Inuyasha ch. 508 – 509 review

*images courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 51, chapter 508 The Miko’s Barrier, chapter 509 The Bow’s Spiritual Power

LOL, so last time I was saying how it didn’t look like this arc was going to revolve around weapons/power-ups? Well, it seems I spoke too soon XD But it’s okay because at least Tessaiga or Tenseiga aren’t hogging the spotlight =P Chapters 508 and 509 pretty much flow together so I’m gonna review them as one entity rather than separately. Anyway, it’s obvious that something is going to happen with the bow of Azusa and/or how Kagome uses it; these two chapters are pretty much setting the stage for whatever this power-up may be…and we probably won’t know until at least the next chapter or a few more to come. But I think this power-up arc is a lot more interesting than the norm because rather than having the typical “fighting against evil youkai” we have a big internal conflict – Kagome has a major decision to make about whether she should destroy Hitomiko and save herself, try futilely to escape from Hitomiko’s attacks, or figure out a way to use the bow of Azusa’s power and save her. It’s pretty obvious by the end of 509 that she’s going to try and use the bow properly to save Hitomiko, but how? It’s already established that her spiritual powers aren’t as strong as Kikyou’s so is she gonna somehow “borrow” Kikyou’s power using the bow, or is she gonna tap into some “hidden” spiritual power within herself? The story’s really exciting right now ’cause I honestly can’t predict what’s going to happen =)

Well, that’s all I’ve got to say about these two chapters. BTW, if you’ve been keeping up with the IY manga scanlations, you probably know that there was some delay with the release of chapter 509. I know that there are three groups which release the weekly English scanlations of the IY manga; Freelance-Manga, MakiMaki, and another group called Advanced Inuyasha I think. I usually get my scanlations from MakiMaki and sometimes Freelance-Manga. But I could never find a web site for Advanced Inuyasha. I also hear that Kuro, who used to do the weekly scanlations on her site, Ear-Tweak, still posts translations elsewhere. So if someone could give me a link to the Advanced Inuyasha site, and also where Kuro currently posts translations, I’d be very appreciative ^.^ You can never have too many sources for Inuyasha manga!

Oh yeah, just thought I’d point out that this is my blog’s 100th post ^_^ I’ve been so busy, I haven’t even kept track, otherwise I would’ve done something more unique for my 100th post. Oh well =P I think I’ll do a post related to that next time…

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  1. Rishi-kun says:

    Wow~ Congradulations, lol. XD One hundred posts is a lot to enjoy! If you go back and look at all the old posts, you’d be suprised at how different they were, trust me. ^_~
    But anyway, the Inuyasha chapters have been confusing me latley. I don’t know what’s happaning, but it sounds intresting. ^^ Can’t wait to hear more.

  2. delicatessen says:

    Just do a search for “adinuyasha” on google. should pop the link to adinuyasha’s site right up.

  3. mochi says:

    Congrats on your 100th post!

    I haven’t looked closely, but I believe that this is the site
    you are looking for:

    It seems to be the scanlation part of the Advanced
    InuYasha mailing list:

  4. Yumeka says:

    Cool, thanks a lot mochi and delicatessen =) I found the site now…

  5. Urd-chan says:

    The shortcut URL to the Adinuyasha scanlation website is simply – the domain will remain the same, even if the host would ever change.

  6. Yumeka says:

    Thanks, Urd-chan. Adinuyasha seems to be getting the scanlations out faster than the other two so I’ll be sure to keep checking it =)

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