Haruhi site down on Tanabata: more thoughts on the new season

We once again get teased by clever Internet tricks…

This past Monday, July 7th, which is the Tanabata festival in Japan and an extremely important day in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya series, the official haruhi.tv site went down and was replaced with a 404 error page. The only thing displayed along with the error message was a small video showing dark, fuzzy background images of the school grounds and scrolling text of a dialog between Kyon and Haruhi. The dialog is the conversation that Kyon and Haruhi had when they first met during Tanabata three years ago when Haruhi was in middle school and Kyon had traveled back in time to that day in order to meet her (read Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody if you want to be spoiled more =P) The site was restored the following day (Tuesday, July 8th) but you can still see the July 7th error page and video on Google’s cache. Perhaps this confirms that Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody will also be included in the new Haruhi season thought it’s still not certain. (News source: Ani-Gamers)

I don’t usually do news posts like this on my blog but since I hardly saw any other sites mention this I thought I might as well. I think it’s been about a year now since they first started teasing us about the 2nd season of Haruhi; I believe last July 7th haruhiism.com made the first hinting, then we found out exactly what story the new season would feature this past December 18th when the official site again displayed a tell-tale error page, then we recently got those promotional images in Newtype magazine, and now we have this on Tanabata. I was hoping that December 18 this year would be when the new season actually starts airing, since that’s when The Disappearance takes place, but there’s a good chance they might put it off longer and just keep teasing us XD I’m sure one of the official Haruhi sources will do something on this December 18th, but whether it’s actually showing new episodes or not is still to be seen.

And while we’re on the subject, some more thoughts I had about the new season, it’ll probably have more than just the events in volume 4, The Disappearance. Volume 4 is long but I don’t think it could encompass an entire 13 episode series by itself unless they really stretched it out and added things. If they showed Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody first, which they probably will since it’s so important to The Disappearance, and then another side-story episode at the end, that might work. I’m also curious about something else; after the events of The Disappearance are more or less concluded at the end of volume 4, going in chronological order we get three other episodes (Charmed at First Sight Lover, Snow Mountain Syndrome, and Where Did the Cat Go?) before once again Kyon goes back in time to do the final fix up on what happened in The Disappearance. So I wonder if the 2nd season will include this final bit as well, whether it will include these three in-between episodes, or will we have to wait until a third season to really see the end of The Disappearance.

Oh, and click here if you want to see a cool movie poster that someone made for the new Haruhi series (they call it The Vanishment instead of The Disappearance but I suppose it can be translated either way though “vanishement” isn’t really a word).

Ok, enough of my rambling =) I’m sure all our questions will be answered soon enough.

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  1. Setsukyie says:

    I see..
    I fail for not knowing this, thanks for the info.
    Well, I don’t know about Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody except whatever you have posted here. And I don’t want to be spoiled as well.
    But if it means more Haruhi, I’m all for it. I’m also interested to see how Haruhi looks like during the time she is in middle-school.
    I don’t want the next season to be only 13 episodes. I want more, and it’s okay if KyoAni animates episodes with their own ideas, just don’t screw up.

    With the lack of KyoAni anime recently, there is a high chance that the next season of Haruhi will air on December 18 this year. I can’t wait!

  2. Yumeka says:

    The reason I think the 2nd season will only be 13 episodes is because I don’t think The Disappearance could be stretched any longer than that, and because I have a feeling they want to make the series go on as long as they can and thus it would be best to makes shorter seasons. But you never know, maybe they’ll surprise us with a 26 episodes season =)

  3. Eh, I hate to throw a wrench into this but…
    Word is going around that the idea of a 2nd season has been scrapped, and KyoAnimation is now planning on redoing the entire first season. At the same time, they also plan on adding the matrial they where going to use in the 2nd season, and add it to their S1 remake. The reason for this was because the folks over at KyoAni felt they just couldn’t make the 2nd season the way that the 1st season already is….something like that. If its true, then I think this is nothing more than another money-making sceme. I just wish they can get thier act together. I want more Haruhi dammit!

    (Also, while i’m here, and knowing how your an InuYasha fan and all, word is also going around that now that the manga is done, a new InuYasha anime is in the works, its called InuYasha SP)

  4. Yumeka says:

    Wow, I didn’t hear about all that…I hope they don’t decide to remake the entire first season. But even if they do, maybe it won’t be a total disaster if they try and make it better than the first by adding some of the stories they left out from the novels and keeping things closer to the novels. It’ll still be a drag for veteran Haruhi fans to have to sit through stuff we’ve already seen but there should at least be some new material for us. Yes, making a remake of the first season would bring in a bunch of new fans and thus more money, but there’s nothing much we can do about it besides just wait and see what KyotoAni will really do. I’ll be satisfied as long as I can get some new Haruhi episodes that haven’t been in the anime yet, even if I have to sit through remakes of old ones.

    Oh, and new Inuyasha anime sounds great! Do you have a source verifying that?

  5. I’m not looking forward to a remake myselef, and even though I still have yet to read the novels, I think the anime is fine as it is.

    As for the new InuYasha anime, as I said, its just the word going around. I have yet to see an offcial news source for it. I first heard about it from a friend of mine who read about it from some posts at the myanimelist.net fourms. I found the thread she must had been looking at, but nobody provided links to anything. I hope its true, because I know there is just no way I would be able to sit through and read 50 volumes of manga, but I do have the patience to watch an anime version of it though.

    *curious, does a quick check to see is there really is any offcial news before posting this*
    How about that! A 30-min InuYasha special coming soon, maybe they really do have something planned.

  6. André G says:

    The failed site thing isn’t available anymore. Damn it!

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