Inuyasha ch. 512 – 514 review



*images courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 52, chapter 512 The Right Wish, chapter 513 The Jewel’s Dark Will, chapter 514 Crisis

Wanting desperately to catch up on my Inuyasha reviews, I finally decided to do three chapters at once instead of the usual one or two. Considering how busy I’ve been lately, it might have to be like this for a while. But despite everything that’s going on with me right now, I’m glad I haven’t given up on doing the reviews completely =P

Anyway, as usual after an intense story arc, Takahashi-san presents us with a lighter, “back in the real world” chapter in 512. But it’s not totally filler though, since we get a lot more info and speculation about the “will” of the Shikon Jewel and how it might be sealing Kagome’s spiritual powers, rather than the typical Inuyasha+Kagome humor. The fact that this new sub plot arose in the previous arc with Hitomiko, and continues on through chapter 512 and seems to still have relevance in this new arc that starts in 513 perhaps means that it’s going to lead to something big…maybe we’ll finally get some major conflict resolution in these next few chapters. Of course I could be wrong, but that’s just the feeling I get.

After reading chapter 513, I was a bit disappointed at first because it seemed like the next arc was going to be nothing but a new power-up arc for Sesshoumaru. It seemed inevitable since he just lost Tenseiga’s most powerful attack, and I got the impression that the youkai that came out of the Shikon Jewel would be the “monster of the week” that would help him get said power-up. But after reading chapter 514, it seems like this arc might be more than that. With the conflict of Kohaku’s shard being tainted and Kagome’s relationship with the dark will of the Jewel that’s supposedly sealing her powers, both showing up in this arc along with Sesshoumaru battling against the powerful youkai that came out of the Jewel, there’s a lot going on in this arc than usual. Personally, I think it’s pretty exciting so far and I seriously hope we get at least some of the conflict resolution we’ve all been waiting for these 500+ chapters XD I’ve noticed that with all the characters that have died/been written out of the story, like Kikyou, Kouga, Kagura, Hakudoushi, etc., all we really have left to focus story arcs on are Inuyasha’s group and Sesshoumaru’s group. And since both of them have come together in this new arc, it seems that it might be an interesting one. There’s still a good chance Sesshoumaru will end up with a new power-up, but I’m hoping something a bit more significant will happen soon too =)

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  1. Betty says:

    Is there some place where we can read this manga? Or is it just being released in the Japan? I have a hard time trying to find the manga that continues beyond the anime.

    Oh and from the pictures it seems like Kagome’s school year is possibly ending soon? Looks like everyone is preparing to enter high school.

  2. Yumeka says:

    I know there used to be a site where you could directly read the manga, starting from where the anime left off, but they no longer have the IY manga for some reason. But here are other sources:

    Freelance-Manga has the volumes available for download and also updates every week or so with the latest scanlation.

    Maki-Maki is also updated every week with the latest chapter.

    And so is this site, ADInuyasha.

    And if you know how to use IRC, Lurk Manga Archive has all the IY scanlations available.

    And yeah, they did say something about Kagome’s school year ending and she and her friends are thinking about what high school to get into. They didn’t say much about it beyond that though…

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