Haruhi season 2 (Endless Eight) to have a U.S. release?

Today (Christmas Day in the U.S.), the “official” Haruhi English web site, ASOS Brigade.com, updated with subtle hints that the new season 2 episodes of the recent rebroadcast will be officially released in the U.S., perhaps with Endless Eights and all…

The ASOS Brigade web site has added the below one-minute video of the SOS Brigade logo spinning in an endless loop…

Also, if you view the html source of the web site, you’ll see a string of endless kanji eights like the image below…

All I can guess is that North American distributor Bandai does indeed have plans to release Haruhi’s second season officially in English. Whether they’ll include all the “Endless Eight” episodes, whether the release will be on DVD or steaming, dubbed or subbed, or even if it will happen at all, has yet to be determined.

Source: ANN

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  1. Toonleap says:

    My eyes and ears HURTS in pain!…Not sure if I should bother buying those…unless it has TONS of extras, like the japanese version.

  2. RP says:

    If they bundle it onto 1 DVD as part of the season 2 set, I don’t have a problem buying it. I won’t ever watch it again, but I guess it’s the completionist in me. But if they end up staggering the releases they can forget about my support (not that they cared to begin with).

  3. usagijen says:

    That can either be a string of ‘endless eight’ or ‘endless hahahahaha’

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