Haruhi season 2 episode 3: Endless Eight (part 2)

Although “Endless Eight” was originally expected to be only one episode long, it’s now clear that it’s probably going to be three…

In my review of Haruhi S2 episode 2, I was surprised that KyoAni decided to spend that whole episode dealing with just the filler part of “Endless Eight” and saving the real plot for episode 3. Most likely, people who were not familiar with the “Endless Eight” story from the novels experienced major deja vu in the first half of this episode. I’m still not sure whether I’m glad that KyoAni decided to make this story three episodes long, and thus not rush through it and make it follow the novels closely, or whether dragging it on for three episodes is unnecessary. I’ll have to see next week’s episode to say for sure.

Anyway, I enjoyed this episode a little more than the last one, not just because the real plot is finally revealed, but also because I felt the summer activities were handled slightly better and didn’t feel as crammed together as they did in the last episode. And was it just me or did Itsuki seem creepier in this episode than he did in the novels? XD But Kyon’s reactions to him are always amusing anyway. The tension mounting when the truth about the endless summer is revealed, as well as Kyon’s desperate but futile attempt to figure out the missing summer activity that Haruhi desires, were done really well and had enough suspense to make up for the filler feeling of the last one and a half episodes.

I can say with near certainty that the finale of “Endless Eight” will air next week, making it a three part story. Looking at it this way, it would make sense: part 1 is just one of the 15,498 cycles without any knowledge of what’s really going on; in part 2, Kyon and the others learn about the endless summer but fail to stop it in time; and finally, part 3 is the first cycle where they’re aware of what’s going on from the beginning and finally figure out what they need to do.

Another thing I noticed is how the episode titles appear. In “Endless Eight” part 1, the title appears on the left side of the screen.

But in this episode, “Endless Eight” part 2, the title spreads across the top and bottom of the screen.

So it would make sense in the final part next episode for the title to appear on the right side of the screen, thus “closing the loop” of the endless summers =) Not sure if KyoAni was trying to go somewhere with this but just thought I’d point it out.

Looking forward to the conclusion of “Endless Eight” next week =D

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  1. Sol says:

    I’m not sure I want to see the third part, as well as I’m not sure there will be one. My reasons are: in the original story Yuki told them that it was their 15498 time. And in the original story that time was the last one. So, my guess is that Kyon will find a way to put a stop to this Higurashism. (He still has got one day, it seems). Kioto Ani will not dare to extend one episose three times longer than it should be.
    And the last reason… I can’t see Yuki any more depressed( When I saw her sitting in the shadow by the pool hugging her knees wit that SAD face, it almost made me cry!

  2. unknown says:

    i watched the 7th episode and it seems u r wrong. do u know when this is gonna stop. its starting 2 make me not want 2 watch the next episode. i love the show and all but if this keeps going on i wont be able 2 take it anymore!!! =(

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