My Japan videos, anime awards(and other stuff)

Compare this to a New York subway, ne?
Well, I finally got around to making a YouTube account and posting the videos I took when I was in Japan last summer…

For those of you who don’t know, I spent a month in Japan studying the language at Kyoto Sangyo University as part of an extension program from a college here in CA. Even though the studying was very rigorous, we also went on a number of fun trips to other parts of Japan, such as Nara, Osaka, and Biwako. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to go to any places outside of the Kansai area(like Tokyo!) but hopefully next time I will =)

Anyway, I’ve already made a page with tons of photos and information about my trip on the main site’s My Trip to Japan page. But as for the short videos I took, you can find them on my new YouTube channel. I actually took more than the ones you’ll see there, but those are the ones that came out the best. The camera I used took good still photos, but the video/sound quality wasn’t so great as you’ll probably notice, but still, I think my videos should give you a good gist of what some parts of Japan are like ^_^ Also I’m still debating whether to upload anime videos to my YouTube account. I wouldn’t upload anything extreme like entire fansubbed episodes or AMVs; probably just my collection of opening and ending clips from a variety of anime. The only reason I’m a bit hesitant about uploading anime videos is because technically they’re copyright violations. Even though thousands of YouTube users get away with posting anime clips, you never know if you’ll be one of the unlucky ones that YouTube catches. Well, maybe I’ll post them and just not tag them…we’ll see what I feel like =P

On another subject, voting has started for the first annual American Anime Awards, so get your votes in ^^ Only problem I had was that if you take a look at the award categories and consider how many possibilities there could be for each one, when you get to the actual online voting ballot, there aren’t very many nominees to choose from. But still, I managed to make decisions on pretty much all the categories. Anyway, there will be a gala for the awards on February 24th by the New York Comic Con. Since this is the first time something like this is being held, I’m looking forward to seeing the results! =)

And one more thing I’ve got to say. I started my winter semester of school a few days ago. And since I’m still working part-time too, my spare time has been reduced to barely anything. What little time I have at home when I’m not at work or school will probably be spent studying and doing homework. So for at least the next month or so, posts aren’t going to be as frequent as they’ve been. I might only be able to do a post once a week if I’m lucky. Sorry about that, but don’t worry. I won’t disappear off the face of the Internet or anything, and I will definitely find time to work on posts and other site updates whenever I can ^^

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  1. Hiro says:

    Yay, i’m the first to respond!
    now just let me read it

  2. Hiro says:

    cool, I’ll check them out

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