First impressions of the summer ’13 anime I’m watching

It took a while but I’ve finally settled into my summer 2013 anime picks..and it’s seven series, more than I usually pick, especially for summer. But I’m enjoying them all, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be sticking with them the entire way. Here are my thoughts on the first three episodes of each…

Monogatari Second Season

One of two sequels I’m watching this summer. I was never as big on the Bake/Nise/Nekomonogatari series as others are, but I still find it strangely interesting to watch nonetheless. Like I’ve probably said before in other posts, watching the Monogatari series is like watching someone’s stylistic (wet) dream, with the rather unrealistic conversations the characters have, the titillating ways the female characters are portrayed, and the very dream-like background setting designs courtesy of Shaft. This second season is looking to be more of the same so far, though hopefully it won’t make me feel as uncomfortable as many scenes in Nisemonogatari did. It’s kinda hard to tell now since the first two episodes were basically just “Senjougahara and Hanekawa talking,” and the third episode adds the Fire Sisters and Shinobu into the mix. Like Nekomonogatari, there’s a lot of focus on Hanekawa, at least in these beginning episodes, which is fine though I would like to see the other characters get focus too. I think this season is going to be two-cour, so there’s plenty of time left for other characters to have story arcs. If this season is more focused on the characters and plot like Bake was, rather than having all those weird sexual-innuendo scenes that Nise had, I’ll probably like it. All the Monogatari series weird me out somewhat, but hopefully this one won’t be that weird XD

Kiniro Mosaic

I was on the fence about this one for a while, but at some point I wanted to add one more (moe) series to my watch-list and marathoned the first two episodes…and thought it was adorable ^^,,, I always enjoy anime that deal with Japanese culture versus Western culture (like Ikoko Meiro and certain episodes of Hetalia), whether it’s in a cute and humorous way or a serious one. This series is the former, which is fine with me XD It’s definitely not a show for everyone, but if you love “cute girls” anime, it’s one to check out. What stands out about Kiniro Mosaic from similar shows like K-ON or Hidamari Sketch is that a lot of the humor and situations come from the whole “Japan vs England” theme, since Shinobu is a Japanese girl who loves Western culture and Alice is an English girl going to school in Japan (and is it just me or are there waaay too many anime that use the name “Alice” for foreign characters? I think it has something to do with Japan’s love of the Alice in Wonderland story). And once we see more of their friends, Aya and Youko, as well as second main English girl Karen in the third episode, there’s even more cuteness and humor to be had. But seriously though, besides all the cuteness, there was some genuinely good humor in the episodes that had me chuckling. I also liked how the whole first episode just focused on Shinobu’s home stay with Alice, so we really get to know all the moments they shared before moving onto the main high school setting. And it looks like the next episode will focus on Aya, which I like because it shows that the series wants to give the characters development rather than just being total cute fluff. Actually, episode 3’s story about Alice being jealous of Karen was good too. So yeah, Kiniro Mosaic has good things going for it – good humor, a refreshing theme for the “cute girls” genre with having some of the girls from England, and of course, it’s super cute. If you like this type of anime, I think it’ll be a good one =)

Silver Spoon

Due to this series starting a bit late, only two episodes have aired as of my posting this. I wasn’t originally going to watch it, but when the first episode aired and I saw people talking about it, I decided to look it up. And when I read the synopsis and saw it’s by famed Fullmetal Alchemist creator Hiromu Arakawa, I wanted to check it out. For those who don’t know, my other big interest besides anime/animation is animals, particularly animal welfare. So I’m always interested in seeing anime that focus on animals, in this case, animals in an agricultural college. I’m also intrigued by what goes into life on a farm, just as I liked seeing how the manga industry works in Bakuman and how people become astronauts in Space Brothers. So I can imagine Silver Spoon being boring for someone who isn’t interested in agriculture or already knows what farm life is like.

Unlike the very dramatic and often horrifying FMA, Silver Spoon, a.k.a. Gin no Saji, seems to be a much lighter work. So if you go into Silver Spoon looking for the same kind of emotional, epic story as FMA, it seems like you’re gonna be disappointed unless the show takes a sudden dramatic turn later on. But it’s only going to be 11 episodes (why so short?) so I doubt that. Anyway, the cast of characters as a whole are portrayed as fun and comedic, and the majority of these first two episodes are about the humorous situations of Hachiken being totally turned off by farm life. So again, it looks like it’s gonna be a light show, even treating something like decapitating a chicken as part of the humor rather than something truly horrible. Like I said, I’m very interested in animal welfare, including how it’s depicted in media works such as an anime like Silver Spoon. Obviously the first two episodes of Silver Spoon don’t give much sympathy to the animals. But even so, I’m still interested in seeing how the concept is treated until the end. Considering all the big life and death themes in FMA, I can’t imagine Arakaway not bringing a little of her heavy themes into Silver Spoon.


Much has already been said about the buzz Free! caused even before it started airing, so I’m not gonna go into that here. I went into Free! with an open (free!) mind, and after three episodes, I can honestly say that I like it =D Like most KyoAni shows, its main emphasis is the characters and their relationships rather than having a big, grand plot and complex setting. I’m quite liking the characters so far. Nagisa, Makoto, and Gou are very likable (I have to laugh whenever Gou ogles the guys. It’s like the opposite of guys getting nosebleeds at big breasted girls that we’re used to seeing XD), and while I don’t really like the one-track-minded competitive guys, I find Haru and Rin kind of interesting too even though I have trouble relating to that stiff rivalry they have. KyoAni’s impressive animation always makes their series more enjoyable, and they did just that with Free!. Water is a hard thing to depict well with 2D animation, but whatever techniques KyoAni used for it in Free!, it looks very good. I don’t really have much else to say about the show at this point. It’s kind of funny but not very, it’s kind of whimsical and dramatic but not very…it’s just enjoyable if you want to see a nice slice-of-life show with guys as the main characters instead of girls. The characters are likable, and because I like them, I care about seeing what happens in terms of their relationships and the swimming club. Here’s hoping the show will keep making a splash for me XD

Blood Lad

I’m not sure why I decided to watch Blood Lad. I think I just liked the synopsis and wanted to check it out. Three episodes in and I’m finding it amusing. Nothing great, but fun enough to keep me invested. I will say that it’s not what I thought it was though. I was expecting it to be a serious, dramatic shonen series with some humor here and there, like they all have, but mostly the fantasy-laden and angst-driven stuff I’m used to seeing in shonen titles. But like Silver Spoon, Blood Lad is light and much more humor-centric than dramatic. Lots of jokes and gags with surprisingly few serious moments. Even the part in episode 1 where Staz discovers that Fuyumi had been killed was treated very lightly (oh my god, her skull was the funniest/cutest skull I’ve ever seen. I was cracking up XD) Is this bad? Well, it wasn’t what I was expecting, but the show was able to suck me into its world anyway, so it must be doing something right. The characters don’t seem to be the most memorable bunch and the setting of the demon world is kind of vague (it’s just one big mafia?) Chances are we won’t see much, if any, major character or setting development because it’s not that type of show (and only 10 episodes? Why are they getting shorter and shorter?) But for what it is – a light and comedic fantasy adventure with shonen elements – I think it’s doing alright.

The World God Only Knows – Goddess Arc

Also referred to as season 3 of the series, this is the second sequel I’ve picked up for the season. It’s funny because I watched the first and second seasons of TWGOK back when they aired, but somehow missed the four OVA episodes that came out after season 2. So when I watched the first episode of this new season, I was confused about who Tenri was and all the talk about goddesses and Weiss. So I stopped the episode a few minutes in, looked up the episode listing on Wiki, realized I should have watched the OVA episodes, and then went back and watched those before I continued with this new season. And now that I’m all caught up, I’m so far liking this season more than the previous one, and possibly even more than the first =) While the thing with demons and loose souls was the plot of the first two seasons, what I like about this one is that the show’s universe is expanded in an interesting way with the inclusion of the Jupiter Sisters, goddesses, Vintage, etc,. These new fantasy elements, together with the usual antics of dating game-obsessed Keima having to “conquer” real girls in both comedic and dramatic ways, really makes the show feel more complete now. I also like how the new plot with the goddesses and Vintage makes the series a bit darker than it was before – I mean, I was shocked when Apollo/Kanon got stabbed in the first episode. Wasn’t expecting something like that in this kind of show! But despite that, it still has the good humor I liked in the previous seasons. For example, Keima’s back-and-forth writing with Shiori in episode 3 was hilarious XD One thing I would have liked to see though is episodes of how Keima conquered Tsukiyou and Yui, whether in an OVA or in the actual series. Since they’re important characters in this season, their stories should have been part of the OVA. But besides that, the third season of TWGOK is off to a great start =D


The full name of this show, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!, is ridiculously long (never thought AnoHana would find a contender for “longest full title” XD) so everyone is calling it Watamote. It’s certainly a unique series in many ways. First of all, as of three episodes anyway, there’s just one character that gets all the focus, which is the rather pathetic Tomoko. And she’s pretty unique among anime characters in this type of show too. She kinda reminds me of a “dark” version of Konata from Lucky Star, like if Konata had gone overboard with her otaku habits to the point where it made her a psychological mess. And Tomoko is just that – extremely anti-social to the point where she can barely stutter a few words to anyone she doesn’t know, has a lot of resentment and anger towards her more sociable peers, and can only find solace in anime, games, and her other otaku hobbies. The tone of the whole series itself is again unique, because you don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you see Tomoko in these situations. In one way it’s funny because she’s such an emotional wreck and reacts in laughable ways to many situations that wouldn’t affect normal people, but then it’s sad because you can’t help but feel sorry for her and wish she could get help (and seriously, her mom seems to have no idea that her daughter is such an anti-social and inarticulate mess?) To me, Watamote is both a comedy and a tragedy, and both sides are well written, which is where a lot of its appeal comes from. Along with Free! and season 3 of TWGOK, it’s my favorite of the summer shows I’m watching =)


Additionally, I watched the first episode of Stella Jougakuin when I was deciding between watching it or Kiniro Mosaic. But the first episode didn’t do much for me. I couldn’t get excited about the war games, which is obviously the main theme of the show, and nothing about the characters stood out to me at all. But I might pick it up again if I end up hearing great things about it. I was also originally going to watch the new Rozen Maiden series, but decided against that one too because, although I watched the first series, it was years ago, back in 2005, and I barely remember anything about it. I know this new Rozen Maiden series isn’t a sequel or anything, but I feel like if I’m going to watch Rozen Maiden again, it should be the first series again since it’s so faded from my memory. There were a couple more shows I was considering too, like Dog and Scissors and Sunday Without God, but couldn’t squeeze them in.

Anyway, hope you’re all enjoying your summer anime picks too =)

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  1. Justin says:

    Not a bad seven series, but I have no idea how you’ve managed to keep your list to seven series! Summer’s been pretty impressive so far, and I’m keeping up with over 12 shows (though I’ll probably be dropping a few soon).

    As for Rozen Maiden 2013, the first episode is a recap of the first two seasons. Yes, it’s edited a lot, but I was promised this was something brand new despite not watching the first two seasons myself. Guess what? It’s true. And it’s been the best anime of Summer for me. I’m definitely glad I picked it up, and now I must implore you to watch it as well =p

    • Yumeka says:

      LOL, well for me, 7 is a lot of picks for one anime season. I have managed more, but since I started at my current job, my free time has been more limited. Including carry-overs from the season before and the long-running anime I always watch, like Pokemon and Naruto, I’m rarely watching more than 13 shows altogether.

      I’ll definitely consider watching the new Rozen Maiden at some point, whether before or after I watching the original seasons.

  2. Myna says:

    The only one that you’re watching but I”m not is TWGOK. I’ll most likely marathon it once it’s completed. Still a little surprised that you chose to watch Blood Lad and sad you dropped Stella because I’m finding it really adorable and enjoyable.

    Ended up picking up fifteen new shows this season because I hate myself and have no life this summer… Favorite of the season is undoubtedly Symphogear G. Eccentric Family is surprisingly my second favorite thus far. On the other end are Fate/Kaleid and Makai Ouji at the very bottom.

    • Yumeka says:

      If I wasn’t watching as many shows as I am now (which may seem like a small amount to some but is a lot for me) I probably would have stuck with Stella regardless of how I felt about episode 1. But I just didn’t have the motivation to squeeze in the time for it.

      Even though I like the other Fate series, this current one didn’t sound like anything great…and guess I’m not missing out ;)

  3. chikorita157 says:

    As for me, Free is a rather enjoyable and rather interesting show as it has more boys than girls this time around and the water animation is good. Still, it makes me wonder if it will turn into a reverse harem if Kou decides to become interested in one of these guys. But still, the competitive swimming will be interesting.

    In addition, I’m watching Tamayura More Aggressive, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya and Hyperdimension Neptunia.

    • Yumeka says:

      I really don’t feel like there’s going to be any romance in Free! (besides yaoi pairings that fan girls make up XD) I think if Kou was going to fall for any of the guys, we would have seen hints of it by now. There’s always a chance though, but probably not. Anyway, glad you’re enjoying Free! too.

  4. Cytrus says:

    I’m watching four from your picks. Not watching Watamote (the sad was too sad for me in ep. 1, and it was difficult to smile after watching), Blood Lad (didn’t check out) and Silver Spoon (couldn’t care for the protagonist – he’s not a particularly nice guy, and he got himself in the mess by his own choice, so I can’t even feel sorry for him).

    Symphogear G best series of the season so far. The first season was so messed up I still can’t believe a new episode of this is the highlight of my week xD. Other surprises include Love Lab and TWGOK.

    • Yumeka says:

      I can totally understand Watamote being too sad for some people to watch. Like I said in the post, it’s a tragedy as well as a comedy…perhaps tragedy being the dominant theme. And I actually agree with you about Hachiken from Silver Spoon. His apathetic, “feel sorry for me” attitude isn’t something I like in a protagonist. So I’m not watching the show because I like him, but for the reasons I mentioned in the post (the other characters don’t seem so bad though).

      And this new season of TWGOK was a surprise hit for me too ;D

  5. As a small point-of-order note, Silver Spoon is actually a split-cour show, so there’ll be a second half in the Winter. I don’t know if that means it’ll get dramatic later on… but time will tell.

    I’ll also give a small echo to what Justin said above that, actually, your limited memory of Rozen Maiden probably makes you a good candidate to watch the new season because of the way it’s presented and some of the themes explored. But anyway, something for if/when you have time. This season is indeed already pretty busy.

    • Yumeka says:

      Oh okay, I didn’t know that Silver Spoon will be split between two seasons. So this first cour will be 11 episodes and the next will be…11 as well? Or the usual 12/13? But what about Blood Lad? Why is that listed as just a mere 10 episodes?

      I’ll consider what you said about the new Rozen Maiden next time I have a free space in my anime watching schedule ^^,,,

  6. Amy says:

    As mentioned by another commenter, I’m impressed you were able to pare the list down to seven. I think this season is filled with good stuff – maybe nothing wildly outstanding – but a pretty strong crop in general. I’ve got 13 shows I’m following with a few still on the fence – one of those being Stella. I’ll probably be tracking 11-12 shows this season.

    I would say that of the shows you and I are both watching, the big surprise is Kin-iro Mosaic. I honestly didn’t expect the show to be as cute, funny, and endearing as it is.

    • Yumeka says:

      I know you’ve got an even busier work/RL schedule than I do, so I’m impressed you’re able to keep up with so many shows ;D I’m actually following about 13 shows too if you add the carry-overs from last season (Railgun and Attack on Titan) and the long-running ones like Space Brothers and Pokemon.

      I’m glad I didn’t pass on Kiniro Mosaic. It’s all kinds of cuteness :3 And it’s actually pretty funny too.

  7. Artemis says:

    I’m a little sad that there’s so few serious titles this season, because I like to have a good balance of that and lighthearted shows if I can, but there’s still plenty here that I’m enjoying this season as well. I’d be lying through my teeth if I said that I wasn’t enjoying Free – it’s visually quite a stunning series, and as a competitive swimmer myself, I really love how realistically the swimming itself is portrayed. Oh, and the fanservice certainly doesn’t go amiss. ;) That along with Silver Spoon are my two favourites of the summer I think, although I’m also enjoying Kiniro Mosaic, Watamote, and Love Lab. That last title surprised me a lot – from the plot summary, I was expecting generic fanservice and lots of cheap ‘hot schoolgirl lesbian’ type gags, but it’s turned out to be a genuinely funny and sweet series. I guess it just goes to show I shouldn’t judge an anime based solely on its synopsis.

    • Yumeka says:

      Now that I think about it, you’re right that there aren’t a lot of “dark” and serious titles this season. Very few hardcore action/dramatic shows…well, I still have Attack on Titan and Railgun to fill that void for me =P But yeah, would have liked to see more.

      Glad you’re enjoying Free! too and that its portrayal of swimming has your approval =) And actually, Love Lab was another one I was on the fence about for a while. I just couldn’t squeeze it in but good to hear it turned out better than expected for you.

  8. Hogart says:

    No interest in Uchouten Kazoku? It’s interesting to me on a “Japanese family roles” level, so I figured you’d possibly have some interest on it from that “culture” perspective?

    • Yumeka says:

      I was considering that one back when the season just started and before I had decided on most of the others shows I’m watching now. I read good things about it on ANN and elsewhere on Twitter and other blogs. But in the end, these other shows got my attention more so. But going by the praise you and some other commenters here are giving it, I guess I should have picked it after all =P Ah well, maybe another time.

  9. Brianna says:

    I’m watching four from your list: Silver Spoon, Blood Lad, Free, and Watamote. I’m also watching Danganronpa, Love Lab, Kamisama, and Uchouten Kazoku.

    Silver Spoon, Danganronpa, and Uchouten Kazoku are the best so far this season. I might be dropping Watamote and Kamisama. I don’t have any any connection to the main character in Watamote since I can’t relate to her at all. So that kind of turns me off (I’m also not a huge fan of slice of life anime). Kamisama has been contradicting itself since the first episode which is really frustrating and a HUGE turn off.

    Dog and Scissors was terrible. I couldn’t sit through the first episode, so I’d say you were pretty smart not to pick it up. I watched the first episode of Brother’s Conflict, and I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my life. Wow. It made me feel gross watching it.

    Anyway, if you plan on dropping any, I highly suggest watching Uchouten Kazoku. The plot hasn’t really taken off yet, but I’m hoping it will soon. The animation is beautiful, and the cultural aspects are really wonderful.

    • Yumeka says:

      Sorry you’re not liking Watamote, but I can certainly see that it’s not for everyone. Kamisama was another one I was considering, but I wasn’t hearing great things about it so I ended up letting it slide. And Dog and Scissors just sounded bizarre. The only reason I almost watched it was because it was one of the first of the season’s anime to start airing. Glad I decided to pass on it though =P

      Like I said to Hogart above, I’ll consider Uchouten Kazoku for future viewing.

  10. jimmy says:

    Monogatari is more of the same, which is good, and although I’m relatively neutral on Arararagi I am enjoying seeing some of the other characters interact without him. Kiniro Mosaic is wonderful: uplifting, adorable, hilarious – a real quality, lovely series. I love it. I can respect Silver Spoon’s quality, but it’s not a personal favourite. Free! is good, lots of fun. Blood Lad has strong comedy, but I find is only pretty good overrall. Fuyumi’s moe skull was an excellent touch, though. I’m watching TKGOK, but I’m not a huge fan of the series. It’s okay.

    Watamote is as funny as I was expecting (I read the manga) and I love what they’ve done with the visuals. The bold and obvious polygonical blocks of light helps set the filthy but lighthearted tone that keeps Tomoko’s crippling social anxiety hilarious, and the reaction shots are as great as they are in the manga. The OP is excellent, too – it expresses Tomoko. Her voice actress also encapsulates her perfectly, keeping her spiteful and endearing. Silver Link has done a damn solid adaptation.

    The best anime that you’re not watching is Uchouten Kazoku, my pick for top anime along with Watamote. The grasp on story and characters is just excellent, and it’s a fascinating, really well-written show. The visuals are great, too, and there’s a quirkiness and a maturity that I just find captivating.

    Other shows I’m watching comprise everything except Rozen Maiden (I’m six volumes into the manga, and as the current anime is an adaptation of the second manga I’ll pick it up after I read the last two and put myself into a minority of those who never watched Rozen Maiden and yet are following Zerbänskürn̈ or whatever it is), Genshiken (currently watching the first season, intend to pick up the current season when I’m done with it and the second and OVAs) and Kingdom 2 (I didn’t like the first season, so I won’t be watching this).

    “nothing about the characters stood out to me at all. But I might pick it up again if I end up hearing great things about it”
    Yeah? I thought the characters were very well conveyed. Oh, there’s the monologues about how Yura wanted to debut in high school (still, no matter how you look at it, it’s not her fault she’s not popular), but there are also subtler cues I thought established her very well: for example, the girl who asked her for directions and whom she never spoke to never had her face shown on screen. Neither did the girl that girl ended up befriending. (Also, she overheard a conversation between many girls through a closed door. The door itself had focus on it, conveying both Yura’s desire to join in and her feelings of not being able to.) It established regular easy companionship as something Yura felt naturally out of her grasp. It was a similar technique to the maids working for the Sanka family in Sankarea, who were dehumanised by being shown only from the neck down. Another understated visual cue is Yura playing with her hair. It’s no moe quirk: it shows up when she’s embarrassed and shows her inner anxiety quite neatly. That and her war fantasies work spectacularly well to get us inside her head. I couldn’t care less about airsoft, but the way the girls are interested in their hobby is very well done. It’s kind of similar to Girls und Panzer; I have no interest in anything military (although you can’t deny the later tank battles are goddamn spectacular action sequences: excellent direction, music and flawless CG – oh, and I’ll admit I chuckled when Momo replied to Katyusha’s invitation to surrender with “Nuts!”) but the show conveyed the characters’ love of tanks so well I was sucked in. Same with C3-bu, and the stunning music and backgrounds are only the icing on the cake. Dat jazz. Dem battlefields.

    … Anyway, with Uchouten Kazoku and Watamote being at the top and Kiniro Mosaic and C3-bu being just under, I rate Gatchaman Crowds and Free! as worthy of attention and put Brothers Conflict and Neptunia at the bottom of this season’s anime.

    • Yumeka says:

      Yes, Kiniro Mosaic is definitely top-tier for cute, adorable, uplifting anime ^^ Also good to hear from manga readers that the anime version of Watamote is doing it justice.

      Good insight on Stella C3 – the first episode had its good points and I didn’t think it was all bad. It just didn’t grab my interest enough for me to invest more time in it when I was already having trouble catching up with the other new shows I picked.

      And for Uchouten Kazoku, see my reply to Hogart a few comments above ;)

      • jimmy says:

        Hmm… okay… but if Uchouten Kazoku maintains or increases this quality I’m gonna bug you about it in your season retrospective thing :)

        Fair enough on C3, I was just thinking presenting its characters in an interesting way was a strength it did have. Plus I always like writing about that sort of thing.

        • Heihachi Y says:

          I have to also upvote Uchouten Kazoku. One thing that nobody mentioned about the series is the music. That is one amazing soundtrack in addition to the visuals. MUST BUY.

          Gatchaman Crowds is also pretty good. I’ve never seen the original Gatchaman, but the buzz has been that it’s a good remake. Also, the original seiyuu for Washio Ken (Mori Katsuji) is in this one too. :)

  11. Kal says:

    I’m watching a few of those as well, there are quire a bit of series for this season… Silver Spoon is pretty nice so far. Nothing fancy as you said, but good in it’s own way. The main character is pretty funny as well.

    I find Free! to be quite funny! I mean, it really like a regular show, but with guys instead of girls. If you replaced the guys for girls, it would still work fine, and be a good show. And the animation is simply amazing. Good show so far.

    I had the same experience as you with TWGOK. I started watching the first one, and had to stop it and find out what I was missing. I also watched the extra episodes, and now it is a lot better. Liking it so far, and the expansion of the universe is always a good thing.

    Watamote is pretty interesting… And realistic in a weird kind of way… I’m a pretty shy person, and I can somehow empathize with all the troubles and thoughts Tamako has. Ok, not to her extreme of course, but to a certain extent. So this one could be interesting.

    One show I’m watching, that is not on your list is Gen’ei o Kakeru Taiyou – Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni. I would recommend you watch the first one and see if it attracts your attention. I think it was handled well, and present a story with a lot of potential.

    Rozen Maiden, as the other poster said, is actually quite different. Recap, and then the show takes a totally new direction. Interesting so far.

    I thought this season was going to be pretty weak, but it’s actually looking pretty good. Glad I was wrong :)

    • Yumeka says:

      The whole reason Free! made quite a buzz even before it aired was precisely because it was the usual slice-of-life, school club anime, but with guys instead of girls. If it were about a girls swim club, I’m sure people wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it. Since there’s already so many school anime with a female cast, I don’t know why fanboys complained about Free!, the one slice-of-life anime that decided to have guys instead XD

      I’m sure anyone who’s even a little shy and has introverted tendencies can relate to Tomoko =P And LOL, good to know someone else forgot to watch the TWGOK OVAs before this new season.

  12. Haven’t gotten around to Silver Spoon yet, but it’s definitely on my list. Same with Blood Lad (glad to hear it’s rather light instead of heavy – maybe Hataraku Maoh-sama started a trend with the devil being comedic XD).

    I’ve finally seen the first few episodes of Free and I agree it’s nice and enjoyable. I do have some additional thoughts on it that I’ll post soon. =D

    • Yumeka says:

      I’ll take a wild guess and say that you’ll somewhat like Silver Spoon and Blood Lad – these first few episodes at least – but I don’t think you’ll like them that much. You’ll probably give them a 7 or lower rating on MAL to start. I could be wrong though, just guessing XD

      I look forward to reading your thoughts on Free!.

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