“How” do you watch anime?

I put “how” in quotations because I’m not discussing how you watch anime in terms of subs vs dubs, bittorent or streaming, etc,. Rather, I’m curious as to how my fellow fans watch anime in terms of two things in particular – one, your ideal setting for watching anime, i.e., by yourself or with friends, on the computer or TV, at night or during the day, etc., and two, do you prefer to watch currently airing shows once a week, marathon older shows a bunch of episodes at a time, or some combination of both…

It was only in the past three or four years that I developed very routine anime viewing habits.

As for “how” I watch anime in terms of setting, if I’m watching an episode or movie for the first time, I almost always prefer to watch it alone, distraction-free. Watching anime is a very engrossing, spiritual experience for me, so watching it by myself, locked in my room, and paying attention to every detail without anything bothering me is ideal. Also because of this, I can’t watch anime in public places such as on my laptop at a library, food court, or a train or plane. I’m very in tune to my environment and having noises, people, and other activities buzzing around me ruins my enjoyment of and concentration on the anime. There have been a few exceptions where I watched an anime for the first time at a friend’s house or at anime club, but usually I prefer to watch it alone in a quiet, distraction-free environment.

But then, once I’ve seen the episode or movie at least one time, I don’t mind watching it again in a less than ideal setting, and I love watching it again with friends. That way, we can talk about and interact with the anime, and because I’ve seen it once already, I don’t have to worry about missing important details.

Another somewhat odd (but efficient) way of watching anime that I’ve developed is watching it almost always at night, particularly the two or so hours before I go to bed (around 9:30pm to 12am). I accumulate weekly airing anime in my “to watch” folder on my computer and I always put aside those two hours at night to watch whatever is in it. If there’s nothing, I’ll watch ongoing series I need to catch up on, like One Piece, or I’ll marathon episodes of a non-airing series I’m watching. I think this method is what’s helped me complete roughly 90% of the currently airing shows I start watching – because I set aside these few hours every single night for anime, I rarely fall behind on episodes. Anyone who follows my MAL may notice that I always update it at night with the episodes I just watched.

My current MAL history, notice the similar times

This nightly routine of mine has been pretty structured over the past couple of years; after I take a shower around 9:30pm, I copy anime from the “to watch” folder on my dekstop computer (which has Internet) to my laptop (which I like watching on because of the HD screen, which is smaller but better than my TV screen) via a flashdrive. At my university apartment I would set up the laptop on my bed so I could watch comfortably from there. Now I set it up on a folding table in front of my nice reclining chair.

How I now watch anime – laptop with reclining chair (got the chair for free, by the way)

I’ll hook up either speakers or headphones depending on the temperature of my room and whether I need to leave my door open or not, grab a late-night snack, and I’m good to go for 1 to 4 episodes depending on how tired I am.

I do watch anime during the day sometimes, but it’s gotten less over the years. I use my free hours in the daytime for my other activities like blogging, games, and Japanese study. I’ll only watch anime in the daytime if I really feel like having extra hours to marathon through a series, such as if I get a new DVD box set.

As for “how” I watch anime in terms of weekly episodes for currently airing shows or marathoning for older shows, I mostly do weekly episodes even though I would be better off marathoning. The reason I say this is because I’m terrible at retaining details but I’m very good at remembering things holistically. For example, I can rarely remember specific things that happened even in a new episode I saw last week, but I can remember the series holistically in terms of story, characters, and my thoughts and feelings about it. So when I watch currently airing series weekly, I usually forget details from the previous episode during the week-long wait. But when I marathon 2 or 3 episodes of one show a few times a week, I retain the details better. But I prefer watching new shows weekly as they air for a few reasons, 1) they’re easier to obtain online in good quality with good subtitles than older shows, 2) most of the people in the anime blogsphere I interact with watch the new shows and I enjoy being able to discuss with them, and 3) I like following the un/changing trends in anime as the seasons go by. But I do marathon older shows and rewatch shows that I particularly like from time to time.

That pretty much sums up “how” I watch my anime. Watching anime sounds like such a straight-forward activity so I didn’t think I’d be able to write so much about it. I’m sure with so many different kinds of fans out there, there’s just as many anime viewing habits. If you’d like to share, I’d love to hear your unique ways of watching anime.

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  1. Jura says:

    With my pants off.

  2. Yumeka says:

    @ Jura

    I suppose that could be a comfortable way =P

  3. Piper says:

    Well, I prefer watching alone, but that might be because I’m really the only one of my friends that’s so into anime |3 Most of my friends has at least 1 to 3 animes they enjoy, but none of them are really otaku, to say. So, it’s rare for me to talk to any of my friends about anime, though I do enjoy it when they are watching anime I know of.

    But much like reading, I enjoy being locked in my room ( with low music, if reading manga or other books ). I like ‘putting myself into’ the stories I’m enjoying, so I donot like being bugged if I can avoid it.

    And I dislike watching just one episode at a time. I have fairly good memory and donot have trouble enjoying many anime, ect at once. But I get so into the show by the end of one episode, that I donot want to stop yet.

    If I get into a manga or anime before it’s finished, I usually watch what is out so far, than set it to the side ’til it is finished and totally re-watch it. ( Other than with like Bleach or Naruto ’cause they are so long. I’ll just wait for a couple episodes to come out before I watch the updates. )

    I donot comment on here very much, but I do enjoy your blog; You give some good insight. This is one of the very few blogs I keep up-to-date with.

  4. Toonleap says:

    I have a 42 inch plasma TV (I won that, thanks to Haruhi…long story that I will tell someday) and just bought recently the WDTV Live device that allows Me to watch HD files and various formats including MKV…It is a nice experience to watch it that way, because my PC is just old and cant handle BIG HD files…

    If I LOVE the series, I watch it as soon as it is out, that means once a week….if there are series that I enjoy, rather than love it, I watch everything once it ends its broadcast (batch)…I hate cliffhangers.

    I like to watch it with my friends, but unfortunately, all of them are busy working, have children, or “better” things to do rather than spending a good evening watching anime….sad….:(

  5. Yumeka says:

    @ Piper

    Thanks, I’m glad you enjoy my blog =)

    Yeah, it’s usually inconvenient for people to get together in their busy lives and watch anime frequently, but watching together over Instant Message or something might be fun. I should try it sometime.

    I don’t mind cliffhangers unless I get REALLY into the show…which only happens for a few series so it’s no big deal.

    @ Toonleap

    Ah, you’re lucky, I wish I had a nice TV like that. I know there’s a way to burn anime files onto DVD to watch on my TV but it’s not worth the time and effort considering my TV is old and the picture quality is inferior to my laptop (even though the screen is bigger). When I can afford it I hope to have a nice setup like yours someday.

  6. K-NIQ says:

    I’m sort of a lonely guy, so I usually watch anime alone mostly at late night (12 am – 2 am) through my laptop. Same like Piper, I don’t have many friends that’s into anime but I enjoy talk with them about anime when they ask me some review about certain anime.

    I prefer to watch complete set of anime except for long running series like One Piece because normally I will be absorbed into the anime after watching several episodes and I can’t stop till the end. So, for new anime series in the winter season like Durara and Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, I’ll wait until the final episode being broadcast.

  7. CorporateRat says:

    Almost exactly the same anime watching profile as yours, PC (avi) or laptop (mkv), at night between 9-11pm.

    I also prefer solo first viewing, then group watching.

    However, unlike you, I watch subbed anime as soon as its available, preferably from quality subbers. Then I re-watch the DVDs a year or so later.

  8. Yumeka says:

    @ CorporateRat

    For currently airing shows that I’m watching, I too watch subs as soon as they’re available, or at least within a couple days of the subs being released. And I also prefer quality subbers and won’t settle for bad subs. I rarely buy DVDs, mostly because I can’t afford them, but if it’s a show I especially like, I’ll try to buy and watch them when I can (I borrow DVDs from friends sometimes too).

  9. Panther says:

    Alone, engrossing experience, same as you. I prefer to catch currently airing shows when I can but I do not mind marathoning at times. The problem with me is that I know if I have one entire series, I will not stop after I start until it is finished and done with. It sure takes out a lot of time when I want to do other things along the way during the day.

    Only exception to the rule might be watching an anime movie in the theater.

  10. Yumeka says:

    @ Panther

    There really aren’t that many fans who finish all the shows they start, so it’s pretty admirable that you do that. I for one have a pet peeve about finishing what I start so I’ll only drop an anime if it really doesn’t do anything for me after a decent amount of episodes.

    Oh yeah, I’m all for watching anime on the big screen in a theater, just didn’t mention it because it happens so rarely here in the U.S. XP But at cons and stuff it’s fun, though I’d still rather watch on my own if it’s for the first time.

  11. Kairu says:

    I watch anime lying on my bed as long as I can read the subs. I like watching with the lights off and the volume of the show is set to average since I don’t want anyone to hear that I’m watching something called ‘anime’. I love watching alone. Well watching with a fellow otaku will be nice too but since there are no ‘otakus’ around my house, it’s a no. I hate watching via my PC. I think it’s very uncomfortable.. Maybe if I used a laptop, it would be better.

    • Sophia says:

      @ Kairu

      I watch it the same way! Only I have a Laptop. Sometimes though I will fall asleep because I watch anime sometimes very late at night. Maybe 11 P.M. to 12 A.M. This is the most comfortable time for me to watch anime. Any other times I watch can have interruptions.

  12. Kairu90 says:

    For me watching anime is something special, and I do not like to watch in the midst of others, I wont even look at the computer while I watch, I simply glue my eyes to the TV and watch.
    Lately I have lacked the ability to keep up with the latest airing shows so that has hurt a lot, but I have been watching the older classic series I have missed out on.
    I work a night shift at work so on my days off I normally sleep during the day and sit up all night, on those nights I marathon a series until morning. I do need a normal routine of things so I can keep up with it a bit easier though.

  13. Yumeka says:

    @ Kairu

    I actually like watching anime with the lights on. I’m very near-sighted and for some reason, the more light, the less strain on my eyes, especially when looking at a computer screen. As for volume, the only person in my house is my mom and she doesn’t care as long as it’s not deafeningly loud, so I keep it moderately high (with my door closed). When I was living in student housing at college, I had roommates so I would only use headphones.

  14. Kyoizumi says:

    I usually watch anime online and if I like it enough, I buy it on DVD so I can watch it in my room from where I left off.
    Sometimes I don’t watch the anime of the anime and I read the manga instead :p.

  15. Mostly I watch series on my own at home. Mostly because it’s more comfortable and I can watch whatever I want when I want, usually currently airing series. Plus I would never get any series finished if I had to schedule and coordinate with friends to find time to watch together. I keep my anime on my computer, but I have my PS3 networked to the PC, so I watch anime from the PC on my decently sized HDTV via the PS3. Honestly I use the PS3 for that more than I use it for games in terms of total hours of use.

    Lately I’ve started going to anime club again, having not gone for a few years. It’s fun to watch series that way, though it’s definitely a different experience. If the shows airing are comedy or light action or so-bad-it’s-funny series then I usually enjoy the group experience of club, even if I don’t get to choose the shows. However, for anything serious I prefer to watch at home without distraction or interruption. I have watched and enjoyed series with more serious or atmospheric moods to them at club (Tsukihime, Gunslinger Girl, Ghost Hound), but for the most part I prefer the quiet of home to really get into the atmosphere.

    On occasion I do watch with a friend or two at home, but that’s usually either a planned day-long marathon of a series or me slowing converting one friend of mine to the One True Faith that is UC Gundam, hehe.

  16. Yokihana says:

    I’ll sometimes watch it with friends who are anime watchers during the summer months or we’ll do movies every now and then on friday nights. I don’t really watch much anime while I’m at college though. If I do, its the middle of the day and I don’t have homework and I have 30-40 minutes to do nothing. I’ll just watch it on my laptop. If I’m home on break I’ll watch it at night (10ish until midnight).

    I’ll watch a few series at a time if they’re still releasing, if they’re older I’ll try to finish them in one go usually. Lately I’ve been watching Nyan Koi! when I have the time.

  17. Canne says:

    Unlike others, my schedule is too irregular for me to have a routine habit of watching anime. Sometimes I’m too busy for a whole week and sometimes I’m free for several days. Thus, I mostly marathon the finished series.
    Occasionally, I wait until certain airing series almost reach its finale (like ep22/26 or 11/13), then I’ll marathon it and will catch the final eps on time when it’s aired.

  18. Yumeka says:

    @ ExecutiveOtaku

    Like Toonleap, I’m also jealous of your HDTV that can play computer files XD And yeah, I too prefer watching comedy in a group than something serious. I feel less awkward when I want to LOL at certain things.

    @ Yokihana

    Sounds like a pretty good schedule there. Enjoy Nyan Koi! by the way.

    @ Canne

    Heh, that’s a good way to do it. If you catch up to the final ep in time, no one has to know that you fell behind XD

  19. Jan Suzukawa says:

    You can put anime on a flash drive?? :0 Did not know that…

    I actually like marathoning series that are already completed. One of the reasons I don’t add a lot of new series is having to wait week-to-week for each little dose of the story. I prefer killing the whole thing off at once. ;)

  20. Yumeka says:

    @ Jan

    You can put any computer file on a flash drive for easy transportation from one computer to another via a USB port. That’s how I transfer anime from my desktop computer to my laptop.

    I usually don’t mind the weekly wait but I agree that marathoning is probably a more effective way to watch anime as far as getting the connectivity and involvement of the story in big chunks instead of “snippets” each week.

  21. CorporateRat says:

    I guess most of us are wired the same way; the need to watch first-view anime without any disturbance. Is it because the show is Japanese and we (non-JP) need the extra brainpower to watch/read/translate/nuance/savor at the same time? But I don’t do that for Euro/Bollywood/JP or SK-shows.

  22. 2DT says:

    I could swear I’d commented on this. But I guess I was wrong.

    I’ve become kind of a guerrilla watcher, if that makes sense. I’ll watch a little bit over breakfast, quite a bit during the commute, a little bit over dinner if the food’s not messy, occasionally at a cafe if I don’t feel like writing. If I have headphones and a place where people can’t easily peek, it’s go time.

    Nowadays, it’s actually harder for me to just sit down and watch at home. That’s prime time I could be using to keep up with the blogosphere, you know? :)

  23. Yumeka says:

    @ 2DT

    I always like when you comment so I’m glad you did =)

    I know it would help me get through anime faster if I watched it at times other than nighttime and at places other than home. But I just can’t watch it in public places, at least not when it’s my first time watching something. Too many distractions and I can’t get as engrossed because I have to be more alert and aware in public than in my home. However, that’s just referring to here in the U.S. I wonder if I could find the motivation to watch it in public in Japan.

    I don’t mind watching TV when I eat but it has to be something I can casually watch – definitely not an anime episode for the first time because I have to keep looking up and down between my food and the screen and I usually miss something.

    I also can’t write blog posts other than the comfort of my home either. So yeah, when I’m not at work, I’m a homebody XD

  24. Vaporeon says:

    I usually watch anime at night or sometimes early in the morning.I usually watch two episodes and then take a break, then I might come back and watch two more episodes, or maybe just one more.I like to view anime alone the first time I see it.

  25. Gargantua says:

    For me, watching anime is very much a couple’s activity. My husband and I will decide what anime to watch next and load up the disks in the netflix queue. We prefer to watch shows that have been completed and then watch several episodes in a sitting depending on how much time we have available. We aren’t picky regarding time of day.

  26. Prooof says:

    I rarely watch several episodes in a row now
    usually I dl, then watch immediately, or wait a few hours if I’m busy
    so just randomly watch episodes throughout the week

    a while back in the summer when I was catching up on Bleach and Reborn though I’d watch literally 9-10 hours straight each day

  27. Double H says:

    Interesting. I prefer watching anime alone, and I usually watch them in the morning when I woke up. Because I`m a neeto so I got nothing to do except for watching anime and blogging everyday. T.T

  28. Little Samurai says:

    I also like to watch anime in a distraction-free environment, alone, and any time I have free time and a working computerXD

  29. Woody says:

    Hi guys!
    After 3 years, your way to watch anime is changed or is the same???
    Now there are a lot of people that watch anime on the tablet…

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