Do you watch anime for the story or the characters (or both)?

The idea that, in order for people to like an anime, it has to have a good story AND good characters, sounds plausible. However, that’s not the case for many fans – often times, they’ll like one of the two aspects in a series and not so much the other. For me, there are many anime I like for both the story and the characters, but there are also just as many I like for only one of the two…

I think the best way to illustrate my point is to use examples of each. Again, these are only my own personal feelings towards these series and yours may certainly differ.

Story > Characters

My idea of “liking an anime for the story” is that, even if you don’t get attached to the characters or they don’t stand out to you, the themes, creativity, excitement, etc., of the story/plot appeals to you. Or, another reason is simply how the show is written as far as dialogue and pacing of events. You could enjoy watching the interactions and dialogue of the characters without being that attached to them.

Some of my examples…

Fullmetal Alchemist: Though it may be the opposite for other fans, I watch FMA mostly for the story. I like the characters, but I’m not particularly attached to any of them, especially compared to the way many hardcore fans of the series are. However, I love the premise and story. I watch it because I enjoy the action, emotions, drama, and interesting plot, while the characters alone are secondary.

Mushishi: A very simple example, with only one reoccurring character, you either like Ginko or not. I’m neutral towards him…but the brilliant and beautiful episodic stories of Mushishi are what keep me engrossed.

Death Note: I was never into any of the Death Note characters – I’m far from an L and/or Light fangirl. But boy is the story/plot of that show amazing.

(some) mecha series: For most of the relatively few mecha series I’ve seen – Gundam Seed and 00, Macross Frontier, Code Geass, and Gurren Lagann for example – I didn’t get into the characters too much. The other qualities of these shows however, like the unbelievable action in Gurren Lagann, the suspenseful plot twists in Code Geass, and the pretty animation and music in Macross Frontier, are why I like them.

(some) shojo series: For some shojo series, Nana, Fruits Basket, and Kimi ni Todoke for example, I really enjoy watching the interactions of the characters and how the story involving their relationships unfolds. But I don’t watch for the characters themselves…if that makes sense.

Story < Characters

My idea of “liking an anime for the characters” is that, even if the story/plot is uninteresting, unoriginal, or virtually non-existent, you continue to watch the show because you love one or more of the characters. Or, even if you like the story/plot, the main reason you’re into the show is because of the characters.

Some of my examples…

Pokemon: Most of us, even those who are still Pokemon fans themselves, know that the majority of the episodes in this show are unoriginal and full of flaws. But the reason I keep watching it is because I’m a fan of the franchise and I love seeing the anime versions of the pokemon.

(most) slice-of-life series: It’s pretty obvious that anime like Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, K-ON!, or even Hayate no Gotoku!, don’t have much to offer story/plot-wise. They’re all about watching the characters in simple scenarios doing things in funny/cute ways. So unless you like the characters, you won’t like these shows. I suppose you could like them for the humor rather than the characters, but for me, it’s more the characters.

One Piece, Inuyasha: I know the plot in Inuyasha is drawn-out and has its share of flaws, but I love the characters so much it doesn’t matter. One Piece has a much more organized plot, but the main reason I keep watching it is because I love the characters. For both of these shows, just watching the characters interact and do what they do is enjoyable enough.

Kannagi, Shakugan no Shana: I recognize that both of these series have pretty unoriginal plots. But I love something about the characters, the way they interact or how their developed, and that’s what keeps me coming back.

Story = Characters

And lastly, there are many anime where I like the story and characters about the same…

Evangelion: I know there are many fans who like, or at least respect, the immortal story of Evangelion, but dislike the chaotic characters. I personally find the characters amazing, as messed up as they are, and the story equally so.

Bleach, Naruto: As a whole, I don’t really like the Bleach characters. But there are a few I like enough to put up with the ones I don’t. And I also like the show’s action and I’m interested in seeing how the series will end, so that also keeps me watching. I like the well-developed characters in Naruto, as well as the action and plot developments, pretty equally.

Wolf’s Rain, Noir: Two of my favorite series have unique plots and fascinating stories which lead to thought-provoking endings. Most fans probably like the stories more for these two, but I like the characters as well.


I’ve noticed that fans who are thought of as “elitists” tend to lean more towards “Story > Characters,” praising anime with mature themes, creative plots, and serious storytelling, while condemning fan-pandering anime like K-ON!, whose main appeal is going moe for certain characters. I personally believe that anime is meant to be enjoyed for whatever reason – whether you watch it because you like the intellectual stimulation of Mushishi’s story or because you have moe feelings for the Lucky Star characters, your reasons for liking anime shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. Whether it’s the story, characters, or both, just enjoy the anime you watch ;)

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  1. I think your last sentence sums up what anime should be about: enjoyment. If you enjoy a show, that’s been a worthwhile adventure. If you despise a show, then it’s not worth your time to go on ranting about it.

    I agree that there’s been a ton of backlash the past couple of years about shows that focus on characters rather than stories, like K-On!(!) and Lucky Star. I think the backlash wouldn’t be as big if it wasn’t for Kyoto Animation moving towards more of those shows than their past works like Kanon and Clannad (not having watched those shows, my statement may be horribly wrong).

    As for me, I think I can enjoy a show for either way. Just like with K-On last year, 2008 in tokusatsu (and yes I’m pulling out another reference) was marked by Engine Sentai Go-Onger, a parody show that focused on the sentai members and their partner Enjins. It was mocked tremendously, but I greatly enjoyed the humor and the characters. It was very enjoyable, but it’s got one of the worst reputations among fans. Then last year the sentai series took an overarching plot with samurai and I enjoyed it just as much for the story. I’m not a fan of this year’s series, so I’m kinda sitting it out without saying anything horrible about it. It’s just not enjoyable for me.

    I think the biggest point to remember is that we’re all fans of something. We wouldn’t like our favorite shows being mocked for no good reason, so let’s try not to mock any other show.

  2. lelangir says:

    i like it for the caek.

  3. Markushi says:

    I like both, story and characters. Usually I like anime that has a good combination story-characters, but in some cases, like Hayate No Gotoku or Lucky Star, I like characters more than the story.

  4. kluxorious says:

    It depends on the anime I guess. Just like you I have anime that I watched because of the story, like TTGL after ****** died. Others like Bleach, I watch because of the characters.

    I usually find myself attached to the characters after only the first episode and they are usually the reason I stick with the anime.

  5. meta` says:

    I used to watch anime for the story way back when I started watching anime, but nowadays I think I got infected with the whole moe thing and now I watch for the characters/seiyuu. Watching for the characters is the only reason I would watch a show like Koihime Musou.

  6. Topspin says:

    A good blend of both is necessary for me to feel like I’m not wasting my time. I don’t expect marvels of storytelling or character, I just want good storytelling and characters that seem “alive” instead of just going through the most basic motions of the plot. Heck, as long as one is done competently and the other isn’t a total write-off, I’m usually ok with it.

    Thing is, neither of these is that hard to pull off, but most shows opt to use scenery porn, gag comedy, and/or fanservice in place of them. Judging a show by those shallow aspects seems kind of pointless and tiring after a while, because I can get those things online with much less effort, so why with another samey anime?

  7. Canne says:

    I think your ‘story’ category is a bit to wide and general. the category includes everything other than characters like action, dialogue, ideas, themes, editing etc. Thus, I find myself lean towards the story > character group. (not that I’m claiming myself to be an elitist, which I am not…or am I?)

  8. Yumeka says:

    @ ultimatemegax

    I guess KyoAni was a big influence for the moe phenomenon – not so much with Haruhi, but afterward with Kanon, Lucky Star, Clannad, and of course K-ON!. For me personally, I like the Visual Arts/Key series more for their beautiful and touching stories, since I recognize that most of the characters are typical moe archetypes. But Lucky Star and K-ON! are definitely for the characters since they’re basically plot-less.

    @ kluxorious

    Hmm, I rarely get attached to the characters in the first episode. It usually takes me at least a few episodes to get to know them. But like I stated in my previous post about dropping anime, I’ll almost always stick with a series because I know anime shows take a while to really flesh out the story and characters.

    @ meta

    You know, I was kinda like that too. In my early years of anime fandom, I thought all anime’s appeal came from great stories and characters together. But it was only in the past few years that I became aware of, and a part of, the infatuation with purely character-driven (and sometimes “moe”) anime.

    @ Topspin

    I also don’t go for anime whose main appeal is a “gimmick” so to speak, like fan service or gags. The only thing I might watch an anime for besides story/plot and characters is maybe fantastic art and/or music. But even so, if the story and/or characters are bad, even the artistic qualities might not save it for me.

    @ Canne

    Yeah, maybe what I mean by “story” does encompass too much. But I wasn’t sure what single word to use that would refer to story, writing, art, etc,. It probably wasn’t the best word to use but I think people get what I mean. Oh, and I don’t think you’re an elitist unless you automatically condemn any anime that contains even a small amount of fan-pandering, fan service, etc,. Preferring story > characters doesn’t necessarily mean that.

  9. kluxorious says:

    First impression is pretty important for me. That’s how :)

  10. Prooof says:

    hmm looking at the anime you list, I think I prefer story over character
    death note and fma are both at the top of my fav series list, though lucky star, haruhi, hayate no gotoku are not far
    for me, clannad (and AS) was definitely great in both characters and story

  11. ANONYMOUS says:

    I would almost have used all the example you gave to say the opposite.
    In Death note I liked L and hated Kira.
    In One peace, I find that all the characters are boring.
    In shoujo series I like to follow the character developpement because the story is slow.

    However I agree with you about slice of life series.

  12. Ooh, someone who doesn’t have an overly critical or dickish view of/doesn’t completely ignore Naruto. I have to not tell people I read it because of the wonderful hate floating around.

    I really can’t express my views on this. I’m in the book that will find something from both groups I like in an anime. Like, with Ippo, I really love Takemura, but I also really love reading/watching Ippo’s training and work to be at the top of BOCKSHINGU. I love One Piece’s characters, but the story just keeps getting better and better.

    I am not a highly critical person in many facets, yet in others I am.

  13. Glo says:

    This is one of the most debated things in anime (at least I feel like it is). I even debate this against myself.

    For me, I would say that almost always, characters are more important than the story. Even if you have a generic plotline, you can still have a good anime with awesome character. But on the other side, you might have a good story, but if you hate all the characters, chances are you’re going to hate the anime too.

    The most equal ratio of anime to story that pops into my head would be Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei. One of the best casts I’ve ever seen. Every character has some unique trait. At the same time the general story (or I guess issues) is something that is both funny and imaginative.

    As a side note, FMA in my opinion would also be equal, with such awesome characters as Riza Hawkeye (one of the most awesome female characters in the history of the world) and Izumi Curtis (also one of the most awesome female characters in the history of the word) are just awesome. Look at the many different kinds of alchemists, the bad guys….they all have awesome/unique aspects. Of course, that’s just me. I love characters with odd/unique traits that make them stand out.

    (This is getting long). At the same time, as show like Bakemonogatari, which is more of a dialogue based anime, needs good characters to be good (I still haven’t finished it. I find it boring).

    You know what, If I continue I’m just going to talk about the characters in every anime ever (like One Piece, which might have one of the best lineups ever). I’m not even really saying much in this rambling comment. The Nuggets are losing, the Red Sox CAN’T SCORE. Everything is lost…….hopefully I advance enough to face you in the Aniblog Tourney (I think I can). I won’t be able to beat you though.

  14. Fabrice says:

    I simply watch it for the story….
    Well actually both, first ill see if there is any character in episode 1 that caught my eye of ineterest then ill probably follow, but that depends if the story plot is interesting.

    First Impression! the key

  15. Yumeka says:

    @ Robert

    Like everything else that’s massively popular, from Pokemon to Evangelion, there will always be just as much hate for Naruto as there is love. I don’t think I would hide the fact that I like it, especially because most people either 1) get their hate second-hand without even knowing much about the series or 2) secretly like it themselves but pretend not to because of peer pressure.

    @ Glo

    You have a good point. Great characters can often save a lacking story while sucky characters can’t save a great story quite as often, at least in my opinion. But in most cases neither the story or characters is that extreme and just because you think an anime has better story than characters or vice versa doesn’t mean the other is necessarily bad. Like in my FMA example, I think the story is fantastic, but I definitely do not think the characters are sucky. My feelings of attachment to them just aren’t as strong as my engrossment in the story.

    And yes, I shall see you in the Aniblog Tourney! I don’t have much confidence I’ll make it very far either but we shall see X)

    @ Fabrice

    Ah, you’re another “first impressions” person. Sometimes I am too, and sometimes I’m not. It just depends. But like I said in my previous post about dropping anime, I’ll usually stick with a series regardless.

  16. Myna says:

    I’m surprised about the fact that you think the FMA characters are secondary. I think the whole series is character driven, and I find many of them quite compelling and interesting. (Edward, Al, Pride, Hoenheim <3)

    I agree about Evangelion, how the characters are so messed up, but that's what's great about them.

    I love the majority of the Bleach cast (Hisagi, Hitusgaya, Rukia yes plz).
    "I like the well-developed characters in Naruto" besides Tenten, just kidding.

    Generally when I watch an anime, if I don't like most of the characters, I don't stick with it, (ie Nijuu mensou no Musume). even if I did like the plot originally

  17. Yi says:

    I love the last paragraph about “elitists” vs. other fans. My sentiments exactlt.

    As for the dichotomy between story and characters, it really depends on the series. I think you’ve listed very good examples of perfectly enjoyable series in each category. I really can’t say I prefer one over the other. Though based on my favorites (Noir, Gunslinger Girl, Haibane Renmei), I think I maybe be in the “story=character” camp with a slight leaning towards story.

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