Mainichi Anime Yume is now 5 years old

I published my first post on Mainichi Anime Yume on October 1st, 2006 (a long and rather rant-filled review of a Pokemon spin-off game of all things), and officially made the blog public on October 7th, 2006. It’s certainly been a worthwhile experience running an anime blog for so long. I’d say this past year of blogging has been one of the best…

It’s hard to believe that five years ago I had just started college, got my first part-time job, and decided to start work on an anime blog since I no longer had time to do updates on the main Anime Yume site. As you can see in my early posts, I started MAY with a few game reviews, first impression posts on late ’06/early ’07 anime such as Kanon, Death Note, and Code Geass, and some amateur editorials. Back then I would be lucky if I got one or two comments on a post – nowadays, I think it’s been at least a couple of years since I’ve written a post that’s gotten less than a few comments. Looking back on my old posts, I’m glad to see that my writing skills have greatly improved since then as has my direction for the blog as far as what kinds of posts I want to focus on.

I’ve hit a couple of big milestones since MAY’s last anniversary. As of now MAY has 527 posts since last year’s 410, which means I’ve written over a hundred posts since the last anniversary ^^ But what’s particularly interesting is that MAY currently has 7,004 comments while last year at this time it had 3,848. That means in just one year MAY received almost as many comments as it had in the previous four years combined! Of course a lot of those comments are my own replies to other comments, but a lot are not. So I want to offer my yearly thanks to all of MAY’s visitors, new and old. Having an anime blog wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable if it weren’t for the great comments and support that you guys offer. Thanks! ^__^

Unfortunately, while the blog is doing good I’m still currently unemployed and am continuing the job hunt. While I’m enjoying the time off I do hope to get out of NEET-dom before too long =/

Thanks again for making MAY one of the most long-lasting, non-episodic anime blogs for these five years! Looking forward to more years of anime discussion to come~

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  1. Myna says:

    Congrats on managing to keep this blog up and running for five years!

    (PS. “Unfortunately, while the blog is doing good…”
    “is doing well”
    Grammar OCD. Sorry ^^;)

    • Yumeka says:

      I was actually thinking about that as I was writing that sentence and was almost going to change it to “well,” but then I figured it wouldn’t matter XD I have a bit of grammar OCD too but obviously I’m not perfect either ^^,,,

  2. ibby says:

    Congrats on 5 years blogging. May you have many more, and best of luck in future evendours!

  3. Kal says:

    Wow, 5 years is quite a long time. Congratulations! And I hope to see many more birthdays of MAY :)

  4. pKjd says:

    Congrats on 5 years!

  5. chikorita157 says:

    Congrats on making it to the fifth year blogging! I hope your future will be a bright one.

  6. Frootytooty says:

    Congratulations on 5 years, and I hope you find a job soon! I’m extremely impressed that you had so much to write about, and I hope to continue to read interesting posts from you in the coming years.

  7. lostty says:


    Blogging is a ton of fun, but its a difficult thing to maintain (I’m soon going to reach my four year anniversary, myself), so I definitely admire you for your dedication! I’ll always be reading; love your posts!

  8. Reiko says:

    Congratulations, Yumeka! ^_^ It’s always a spectacular thing when such a great blogger as yourself reaches such a milestone!

    I always enjoy reading your posts, so keep it up! ;)

  9. Justin says:

    Yep, it’s official–you’re a veteran blogger. I hope to be around that long. And I hope you’re still writing too!

  10. Joe says:

    Congrats on your anniversary!

  11. kluxorious says:

    Don’t get a job. Be a NEET as long as you can! lol take it from someone who wishes she’s still a NEET.

    Congratulations Yumeka :)

    • Yumeka says:

      Part of me is enjoying all the time off to do whatever I want while another part of me feels like a bum who should be out there earning money. I guess I’ll just enjoy the time off while I can while still looking for a job as best I can.

  12. feal87 says:

    5 years…ouch, that’s sure a long time. :D


  13. Marow says:

    Five years… that is amazing. It must be hard to blog for such a long time. But probably a lot rewarding too!

    Congratulations! I hope you keep writing for a long time :D

  14. f0calizer says:

    Congratulations on 5 years! Looking forward to 5 more! By the way, I love that picture of the Madoka girls in summer yukata. Did you get it from pixiv?

    • Yumeka says:

      No, it’s not fan art. It’s an official artwork scan that I got from AnimePaper (probably from a magazine like NewType or Megami). It’s so cute and pretty, I had to use it ^_^

  15. Knee House says:

    And thank you for the time & effort maintaining this blog for five years. Your posts have been a boon to this fledgling anime fan over this past year, and I wish you the best not only with your blog but also your real life activities–good luck with the job search!

  16. Yumeka says:

    @ everyone

    Thanks for all the congratulations, compliments, and encouragement everyone! ^__^ I appreciate it more than I can say. Here’s to another five+ years of anime posts!

  17. Sudachi says:

    Awesome, congrats! This blog has always been one of my favorites. Keep up the good work!

  18. Cirris says:

    Congrats. I wish I found this blog a lot sooner than I did.

  19. Shizuo says:


    5 years really a long time for blogging.

    From now can I call you, grandma? :D

  20. Marina says:

    A bit late on the congrats, but yay, congrats to making it to five years! May have you many more to come. I also wish you the best in finding a great job that still allows you to keep readers up to date :)

  21. Chrissie says:

    Wow, I hadn’t realized! Congratulations on five years and counting of being a great anime blogger! Here’s to many more to come~ \(^O^)/

  22. Tara says:

    Congratulations on the 5 years =D I hope you can keep enjoying the site for another five ^^

  23. MkMiku says:

    5 years? That’s amazing, for an anime blog especially! You’re an inspiration to all of us. I started reading your blog sometime around year 4. Hope to see many more years to come!

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