Sumomomo Momomo eps 1 to 4 Review

As of today, the only new fall 2006 series’ I’ve been watching are Death Note, Kanon, and Pokemon Diamond & Pearl. Though I would like to, I don’t have time to watch every new anime that comes out. So I read about each one, pick a few that sound the most interesting, and watch those. Usually they all sound good to me, LOL, so it’s hard to pick just a few to dedicate my time to XD But Sumomomo Momomo was one that sounded like it might be a lot of fun, so I sat down today and marathoned the 4 episodes of it that have been released so far…

…and I have to admit, it is pretty funny ^^ I’ve seen funnier shows, but I enjoyed it. And it is only the first 4 episodes, so it could get better later on, though I think these episodes give us a pretty good idea of what the series is going to be like. Although I knew it was a comedy series, I wasn’t expecting it to be quite so “hyperbolic” and a bit “dirty” sometimes, but some parts were really quite hilarious. It’s a pretty silly show, but it has enough of a story behind it to make it seem at least a bit interesting rather than just comical. The romance-comedy between Koushi and Momoko is entertaining, but add in the martial arts backstory, and it adds a nice touch of fantasy and action too…it almost has a bit of a Ranma feel to it ^^ I’m not sure how complex the martial arts plot will actually get, but I’m looking forward to more of it =)

As for the characters, it’s hard to say yet. They seem good enough for the show so far. Momoko is really funny, and her blind-devotion to the totally indifferent Koushi is quite hilarious XD It’s hard to make any judgements on the other characters yet…I don’t think they’ll be anything exceptional, but you never know. It seems like there’s eventually going to be some kind of “love triangle” with the two other girls, Sanae and Iroha, also being in love with Koushi. Personally, I think the show’s funny enough without that cliche subplot, but we’ll see how it goes. Oh yeah, and the opening song is really catchy too =)

Anyway, Sumomomo Momomo seems to be a comedy first and foremost, so nothing gets too serious, at least not yet anyway. For just the first few episodes, there were some sincerely funny parts and it had its cute moments too. Some of the humor is a bit on the fanservice-y side for my taste, but nothing too extreme. The sexual jokes and fanservice seem to have a limit as to how extreme they can get, LOL, so even though they get close at times, they really aren’t anything that perverted =P So if you can overlook all the fanservice that’s obviously there to please any hardcore male otakus watching(plus the ridiculously long title of the series!), Sumomomo Momomo is a silly and slapstick, but entertaining romance comedy. I doubt it will become one of my favorites, but I’ll keep watching it ’cause it’s fun ^^

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  1. David says:

    looks pretty good. like the art style. if you know of any good fansub sites that may be subbing this or any other good animes please contact me.

  2. Yumeka says:

    You can get fansubs of Sumomomo Momomo, as well as a ton of other anime, from Here’s their page for Sumomomo Momomo, which has 4 episodes so far.

  3. David says:

    thank you!

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