First impressions of the spring ’14 anime I’m watching

Now that I’ve seen two episodes of all the spring ’14 anime on my watch list (except for Mekaku City Actors, which has only one episode out so far) I figured it’s time to once again write my initial impressions of them…

Mushishi Zoku Shou
Episodes 1-2 so far

Mushishi is the only series this season I was definitely going to watch even before the season started! Like Cowboy Bebop, the original Mushishi is one of those acclaimed anime Western fans tend to consider part of a “higher class” than the typical otaku-aimed series of recent years. I can understand that as it is a very different, avant-garde-ish show that requires a certain degree of investment and almost entrancement to enjoy. Since it is a strictly episodic series with only one main character, you can easily watch one episode of it to tell if it’s something you’d like. It’s not for everyone of course but I personally love the series. It’s one of those works that gives animation a good name and proves that it can be taken just as seriously as any other storytelling medium. The traits and designs of the different mushi, how they affect the lives of the various people Ginko encounters, and how he helps them solve their problems – that’s all Mushishi is about really and how it gets so fascinating and creative with such a simple premise is what makes it so good.

But anyway, after watching the first Mushishi eight years ago (and rewatching some episodes after I bought the DVD set in 2009) I never thought it was the type of series that would get a sequel. But here we are all these years later and it did…not sure why/how that happened but I’m not complaining XD The first episode of this second season was pretty good. The show doesn’t need much of a reintroduction but this episode did kind of give us more background on mushishi, which was a good way to start things off. Episode 2, however, was amazing! The story, the pacing, the directing, the animation – this was the awesomeness of Mushishi that I remember and I was totally blown away. I look forward to seeing if any of the rest of the episodes can top it XD

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Episodes 1-2 so far

“Mahouka” for short, I heard people on Twitter and the blogsphere talking about this one more than many of the others. Since a lot of the series this season sounded potentially interesting and I didn’t know which ones to check out besides Mushishi, I thought I’d give it a try. The first episode grabbed me somewhat. Magic schools aren’t anything new, but this one seemed to have a new twist on it by connecting it to technology, and the main characters introduced thus far seem likable enough. I know some people will be turned off right away by the relationship between our brother and sister protagonists Miyuki and Tatsuya, but I don’t mind it honestly. It’s not like they’re deeply romantically involved or anything…their love for each other appears to be a little deeper than typical siblings is all, at least that’s how I see it. With all the overly tsundere imoutos in anime, a brother and sister being loving and nice to each other is kind of refreshing actually. As long as their feelings are believable and well construed, I don’t care if it appears to be a taboo relationship. But moving on, episode 2 of Mahouka grabbed me even more as I enjoyed learning more about the show’s world and getting to know the characters.

Mahouka is supposed to be a two-cour series and I can tell that more backstory and subplots are going to arise for Miyuki and Tatsuya, as well as the other characters. The show has my interest so far and I look forward to seeing more =D

Captain Earth
Episodes 1-2 so far

After writing about how I usually avoid mecha series, for some reason I just felt like watching one this season and Captain Earth seemed like the perfect choice. I heard that the first episode had a lot of potentially interesting stuff happening but no explanation as to why or how so I went into it expecting that and…that’s what I got. The first episode bombarded me with characters, plots, foreshadowing, and techno jargon without explaining what’s going on and how things are connected. But I can tell it’s the kind of show where we get thrust into the action right away and things will gradually come together as the episodes go by, especially considering that it’s going to be two-cour like Mahouka. With that in mind, I was fine with the first episode. My only silly complaint was that I felt Daichi was a bit too calm when he first got into the mecha. I know he was sort of drawn to it and just had a gut feeling that he had to pilot it, but still, if I was suddenly locked inside a giant robot and hurled into outer space with aliens attacking me, I would at least get a little panicky!

But despite a few things, I’m glad I decided to give Captain Earth the benefit of the doubt and watch episode 2 because I enjoyed it even more! We not only got some explanation as to all the chaos going on in episode 1, but I really liked seeing the other two main characters, Hana and Teppei, and how Daichi starts forming a friendship with them. It looks like there’s going to be interesting backstories for the characters and suspenseful subplots, so if Captain Earth continues to have that and doesn’t spend too much time on meandering politics and technological mumbo-jumbo like many other mecha series, I’m sure I’ll like it ;)

Isshukan Friends
Episodes 1-2 so far

After reading a synopsis of it, I knew this series was going to be one of those feelsy slice-of-life anime that are both beautiful and tragic, like Ano Hana. The basic premise of the story is in the first episode, so what happens at the end isn’t too shocking if you already know what the series is about…but it was still carried out in a lovely way. Plus our two main characters, and even the side characters like Hase’s friend Shogo, are likable and I want to know what happens to them. The conflict of the show is plain and simple so I have to wonder what they’re going to do for 10 more episodes. I guess Hase will keep coming up with different ways for Fujimiya to remember him, like he did with the diary in episode 2. Bringing up this very psychosocial, or maybe even supernatural, affliction – that of a girl who loses memories of her friends at the end of every week – into an otherwise realistic depiction of modern Japan, the big question is WHY: why is this happening to her? It doesn’t seem like her mom knows about it so shouldn’t she tell her so she can be taken to a doctor? It does seem like the type of series that’s more concerned with the HOW (how Hase is going to help her) rather than the WHY, but I do hope by the end that we have at least some idea of why such a strange thing is happening to her. But until then, I’m liking Isshukan Friends a lot too and it’ll be my dose of slice-of-life drama for the week =)

Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Episodes 1-2 so far

I was on the fence about this one for a while but finally decided to watch it because the synopsis sounded very interesting. And I’m glad I did because I loved the first two episodes! I might even say that as of now, it’s my favorite of the spring shows I’m watching =D As to why, again, I think it has a great setup story with a lot of potential. There’s a little drama, a little fantasy, a little comedy, a little action…but none of these moods gets too overpowering. What I mean is that the show has been very consistent with its tone; it’s very “to the point” and doesn’t waste any time on random jokes to break up the tension or sudden fan-service to appease otaku. Actually, there were a lot of moments where I thought they were gonna throw in your typical “accidental pervert” joke and Kuroha would punch Murakami across the room in a hyperbolic comedic way that would shatter the mood…but no, no scenes like that came and the show kept its story flowing perfectly from the beginning. After such a strong first episode I was even more pleasantly surprised that I liked episode 2 even better! There was more character development, more story foreshadowing, and more suspenseful turns. It was one of the few times in recent anime where I didn’t want the episode to end and was dying for more! I’m just gonna keep my fingers crossed that Brynhildr can keep up the quality and won’t get less stellar as the episodes go by.

Mekaku City Actors
Episode 1 so far

I wanted to check out this one since it’s by Shaft and Akiyuki Shinbou, a combination I like ;) It started airing a week after all the others, so only one episode is out as of now. And unfortunately it’s hard to say much about the series based on that. I didn’t particularly like or dislike the first episode, I just thought “Well, we’ll see what happens next.” It of course has potential so I’ll most likely stick to it unless something later on totally turns me off. There were some good things in the first episode though; Shaft’s way with surreal backgrounds and shifts in animation style to convey mood is always fun to watch. I also like the clever ways that Ene travels around the different devices and interacts with Shintarou…I just wish I found her personality less annoying XD I suppose I’ll get used to her in time. The main question at the end of the episode is “Who are these guys that Shintarou was talking to?” and “What’s going on in those visions he keeps having?” Obviously it’ll all be connected in due time and I think I’ll find the show okay at the least. We shall see ;)

Bokura wa Minna ga Kawaisou
Episodes 1-2 so far

The last series of the season I decided to pick up after being on the fence about it. Being a slice-of-life comedy, it didn’t need much in the first episode besides just introducing the characters and the setup, which it did…and I indeed got a few good laughs from it XD Not every joke clicked but most of them did, which is still great. Episode 2, however, had me cracking up all the way through! I really started getting into the characters and their crazy personalities and the wacky ways their humor bounces off each other. But like any good show, the series inserted some nice, pretty moments too, like how happy Mayumi and Ritsu feel with the bubble around them, or when Usa notices the little changes in Ritsu’s demeanor. Another plus for Kawaisou is that it’s refreshing to have a comedy series take place in a house rather than at school, with the characters being different ages rather than all high school students. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a straight-up comedy by Brains Base before, but so far they’re doing a great job with the art in terms of timing their use of on-screen text and shifts in animation style to get the jokes across, as well as the pretty pastel colors to establish the many pleasant, and comedic, moments in the episodes. Good comedy, fun characters, and nice animation – I hope the series continues to keep me laughing XD


In addition to these, I’m also continuing Tonari no Seki-kun (can’t believe I found out it was gonna be two-cour after I reviewed it. Oops =P) and Nisekoi. But yeah, I’m so far very impressed with this season. I honestly think it’s been a long time since I was this enthused with so many shows in the same season. So many good first and second episodes…kinda makes me worried that all or most of them will slowly drop in quality as the weeks go by XD I hope not though!

Now that seasonal reviews and first impressions are all done for now, I’ll resume my usual editorial blogging next week. Hope you’re enjoying whatever spring anime you’ve decided to watch – see ya soon~!

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  1. Brianna says:

    I’m shocked to see you’re not watching “The World is Still Beautiful” and/or “Haikyuu”. From your list, I’m watching Mushishi S2 (of course!), Kawai Complex, and One Week Friends. I’m still on the fence with Gokukoku no Brynhildr, and I only watched the first episode of Captain Earth. I’m also watching Knights of Sidonia and Coffin Princess Chaika.

    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei was a wicked turn off for me the first episode. The brother/sister relationship was creepy on top of it not being a good show and just exceedingly generic (in my opinion). I also really hate the girls’ uniform. I wasn’t really feeling the first episode of Mekaku City Actors. I might watch the second episode just to see where it goes.

    Yay for a new season of anime! Really looking forward to the summer season. It looks EXPLOSIVE.

    • Yumeka says:

      I think I might have read about The World is Beautiful but decided on these other ones in the end. And I usually avoid sports anime even more than mecha so that’s why I passed on Haikyuu.

      I would check out the first episode of Brynhildr if you’re still interested in it. If the first episode doesn’t grab you then the second probably won’t either.

      I can understand your issues with Mahouka. I can sort of see it as generic too but for some reason it’s keeping me invested. It could be one of those series that I’m really into at first and then gradually like less as time goes by. I hope not XD

  2. chikorita157 says:

    While we don’t have any shows in common except for Nisekoi, I admit that I’m enjoying most of what I’m seeing for the Spring and I can’t wait for the next season…

    • Yumeka says:

      Aw, I thought you’d be watching at least one of the three among Mahouka, Isshukan Friends, and Brynhildr. Oh well, we still have Nisekoi in common =P That one still gives me a few good laughs every week.

  3. Looks like you’re watching a lot of shows this season. :) I knew you’d be watching the Mushishi sequel, but Captain Earth seems like kind of a departure for you. XD

    I’m happy with my short list of anime this season, but I was kind of lazy – I just chose from what was on Crunchyroll. I guess I should check Funimation and a few other sites to see if I’m missing anything else I’d like to watch.

    Glad you liked Kawai Complex. =D It’s been a fun show so far, hasn’t it?

    • Yumeka says:

      Yeah, it just happened that I ended up finishing a lot of shows last season – seven counting Space Brothers, so that cleared up room for these seven ;)

      I think you’d like Captain Earth and Brynhildr…but it sounds like you want to keep your list short this time. I keep saying I should do that too but then I end up filling up all my slots again XD

      I was surprised how much I was laughing at ep 2 of Kawai Complex! For some reason it reminded me of Tenchi Muyo! a bit, an old anime I used to love that had a bunch of characters from different backgrounds (not all school-aged) living in the same house and comedy ensues XD

  4. Rioraku says:

    Oh man, I have a lot of new anime I want to watch now! Particularly Mekaku City Actorsif if for no other reason that it’s being done by Shaft as I love their animation in shows especially ef:a Tale of Memories. I also haven’t really had much interest in mecha series but only in recent years. I liked several of the Gundam series from the 80s and 90s and Eureka Seven (if that counts) but no recent ones have really jumped at me.

    I’m just waiting for a good show to get the bad taste of the 2nd season of Chuunibyou out of my mouth. :P So I’m looking forward to these and other shows.

    • Yumeka says:

      If you’re a fan of Shaft then I’m sure you’ll like Mekaku City Actors. And I would totally count Eureka 7 as a mecha series (I love that one too by the way). For me, if a series features at least one giant robot that plays an important part in the story, it’s a mecha series ;)

      Well, whatever anime you decide to watch this spring, I hope you like them~

  5. Shikon says:

    These all look quite interesting! I’m the type of person that likes to marathon-watch series so I usually wait until they’re finished airing. I usually go to your “first impressions” or your overall review on series to figure out what I want to watch next so…I will definitely come back to this post later =)

    • Yumeka says:

      That’s flattering that you consider me a good source to use for deciding what anime to watch each season XD I hope my opinions this season will be helpful to you again~

  6. Stefan says:

    No No Game No Life?

  7. Kal says:

    There are so many shows this season! I’m still sorting through them. There are too many card-based shows, and sport shows this season. Have not even started Mushishi, and trying to watch Golden time from last season… I have to step it up!

    Mahouka and Captain Earth look really interesting so far. I like the mystery they are portraying so far, and look forward to seeing it unravel. Akuma no Riddle also started off something like that, so I will check it out. No game no life is quite quirky, but looks good so far, and also watching Date a Live season 2… I’m really overwhelmed with shows this season, I let too many stack up I guess… But that is something good! Not going to run out of stuff to watch.

    Anyway, looks like this will be another good season, so looking forward to it!

    • Yumeka says:

      Sounds like you’re a bit overwhelmed ^^,,, But no need to rush. Nothing wrong with falling a few episodes behind on stuff. Watching at your own pace is best ;)

      I was almost gonna watch Akuma no Riddle and No Game No Life but eventually decided against them. Let me know how they turn out at the end of the season =D

  8. Cirris says:

    I’m not totally sold on “Mahouka” yet. but I’m giving it a whirl cause it’s already slated 2 season show. I want more episodes in a series. Lately all these shows are 10-12 and done and it’s hard to get into. By the time i get into a story it’s already over.

    This story annoys me due to the weed/flower bullying crap. It annoys the piss out of me. I guess it allows me to enjoy Tatsuya Badass moments more. But just the whole concept of treating people like crap who are weaker than you just annoys me. It’s flat out sanctioned bullying at this school.

    “Gokukoku no Brynhildr” is pretty decent. The show is definitely a softer version of “Elfen Lied”. I think the concept of the escapees being hunted sympathetic enslaved magic users instead of psychotic caged killing machines does give me more of a vested interest in their well being. When the one girl was so easily “ejected” it kind of shocked me at how brutal their treatment must have been.

    “Black Bullet” is really dark. I definitely feel a “Guilty Crown” vibe to it, minus the ridiculous plot twists. The story behind the cursed children doomed existence and mistreatment yet still being humanities’ only real hope of survival is quite riveting. At first, i thought Enju was a silly trope character and her lecherous behavior towards the MC, Rentarou was obnoxious. But after the first episode and the revealing truth behind her being a cursed child and how Rentarou took her in and carded for her i totally changed my opinion. The antagonist is total OP badass with a sinister plan that could ruin humanity. And right now i don’t see how he can be defeated. It keeps we looking forward to what happens next. I didn’t expect much from this show from the start. Now I’m completely hooked.

    “No Game, No Life” is a pretty decent show. It’s about 2 siblings who a both chronic hikikimori that eat,sleep, live, game together. They both have a strong dependence for each other.

    Well, after beating a game with impossible odds. They are given a chance to seek new adventures in a “different world”. The premise is much like “Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?” where the entire world is one big game board and people wager and play games.

    So far it’s been pretty good comedy, only one scene was a put off for me. But they managed to stop it from going too far and forcing me to drop it.

    “Hitsugi no Chaika”Is an adventure story about a pair of saboteur(mercenary) siblings who find and befriend and female gun wizard who is looking to find magical remains of her father who was once king. The wizard girl employs them to protect her and help her on the quest. The world seems interesting and the plot is pretty good. It’s well paced with good dialogue and action sequences. there’s even some good comedic moments thrown in. While it’s not the most original series. But i enjoy the character and the story.

    I’ve noticed this season seems to have a brother sister theme to it. Of all the shows I’m watching, “Mahouka,” “No Game,No Life,” and “Hitsugi no Chaika” all feature close sibling relationships built into the series. “Mahouka” is the only one where there’s actual sexual tension. The other two the siblings relationship is strictly plutonic.

    • Yumeka says:

      That’s an interesting gripe you have about Mahouka – most people can’t get into it because of the seemingly incest relationship going on between Miyuki and Tatsuya. I can understand not enjoying seeing people being bullied, or being mistreated in any way for that matter, but it’s if part of a fictional story I don’t have a problem. And it’s obviously advocating that it’s wrong to treat people like that, which is good. If it wasn’t I would have a problem too XD

      I’ve heard other people point out similarities between Brynhildr and Elfen Lied. I don’t really get that vibe, but then again, it’s been a long time since I watched Elfen Lied.

      You know, I felt the same way when I was reading the synopses of all the new shows – that there’s a lot of close sibling relationships. I don’t mind it, in fact I think it’s a refreshing change, it’s just odd that so many shows in one season have it XD

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