AnimeYume’s 9-year anniversary (also, I’m off to Anime Expo)

June 30th, 2011, marks the 9-year anniversary of my domain name,, on which Mainichi Anime Yume is hosted. Each year it becomes more surprising than the last that I’ve been able to keep up a web site for so long…

It was nine years ago, on June 30th, 2002, during my sophomore year of high school, that I created my very first pages on the web and publicly unveiled AnimeYume, my old-school anime fan site. What started off as a simple fan site with mini-shrines for various older anime like Trigun, Tenchi Muyo!, and Cardcaptor Sakura, soon grew into a large archive which now features roughly fifty different anime sections and numerous other anime related pages. And of course, the blog extension here has been my main focus for about five of those nine years.

Even though the fan site portion of has been more or less left in “time-capsule” mode since I began working on the blog in 2006 (with only sporadic updates on the main site when I feel like it), it’s still available for those interested and I may decide to do more extensive work on it in the future. But for now, I want to keep building up Mainichi Anime Yume.

I don’t know how much longer my life’s circumstances will allow me to keep up a web site/blog. But I intend to enjoy it in full while I can. The web site and blog have been very important parts of my life these nine years – they’ve helped me learn so much about anime and my own fandom, allowed me to meet some of my best friends and other great people, as well as given me a way to express myself that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I may not have become the person I am today if it wasn’t for AnimeYume! ^_^ And AnimeYume wouldn’t be what it is without the support of all my visitors. So I want to thank you all for visiting and for any comments you have left on the blog. I appreciate your interest in my work more than I can express. Here’s to more great years of anime goodness~

And yes, as the post title says, I’ll be leaving for Anime Expo early tomorrow morning. I won’t have regular, if any, Internet access until Monday evening when I return, so I won’t be able to answer e-mail, go on Twitter, or moderate/reply to comments until then. My schedule for the convention is basically the same as what I posted two weeks ago with just a few tweaks. If any of you are going and are interested in meeting me, come to one of the blogger meetups =D And for the rest of you, I’ll be back next week~! Once again, whether you’re new to AnimeYume or have been a long-time visitor, thank you so much for making these nine years so fulfilling!

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  1. Myna says:

    I believe I discovered your site in late ’06. It was one of my favorite fansites ;D

    Congrats on your 9 year anniversary!
    <3 <3

  2. Tara says:

    Congratulations on reaching 9 years! *throws confetti*
    Hope you’ll reach another 9 ^w^

  3. Kal says:

    Tanjobi Omedeto! 9 years! wow! congrats :) That site looks so old school! brings back memories (good ones!). Congrats again, and lets hope you can keep this up for years to come. Your blog is pretty fun!

  4. Toonleap says:

    Have fun in Anime Expo and omedetou for your blog´s anniversary.

  5. Mushyrulez says:

    Holy shit! It’s amazing you’re still alive – I’ve not seen (m)any active anime sites created before 2003…

    Though of course, your blog is not yet 5 ;)

  6. Yumeka says:

    @ all

    Thanks for the congrats everyone ^_^ And I will make sure to have a blast at AX and post coverage when I return~

  7. kluxorious says:

    9 years? I have only been blogging for 6 years. You’re the first senpai I knew. Congratulations :)

  8. Salion says:

    Your picture implies that you must have sent a text message back in time to tell yourself to start the website. Well done, very devious :)

  9. Akasen says:

    Just recently found your blog while searching up on and checking on it’s old internet radio station. I’m glad I found this blog.

  10. xueqir says:

    HAPPY 9th ANNIVERSARY AnimeYume! :D
    I think I’ve been following you since I was in junior high….and now I’m going into second year uni and I’m still a regular visitor :)
    Keep up the good posts!

  11. plasma991 says:

    Congratulations on 9 years of blogging! Your posts are always a joy to read. Keep up the good work. ^^

  12. Alpha says:

    Congratulations for 9 years-anniversary of AnimeYume! :)

  13. chikorita157 says:

    Happy beleated 9 year anniversary… I wish you luck in the future~

  14. MkMiku says:

    9 years really? That means your site already existed a couple years before I even got into anime. Wow, it looks like you’ve stood the test of time. Well, I’m glad I discovered your site and wish you well in the years ahead. :)

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