The General Anime Preference Survey, ’07 version!

A little over a year ago I made a poll/survey on my site asking about the general anime preferences of my visitors, such as favorite series, genre, sub vs dub, first series ever watched, etc,. I got a lot of responses and it was interesting to see the results. But the survey’s been long overdue for an updated version, which I finally got around to finishing today ^^ I tweaked some of the older questions (obviously taking into account new anime that’s been released since last year) and added a whole bunch of new questions too. So if you’ve got a few minutes, take a look at my General Anime Preference Survey ’07 and answer as many questions as you like (you’re not required to answer all of them to complete the survey). And once I get the results posted, I’m sure you’ll find them quite interesting, especially compared to last year’s results ^_^

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  1. FortMan says:

    I like this survey. It seems to cover most of the bases.

    However, I have a little problem with Question # 09 (anime motion picture): No Satoshi Kon’s works (such as Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfather) at all?

  2. Ojamajo_LimePie says:

    I was a bit disappointed that ‘create AMVs’ wasn’t among the choices for how we express our love for anime. That’s my favorite method.

  3. Yumeka says:

    To FortMan: I’m actually not familiar with Satoshi Kon’s work, but I have heard the names before. So that’s why I didn’t think of them…sorry. But I’ll get them next survey =)

    To Ojamajo_LimePie: That’s a good choice…I can’t believe I didn’t think of that one. It totally slipped my mind! Sorry…I can’t really change it now, but definitely next time!

  4. Inuyasha Fan says:

    Good survey, but it was so hard to answer just one “thing” to some of the questions. i.e. what is your favorite anime. I don’t have just one. Hehe oh well. Good survey though!

  5. sucheta says:

    It was good and i liked it a lot, accept the 2 and the last one because i LOVE
    all the animes and it is very difficult to select only one.

  6. SailorCardKnight says:

    It was really hard for me to pick just one favorite anime for some of those catagories. I have so many favorites! (I have about 20 of them, many of them where on that survey)

    It will be interesting to see the results though….

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