favourites were the Pokémon one, because of how well each character’s reaction fit them, and because of the idea of SatAshi knocking up all his travel companions (well, the males and Eureka/Bonnie aside), and Gil at the end.

  8. ojisan says:

    Nice! and at least one of them’s for reals, in-story…your Taiga from Toradora (pretty sure that’s her) ends up happily pregnant at game-version end.
    And Horo looks so happy too!

    • Yumeka says:

      I didn’t know that about Taiga actually XD (and you mean “light novel-version end,” right? Toradora is based on a light novel after all…unless there’s some game version I don’t know about 0_o)

  9. Shikkun says:

    These have been destroying my newsfeed as well, I find them to be pretty hilarious though. I think my favorite is the Gundam 00 one, I always get a good chuckle out of it, it’s like “how does that even work!?” XD

  10. Overlord-G says:

    The umbrella meme I got its appeal. It was amusing but this pregnancy meme made me scratch my head and ask “what’s so funny about this meme?”. I’m just glad it faded into obscurity as quickly as it went viral.

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