Inuyasha ch. 487 review

*image courtesy of Freelance-Manga*
Volume 49, chapter 487 “Ikikata”(Way to Live)

I actually liked this chapter a lot more compared to the other ones that have come out recently. I was finally beginning to see the return of the quality that defined the first 40 volumes of the series, so I really hope Takahashi-san keeps up the good work. There was excellent character development for both Miroku and Sango. What was really good was how Sango told the youkai of Hiraikotsu that she couldn’t promise them she wouldn’t poison them again because there way be another time like before when she would need to sacrifice them in order to protect Miroku, just as Miroku made the decision to drink the poison that would allow him not to feel pain when using his Kazaana so that he could fight and protect Sango; both of their resolves played out together very well and this chapter really shows how their relationship has grown. Though Sango’s conflict with Hiraikotsu still remains unsolved, this arc will more than likely end by the next chapter. I thought it was also interesting to find out that Hiraikotsu was made from purified youkai that have been fighting alongside Sango as a companion…that sort of makes you feel some sympathy towards it, even if it is just a giant bone boomerang =P I also liked Inuyasha and Miroku’s conversation in this chapter…obviously Inuyasha is concerned about Miroku’s situation too, even if he doesn’t like to show it ^^

Well, I don’t really have too much else to say about this chapter except that I was pleased with it =) But the way things are going now, I don’t know how the heck Sango’s going to get her weapon back ~_^ Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

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  1. Hinano says:


  2. Yumeka says:

    If I’d known the answer to that, I would’ve said so sooner, LOL =P

  3. Inuhanyou says:

    I feel that when Miroku was talking to inuyasha about living to protect someone, Inuyasha subtlely thinking about Kagome mirroring sango and miroku, which was probably why inuyasha decided not to tell the girls about it, because he would have done the same thing. Now if that isnt masterfull Inuyasha development i dont know what is! I was actually kind of suprised. Seems rumiko is better at romantical aspects then plot direction. This gives me hope for the giant inukag wave(whenever it comes! -sigh-)

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