Off on a tentative hiatus…

Yes, I’m away but I’ll be back! Read on to find out what and why…

Ever since I started working part-time and going to college, it’s been a bit of a struggle for me to find time to work on my blog and web site, plus keep up with my hobby of watching all the anime I can. Right now I’m starting my first year at a university (and hopefully my last 2 years of any school) and even though I don’t have a job right now, I’m taking a lot of classes, most of which are upper-division level and require a lot more work and dedication than I’m used to. Unfortunately, that anime/manga extension course I was talking about a couple posts ago got canceled due to low enrollment >_< It's disappointing but I'm hoping they'll have it again next quarter or next year. But anyway, it's extremely important for me that I do well in my classes these next two years but I know that means my limited spare time is going to become even smaller. And now that I'm living on my own, I also have to take time to do a lot of weekly/daily house chores that I never had to do back when I was living with my mom. I can see that with all this extra work I'll have, I'll barely find time to watch anime, so finding time to also write good posts on the blog is going to become more of a drag than enjoyable. So I've decided that it's in my best interest right now to put both MAY and the main AnimeYume site on a tentative hiatus. I say "tentative" because I may still be able to write a post or do an update during my short vacations, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer, or maybe even some rare weekends where I'm not too swamped with homework. But as far as things are going now, I honestly don't know when I'll have a chance to do posts or updates again, so I'd rather put my sites on hiatus rather than have people expecting me to work on them when I don't have time. Just to make things clear, even though I temporarily won't be working on my anime sites, my interest in anime has not dwindled at all. In fact, I want to have time to watch all the anime I can among all my school work, so that's another reason why I'm putting my sites on much as I love working on my sites, my ability to watch anime comes first and I just don't have time now for both. But don't worry, both Mainichi Anime Yume and the main site will remain open and I'll continue to answer e-mails, moderate comments, and keep some pages like the About the Blogger page updated so you can still keep track of my current anime interests. And once my busy schedule has calmed down, I promise to return to regular posts and updates. Also, just a few more things to note: About my chapter-by-chapter Inuyasha manga reviews - when I get a chance to come back to these, I'll probably start doing them by volume rather than by individual chapter (hopefully the manga will end by the time I come back!) About my Anime First Impressions and other Reviews - even though I'll still be watching new anime and finishing up old ones, my ability to write reviews of them will have to wait. I love writing anime reviews but they're very time consuming which is why, regrettably, I don't have very many on the blog. I've always wanted to write long, detailed reviews of all the anime I've seen so hopefully one day I'll be able to work on that =) About's 2nd Image Contest - the contest that I started back at the beginning of September is still open! Since I haven't received a sufficient amount of entires yet, I've decided to keep the contest open indefinitely until I do, even it means going past the Oct. 22nd deadline. Also, my good affiliate AniGamers has just launched a revolutionary new system called Project uWrite, where anyone from anywhere can post the latest breaking anime and game news. This makes them the first “open-written” anime and game website ever created so it’s definitely worth checking out ^_^ You can find out more info about this project here.

Well, if you have any more questions about MAY going on hiatus, just let me know. I promise I’ll be back when I can! =D

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  1. IKnight says:

    I can certainly understand why you need to pause this if it’s to concentrate on academic work. Best of luck with all your educational stuff, and I look forward to reading more of your blog when you have the time to post.

  2. Vamptvo says:

    Thanks for mentioning uWrite, Yumeka.

    It’s a shame that the site has to go on hiatus, but I understand the problem you’re having. Good luck with school, and I hope to see you back on MAY soon!

  3. Rishi says:

    Hope you get good grades!!!!! Being in high school, it seems hard for me, but you’ve gotta be swamped as you said. ^_^ I’ll be waiting for you to come back, Yumeka-sama!!!!

  4. Nath-lees says:

    as a uk anime fanatic and a college student, as well as having to retake my maths GCSE as a requierment before i go to university next year i understand where your coming from in regards to time management. i was considerably happy to find a great anime site, now that its semi-closing I’m really disappointed but i will continue to pop in to see how the site is progressing however slowly or far and few between the updates are.

    a faithful anime fanatic as always


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