Inuyasha ch. 503 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 51, chapter 503 Black Blade

I was hoping to do another double review, combing this chapter with the latest one, 504, but since MakiMaki hasn’t gotten their scanlations out yet, I decided not to wait, since I’m falling behind anyway =P Even though there was no new chapter last week, I still can’t seem to catch up. Ah well, at least I can manage to stay only one chapter behind (blame it on school and work, but mostly, if you saw my previous post, my current addiction to Pokemon Diamond ^^)

Anyway, it finally happened, Inuyasha got yet another power-up for Tessaiga and Sesshoumaru has seemingly lost his weapon. Why Inuyasha needs yet another power-up (I believe this is the 8th one since the series started…and he hasn’t even used the Flame Tessaiga yet ~_^) I don’t know, but Sesshoumaru’s casting off Tessaiga might make things to come a bit more interesting, though I hope he doesn’t start getting new power-ups now too (no need for me to repeat myself on how boring the weapon power-up arcs tend to be). Sesshoumaru’s pretty strong without his sword so hopefully he won’t need any…

I did think it was kind of interesting when Sesshoumaru suddenly rushed into the fight when he realized Naraku was controlling Tenseiga and having it attack Inuyasha. Obviously he didn’t want Naraku to interfere with their family/weapon conflict, which is why I’m not very clear as to why Sesshoumaru decided to use the mirror piece on Tenseiga in the first place, knowing it to have a connection to Naraku. My guess is that he wanted to use it to suppress Tessaiga’s youkai power, forcing Inuyasha to fight to his fullest. I was hoping we’d get to see psychotic, rampaging, full-youkai Inuyasha again, but I guess not…maybe next time =P

Anyway, I think this arc will probably end with the next chapter, though I’m not sure what kind of a resolution the whole “Inuyasha and Tessaiga vs Sesshoumaru and Tenseiga” conflict will get. I’m pretty sure Sesshoumaru still won’t be satisfied in the end, but at least some things have changed, like his losing Tenseiga. I’m sure Inuyasha will do something with his new, powered-up Tessaiga and get them out of the Meidou in the next chapter, but I’m not sure what kind of story arc is coming up after this one. Hopefully it will finally be something DIFFERENT! XD

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  1. Rishi-kun says:


    I’ve never been able to say it, but THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE REVIEWS!!! I lost my InuYasha privilges last summer, so you’ve been the only way for me to see what’s happining! Thanks! ^^ I’ve appriciated your site for a long time, lol

  2. Nekozumi says:

    Rishi-kun –
    You need to look around a little more o.o

    Anyway, great review.
    I hope the next arc will be more interesting, since this one was a snoozer. This is turning into Bleach #2. When things are looking down… POWER UP!! RELEASE THE LIMITS!
    Gosh, I hate it when things go like that V_V

  3. dustin says:

    swet! i think the black tetsusaiga is KOOL!!!

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