“Why do humans care so much about where their souls are?”

みんな仲良しであれたら by

There have already been many posts about how Mahou Shojo Madoka Magica is subverting the magical girl genre and keeps shocking us with events completely unbecoming of what was originally expected of it. I was naive at first, believing that the series would follow the mahou shojo formula closely, with perhaps a slightly darker atmosphere, as it appeared to do in the first two episodes. But as we all know, by episode 3 the show has become something very different…

– “Bad guys?”

One of the first deviations that Madoka Magica presents is its antagonistic characters – if you can even call them “characters” – the witches. When we think of villains called witches, we think of cackling old ladies who cast evil spells, or, as is more typical of anime, mischievous girls in cute/cool outfits with magic powers. The witches in Madoka however, are something totally different – one can hardly even call them “creatures” as much as “enigmas” or “entities.” To me, the witches and their sequences in the show are like a trip through a nightmarish fun-house mixed with a museum of art that looks like it’s either made up of scribbles by very disturbed children or some horrifying twist on Takashi Murakami’s style.

Because of their atypical design, and the fact that all we know about them thus far is that they’re born from curses and cause people to die, it seems that the witches are meant to be “symbols” more than actual living beings. Symbols of what? The pain and darkness in the human world perhaps?

– Cute mascot?

First scene where I thought, “Geez, what a creeper.”

Magical girl shows are known for having at least one cute mascot animal character. At first, Kyubey seems to fit the role nicely. In episode 1, he’s presented as this cute little creature running scared and injured from Homura, crying out to Madoka for help. But…it’s not too long before we see that Homura has a good reason for wanting to be rid of the little guy. Once we find out that being a magical girl, at least in this show, is a depressing, dangerous, dog-eat-dog job, and Kyubey goes around quite contently pushing these life-changing contracts onto innocent young girls without telling them exactly what being a magical girl entails, even something important like moving their soul out of their body, how could you not think there’s something sinister there? His unchanging expression and matter-of-fact dialogue at even the most emotionally intense moments further pile up evidence for why many fans consider him “evil,” or at least “creepy.” Normally I like the cute mascot creatures, but even I’ll admit that there’s something not right about Kyubey. He would be more likable if he’d change that stuffed animal expression once in a while, or be a little more sympathetic and proactive when dealing with the girls he contracts.

I don’t get you.

“Why do humans care so much about where their souls are?” – for me, this has been the eeriest thing Kyubey’s said so far. The fact that I wanted to name the post after this line is proof of that. I also think this line conveys a good overall picture of Madoka Magica’s dark theme.

There’s still so much mystery surrounding Kyubey. What is he exactly? Is he serving someone by producing magical girls? If he does have a master, what is this master’s goal? If he doesn’t have a master, what motivation does he have for making these contracts? Are there others like him? I do hope we get more answers about Kyubey before the series is over. I wouldn’t call him “evil” just yet…”colorless” maybe?

– Love conquers all?

Finally, in addition to the freaky witches and shady mascot character, as far as dark and horrifying go, the events that happen in Madoka Magica are off the magical girl scale. What really makes it all the more horrific is seeing it through Madoka’s eyes, who’s not the typical Plucky Girl that many mahou shojo anime have. Again, it’s not until episode 3 that the show’s true colors are revealed.

Learning from Mami what a hardening and miserable job being a magical girl really is, was only the beginning for poor Madoka. Not long after she starts to form a bond with Mami, she promptly witnesses the latter literally get beheaded by a monstrous witch. Although Sayaka more or less gets over it quickly, Madoka is still clearly traumatized, lamenting throughout almost all of episode 4. Before she can even recover from this terrifying experience, she witnesses another one in the form of her classmate attempting a mass suicide with other people, and Madoka herself almost becomes a victim too! Fate continues to have no mercy on her as, not too long after that, she learns that her best friend has become a magical girl, only to get caught up in a bitter and violent dominance struggle with another magical girl. When we last left Madoka in the recent episode 6, she witnessed yet another death perhaps even worse because the victim was Sayaka, literally dying in her arms, and she was the one who caused it!

Was I the only one who thought at first that the truck actually ran over Sayaka’s Soul Gem? At first I was like “Holy crap, they didn’t just kill off another character?!” But I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the Soul Gem was still intact. Thankfully the episode didn’t leave us hanging there and we see that Homura brought it back to Sayaka, reviving her.

Seeing Homura so intent on rescuing Sayaka’s Soul Gem made me like her a little more. I know deep down she has good intentions, she just doesn’t express them well.

So far Kyoko is too insensitive and arrogant for my taste. But her reaction to Sayaka’s “death” made her a bit more sympathetic – obviously she too doesn’t know all the horrifying details of being a magical girl.

Seriously, if Madoka doesn’t need some hardcore therapy after all this, I’ll be really surprised.

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  1. Alvin B. says:

    Sounds properly twisted. I normally avoid mahou shojou type anime, but this one sounds refreshingly different. Will be sure to check it out after it has finished airing.

    • Yumeka says:

      If you don’t like mahou shojo anime because they’re formulaic and are full of cutesy stuff and mushy friendship themes, Madoka is definitely something different. It starts off mostly typical, but from episode 3 and onwards it continues to defy expectations.

  2. Kal says:

    I’m actually watching this anime thanks to one of your blogs a few weeks ago :) And I have to agree it could not be further from the “magical girl” formula. Downright dark, mysterious, and even somewhat troubling. Very interesting :)

    Kyubey also did attract my attention. I would not put him on the creepy category, or evil, but simply emotionless. He views the girls as simple tools to defeat the witches. So he does not care whether they live, or die, or kill each other, as long as he can get more girls to contract with. Not a single word of sympathy to Madoka after Mami died, even if she was completely devastated. Taking him out may not be a bad idea, but what would happen with the witches? Maybe Kyubey is the real villain, and the witches are trying to free us from him? I guess we’ll see in the future :)

    Pretty interesting and different anime to say the least. And why do we care where our souls lie? that’s up to each person. I’m worried about the fact that Kyubey does NOT care about human souls, and just looks at us poor humans as discardable tools :S

    • FooBar says:

      I’m actually watching this anime thanks to one of your blogs a few weeks ago :)

      Me too :-)

    • Yumeka says:

      Very interesting thoughts, especially in your second paragraph. There are a lot of “emotionless” characters in anime, but the reason Kyubey stands out is because he always has a smile on his face XD And that theory about Kyubey being the real evil rather than the witches – though I don’t think the witches can be that good, since they have been shown to actually kill people, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show throws us a major twist of Kyubey being evil and/or the witches being not as bad as they appear.

    • Myna says:

      “Maybe Kyubey is the real villain, and the witches are trying to free us from him?”

      I like this theory :)

  3. Valence says:

    Madoka will be scarred for life at this rate.

    • Haesslich says:

      That assumes Madoka survives this show. Thank you, Kyubei, for confirming my suspicions about both Magical Girls in this series, as well as Witches.

      • Yumeka says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more deaths before the series is over. As for the main heroine dying? With all the deviations this show has had, I would say it’s unlikely but not impossible.

    • Yumeka says:

      With all that’s she’s seen and been through in just six episodes, she should be. But it’s still an anime, so if the show somehow has a happy ending, that’ll probably make up for it and she won’t need therapy after all XD

  4. Myna says:

    Best show of the season? F yes.

    I love the concept of witches. Especially since they represent curses and negative emotions, which SHAFT attempts to personify in these peculiar and demented environments and designs. It’s spectacular in a strange kind of way.

    When I fist saw Kyubei, I thought, “Aw, he’s kind of cute..minus the halo wings coming out of his ears.” But I was always kind of disturbed that he has the “:3” expression all of the time. Expressionless and sinister mascot is so beyond the mahou shoujo stereotype. I kind of love it. Also, he clearly doesn’t understand human emotions in the slightest.
    As for Kyubei’s intentions. Well first, I have to say that I’m starting to believe that witches may be mahou shoujos who didn’t collect enough Grief Seeds and their Soul Gems became forever corrupted. Since Kyubei is so intent on recruiting (desperate) girls to collect Grief Seeds, and also because he eats the seeds, I feel like he’s gathering power for himself, or someone higher up than him, and will end up betraying the mahou shoujos for his own benefit in the end. And since a mahou shoujo’s body will become lifeless if their Soul Gem is more than 100 meters away, it’ll be pretty easy for him to use that vulnerability to win a battle.

    Madoka is such a nice refreshing main protagonist for a mahou shoujo series. I especially love the fact that she still hasn’t become one yet. Poor girl’s been so traumatized. She needs to be more assertive!

    Kyoukou and Homura are BAMFs. Kyouko is just so straightforward and arrogant that I can’t help but like her. Her character is rather refreshing for this genre.
    And Homura, the ‘irregular’. But what does that mean? It seems like she didn’t make a contracct with Kyubei, so maybe she became a mahou shoujo from a different familiar? Or on her own? I love that air of mystery about her.

    As for Sayaka, I’m getting quite annoyed at her. She’s being really selfish in a desire to be selfless. She’s so focused on keeping Kamijo happy, and is looking down and Kyoko and Homura because she thinks they only care about themselves. Also, I’m sick of hearing “justice for everyone and saving people is awesome” speeches. Her strange sense of pride is blinding her common sense, as well as hurting her best friend. Sayaka’s in way over her head on this one.

    But I still can’t help but wonder when Madoka will become a mahou shoujo. It’s in the opening and the title. But when will it happen? I have a feeling that she’ll become an ‘irregular’ like Homura, and somehow become a mahou shoujo by her own, or different means.

    • Yumeka says:

      Excellent thoughts. What you said about Kyubey’s intentions especially makes perfect sense and could pass as true to me. I’ll be looking forward to seeing if what you said about him actually happens!

      I think my favorite character is either Homura or Sayaka, but it’s hard to say for sure yet. I get what you’re saying about Sayaka being too self-righteous, but I have a feeling she’ll realize that she’s in the wrong before too long. Also the fact that she almost died made me realize that I would have missed her XD Mami’s death was a bit too quick and I couldn’t get that attached to her yet. And after seeing Homura so determined to rescue Sayaka’s Soul Gem, I couldn’t not like her ^^

      Only time will tell about Madoka and Homura. It is weird that the main heroine hasn’t become a mahou shojo yet and it’s already over halfway through the series. Yet another deviation ;)

      • Myna says:

        I hope it happens xD
        Also, I’m also thinking that Madoka’s dream or whatever sequence we saw in the beginning of the first episode is the “walpurisnacht” that Homura and Kyouko were talking about. And then I looked it up on Wikipedia, and now I definitely think that’s what we saw.

        I found the earliness of Mami’s death perfect for showing to Sayaka and Madoka the reality of a mahou shoujo. And since she was their mentor/nee-san figure, it left a big enough impact on them for (de)motivation.
        And yes, I think everyone likes Homura at this point ^^

        Have you heard the theory that Homura is from the future, and could be the future Madoka? I don’t agree with this, but I do think that there’s a deeper connection between the two.

  5. Kyubey says:

    “I don’t get you.”

    SOUL gem. What did you think was in it? Don’t blame Kyubey for your own ignorance.

  6. Janette says:

    That top pic is now my background.

    My theories have all been posted on my blog. I’d feel like a broken record if I repeated any of them here. ^_^;

    I feel so sorry for Sayaka though. She sold her soul for this guy, she told him she would (although he probably thought she was talking nonsense) and he didn’t have the DECENCY to call and let her know he was out of the hospital. If that isn’t a red light that he’s kinda a jerk, I don’t know what is. He doesn’t care about her. Ugh.

    • Yumeka says:

      What’s ironic about that picture is that the title is “What if everyone just got along?” XD

      I’ll have to take a look at your posts about the series then =)

      That’s a good point about Kamijou. The guy did go through a lot of emotional and physical pain, so it’s understandable that he’s been bitter and distant. If only he knew that Sayaka was the one who saved him…but I hope he doesn’t end up being a jerk to her. That would be just terrible after all she went through for him.

  7. ~xxx says:

    I was really surprised that Madoka haven’t really lost her mind seeing her friends sell their souls.

    And the risk of their return is almost close to a nil.

    I’m trying to conclude that Madoka will(not) see the end of the battle, or what I have called maybe a “promised day” to where something BIG is going to happen.

    Well, I could have formulate the theory that Kyubey must be the right hand of someone more powerful than Him that is running the show.

    • Yumeka says:

      I do wonder if any of the characters will be able to go back to their normal lives by the end of the series. Is there any way to get out of the magical girl contract…besides kill Kyubey? ~_^

      The idea that Kyubey is serving some master seems very probable. It doesn’t look like he has the power and motivation to do all this just for himself, but who knows. The cute animal mascot in the Magic Knight Rayearth manga ended up being some kind of god, so I can’t doubt Kyubey just yet.

  8. Sebz says:

    If Madoka maintains the same attitude until the second to the last episode, I’ll deem her as a horrible protagonist.

    …as for witches and Kyubei, they don’t fit their “tropes” very well. Particularly Kyubei.

    • Yumeka says:

      If Madoka maintains the same attitude until the second to the last episode, I’ll deem her as a horrible protagonist.

      On the other side of it, I hope she doesn’t end up being all perky and cheerful even if things turn out all right in the end. It is fiction of course, but that still wouldn’t seem right considering all the horror she’s seen.

  9. H says:

    Dang. Not like Salior Moon at all. Seems cool though. So, i may watch it.

    • Yumeka says:

      Definitely not like Sailor Moon…if I had to put Madoka Magica in a genre, I would say “mahou shojo” and “horror,” two genres that most would never think of mixing.

  10. Chelsea says:

    Wow that sounds totally my anime but the thing is i have no idea what channal it is on soo if u could tell me i would be ever so graitful

  11. Right now, I consider Kyubey to be more like an amoral force of nature.

    Everything he does is so matter-of-fact, and he seems to just persistently, without any sort of pre-mediation or planning, pursue his goal of making magical girls, getting grief seeds, and “quarantining them”. He appears whenever a candidate shows willingness or vulnerability, but he doesn’t really have a way with words that could actually seduce someone into being a magical girl, unlike say what a classical devil’s temptation would.

    He seems to be just this engine that’s been set off by something, and continues to run.

    • Yumeka says:

      Love that interpretation of Kyubey. That would explain why he uses only the most basic, matter-of-fact words and just appears whenever. Only time will tell what he really is.

  12. Tori says:

    This sounds a lot like the anime Bokurano (although it’s not mahou shoujo at all). If you can handle depressing you should check it out. As for Madoka, I’m really intrigued by your posts. I may have to watch it XD

  13. SailorCardKnight says:

    I gotta say this is one hell of a show so far. Even if I started watching this even without hearing that it was a darker unique twist on the magical girl genre, I still would have predicted they where going to try and pull something different, just from the atmosphere of the first 2 episodes alone. Then again Umi Monogatari also had a very unique atmosphere compared the average magical girl show, and that turned out to be a very predictable, clichéd series.

    I’m definitely liking Madoka so far all around: the cast, the dark story, animation. I’m definitely looking forward to the next ep.

    I have several theories on whats going to happen, but I have one main theory, lets see if I can put my thoughts into words here…

    The witches are a collection of negative emotions from people which have come to manifest into those monstrous forms (or from the magical girls themselves), and Kyubei has something to do with the creation of these witches. Kyubei is collecting those Greed Seeds (which have been created from the witches), and is plotting to do something with them, those seeds in turn will later sprout into something far worse. With “Walpuris Night” on the way, those seeds being former witches, and Kyubei gathering them….”a gathering of witches”….the outcome ain’t gonna be pretty.

    Then notice how the Soul Gem is an egg-like shape? Like the Greed Seeds, I have a feeling they too could “hatch” into something. Perhaps if they aren’t purified, they “hatch” into a witch, and the witches are actually corrupted souls of former magical girls? Could be wrong on that one and perhaps its just simply a neat design.

    Its been a while sense I’ve seen an anime/manga that has made me think this much. Whether my ideas are true of not, there is one thing I have no doubts on: Kyubei wants Madoka, now we just have to find out why.

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