Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi review

One of the more enjoyable, and regrettably shorter, anime titles from the summer season has come to an end…

Though Ookami-san can be classified as a romance comedy that also has its moments of drama, there are a few things about it that make it charmingly unique.

Its most memorable element is its parodying of fairy tales and fables. Just about every episode and every character in the series is based off of some familiar story, from Ryouko herself being the wolf from “Little Red Riding Hood,” to minor characters like Momoko being based on the Japanese tale “Momotarou,” and even guest characters like Ringo’s sister Shirayuki being based on “Snow White” (the series’ Wiki article mentions all the characters’ respective fairy tales).

In addition to the characters simply being based on these old stories, their relationships and interactions match up to their respective stories quite well. To use the three main characters as examples, Ryoushi, being the hunter who sees through the wolf’s disguise in “Little Red Riding Hood,” captures the heart of the wolf, Ryouko, and “sees through” her fierce demeanor to the more vulnerable girl within. Also from “Little Red Riding Hood,” Ringo, who is Little Red Riding Hood herself, becomes drawn to Ryouko and first meets her while she’s in bed, just like the wolf in the story.

Another fun element of Ookami-san is that it’s not afraid to point out the cliches of its characters, mostly through the show’s sarcastic narrator voiced by Satomi Arai (who plays Kuroko from Railgun). In a mischievous way, the narrator constantly points out the emotions that the characters, especially Ryouko, are trying to hide. With this, Ryouko’s tsundere-ness, Ringo’s yandere-ness, and other typical anime traits become less stale.

The majority of Ookami-san is comprised of episodic and often slice-of-life stories with sometimes subtle and sometimes obvious allusions to fairy tales. Though the constant fairy tale parodying throughout the series may seem like an easy gimmick for fan appeal, I find it quite refreshing. It’s fun noticing the different stories that are alluded to and seeing how they’re crafted into the characters and events of the anime.

Putting the fairly tales aside for a moment, for the characters themselves, though not incredibly unique as a whole, many of them do display excellent character development (and I assume the rest of them do too in the light novel stories that the anime hasn’t covered). Most of the episodes revolve around the development and backstory of a single character or a relationship between characters, from minor characters like Otsuu and Otohime, to main characters like Ryouko and Ringo. Even though at a glance, the characters seem like anime stereotypes – Otsuu being the typical moe maid and Ryouko being the tsundere for example – having entire episodes focus on their character development helps them stand out. The episodes themselves are either comedic, dramatic, or a little of both, but always enjoyable in my opinion. Some scenes are a bit silly, but as a whole, this show that’s full of fairy tale parodying ends up being surprisingly serious and emotional at times.

Aesthetic-wise, though a few action scenes looked a little choppy, in general the show has pretty good J.C. Staff animation. Popular seiyuu Shizuka Itou does the voice for the main character Ryouko, and others like Yui Horie and Rie Kugimiya do the voices for minor characters. But probably the most memorable voice in the series is that of the aforementioned narrator. And as for music, though I’m not a big fan of the ending song, the opening by Macross Frontier sensation May’n, called “Ready Go!,” is a great, upbeat song with nice lyrics that match the show perfectly.

In summary, Ookami-san is an above average romance comedy/drama with characters and slice-of-life stories that constantly parody fairy tales. The humor, though not hilarious by any means, is enjoyable enough, while the drama and character development can actually be quite powerful. It’s a good series if you like the genre and enjoy pointing out allusions in anime =) Apparently there are at least ten volumes of original light novels, so hopefully we’ll see more Ookami-san anime to cover the rest of the stories.

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  1. chikorita157 says:

    I was thinking about watching this, but I never got to it. I probably watch this during the fall season, but not really blog about it (do First, Mid and Final Impressions posts) since the fall season is just me finishing Seitokai Yakuindomo while covering Amagami SS and trying out Yosuga no Sora… and yes, pretty dull compared to last Fall Anime Season, but I’ll survive. :)

  2. Yumeka says:

    @ chikorita157

    Well, when you do get around to watching Ookami-san, I hope you enjoy it =) (heh, I used to do midway reviews, but then I got lazy and would rather just do one full review and occasional first impression reviews =P)

  3. Odin Force says:

    This series is refreshing as a parody. Even though I didn’t get much heavy laughing, the flow is nicely done. The story is a bit weak, being quite predictable. Even in the 2 “worst pinch” episodes, the outcome was too convenient. However, the lessons we get from each episode, being both different from the original fairy tales and still meaningful, are quite enough to make up for the series’ weakness.

  4. Yumeka says:

    @ Odin Force

    Yeah, I found the humor fun enough, but nothing that made me laugh. And I agree that the series has its share of predictability, but the clever insertions of the fairy tales and the moments of genuinely good character development made up for it =)

  5. This was an incredible surprise show for me. I gave it a try on a whim and loved it from the first episode. Not only did JC Staff animate the legend parodies, they also gave several references to their other works via seijuu jokes. I don’t think there was a single episode I didn’t like or couldn’t watch again. While the show never takes itself seriously, it’s not too comedic at the same time. It’s just compelling to watch.

    I do like how they handled the main plot and the ending. You got a general plot throughout the series with Hitsujikai’s plots against Ookami-san, but the emphasis was on the characters as well as new characters in the episodes. It never seemed as though a character was introduced and simply tossed away. Each one was referenced in another episode. That could be why the cameos from Toradora! and Railgun were used instead of other characters that wouldn’t have been used again in episode 8.

    I’m re-watching the show again with my friend and it’s even better the second time you watch it because you notice little things that were referenced before or again. The growth of Ryoushi and Ryouko both individually and as a couple also become a nice trend throughout the series to admire for character development. They seemed a bit forced at the beginning of the series, but near the end they compliment each other nicely. While it’s expected that she’ll “take off her wolf’s clothing” I kinda wish she stays mostly the same to contrast with him. (The hug and sequent punch in the OP when it features her still makes me laugh)

  6. Yumeka says:

    @ ultimatemegax

    The J.C. Staff cameos in episode 8 were indeed a pleasant surprise XD And that’s a good point how every character introduced was significant in some way.

    I’m a sucker for the “hapless guy+tsundere” pairings as long as the guy isn’t too wimpy and the tsundere isn’t too bitchy. Ryoushi’s manly side that’s hidden behind his scopophobia and Ryouko’s gentle, vulnerable side that’s hidden behind her toughness complement each other quite nicely.

    I was slightly disappointed that we didn’t get to see the conflict with Hitsujikai fully resolved and the series instead ended with a filler-ish episode. But that means that the story isn’t complete (the novels are ongoing aren’t they?) and we’ll be seeing another season of Ookami-san eventually =)

  7. Reiko says:

    One of the most enjoyable series from this summer’s line up for me. ^^ I also found it to be quite refreshing. If I had to say one word about it, it would be “clever.” The idea of the different fairy tales is just so unique despite the characters being somewhat stereotyped. ^_^ (I also found the Toradora! and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun character cameos in the one scene to be very funny XD)

  8. Yumeka says:

    @ Reiko

    My thoughts exactly – the consistent fairy tale parodying was definitely unique and made even the seemingly cliche characters fun to watch ^_^

  9. Liza says:

    I actually really enjoyed this anime. The characterization and such was really well done and I actually was okay with Ryouko’s tsundere personality(I usually hate them, like Shana fron Shakugan no Shana for pretty much the whole of season 1). The fact that it could jump from serious to funny was really good plus I loved the narrator.

    I’m really hoping for a season 2 because there’s still a lot left open,like about that creepy guy from the Oni school (I can’t remember his name).

  10. Yumeka says:

    @ Liza

    Heh, well I’m glad you found a tsundere you could handle XD The episodes focusing on Ryouko’s relationship with Ryoushi and her past with Ringo definitely made her a good character and not just a one-dimensional tsundere.

    I think the series is based on a 10+ volume light novel series, and since it ended without any conclusion with Hitsujikai (the creepy guy from the Oni school =P), I suspect the anime will continue telling the rest of the novel stories in its next season, whenever that’s gonna be.

  11. f0calizer says:

    I just finished watching ep12. For some reason I thought it was going to be a 13-ep series, so I was a bit disappointed that it ended so quickly. But the slow piano version of “Ready Go” that was playing in the background towards the end of ep12, when there’s a brief review of all the main characters, was very beautiful. I want it! =)

    I agree on the whole with the other commenters: this has been a fun and light-hearted series with a good ensemble cast combined with a central romantic couple. I wished Majou and The President and Alice got a bit more screen time, though, as well as the mysterious Chairman of the Otogi Bank, but I guess their stories are developed more in the light novels. Perhaps there’ll be a second season? One can always hope…

  12. Yumeka says:

    @ f0calizer

    I liked that instrumental version of “Ready Go!” too XD I like when they insert non-vocal versions of OPs and EDs in episodes.

    Yeah, I’m also hoping for a second season that develops the rest of the characters. I know they’ve gotta have more novel stories left to animate. I just hope the series does well enough to warrant a second season somewhere down the line.

  13. jhon says:

    does anyone knows if theres a news about season 2 of this anime? if there’s when they will release it? what month exactly? hehe i really want a season 2 of it because the story wasn’t clear such as the past of Ryouko they didn’t say anything about it…

  14. Yumeka says:

    @ jhon

    No news of a second season yet. It should get one since the rest of the story from the original novels didn’t get covered in this first season. The question is just when…could be in a few months or a few years…

  15. jhon says:


    it’s okay if it will take a few years or few months hehe at least it has :D anyway thanks for your information and please tell me if theres a new news about the second season asap hehe thanks in advace :D

    • Bakachi says:

      There is a possibility that there will be a season 2. First of all, the guy Hitsujikai wasn’t finished fighting Morino. Then the narrating voice said “next time”. Easy hints you should know.

  16. B-rai says:

    I just finished the anime seriously hoping for another series >.< it really kept my attention unlike other anime's I've watched. I have to say though, Rikkun was my
    favorite character, He's the true master of disguise. anyways if there is a second
    season I'll…………………………giggle like a school girl? yeah I went there =P haha just kidding, however if any news of a season 2 slips out be sure to e-mail me ASAP :)

    • MZ says:

      ohh… -.-
      i ve seen many good anime to watch but it all end up the same…
      and it makes me wanna see the next one.. now i m watching infinite stratos.. pretty good though.
      i think its gonna be released this year…. probably the end of the year -.-
      too long..

  17. AnimeFan says:

    is there going to be a season 2?

  18. Lunion says:

    Wow, I have to say this was a rather epic anime :D.
    I happen to come across it by chance and it really gripped me.
    I loved the “Zero no tsukaima” Cosplay ^^ The humors good and refreshing as all of you have said before me. More stuff that makes you smile than laugh.
    All in all epical ^^

  19. akitzukie says:

    i just draw this anime randomly and it got my attention I’m hoping for another season

  20. Anime says:

    i hope there is a season 2, it def has my attention

  21. Nico says:

    Hey guys ive a Question..
    This Song:”Ready Go!”
    There exist a slow version.. u can hear it at Ep.12 Part 2/2 at ca. 6:00
    And i really wanna hav this melody
    Could any1 help me?

  22. Nirat says:

    Hoping for season 2

  23. Yasunori says:

    I truly loved this anime and highly recommend it. Also if you check out there website you can recieve the latest news upon the Ookami San anime. They have just recently released the first Volume of the Manga Series!

    In my eyes, the Okami San Legacy is NOT OVER YET!

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