Inuyasha ch. 510 – 511 review

*images courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 52, chapter 510 Hell, chapter 511 Kagome’s Spiritual Power

First of all, sorry for falling behind with my chapter reviews. My four days at Anime Expo kinda threw me off and I’ve also been busy with other things. But I’m gonna try and use what’s left of my summer break to catch up on posts =)

I’ve actually read chapter 512 already but I’d rather just review 510 and 511 for now and do 512 along with 513 when it comes out. This arc has been pretty interesting…although by the end of it, Kagome still hasn’t gotten any real “power-up” we do get some foreshadowing for yet another new subplot (as if we don’t have enough already XD) about how her spiritual powers are being “sealed.” I’m interested to see how that goes…hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for this conflict to be resolved.

Anyway, as for chapters 511 and 512, I thought they were pretty exciting, mostly because Kagome finally gets a story arc. She hasn’t been the center of any of the main story arcs since Kikyou’s death (which was like, a year ago XD) so it was cool to actually see her in action without any of the other characters around. LOL, she’s one of those characters that fans love to hate because all they do most of the time is stand around and give admonishments to the other characters instead of doing anything themselves, like Sakura from Naruto. It took a while, but Sakura was able to prove herself, so I’m sure Kagome will eventually too. She was able to shoot her arrow through Hitomiko and into Naraku…if her powers are being sealed, how could she do that (or, for that matter, any other time she’s used spiritual arrows?) I guess she can still use some spiritual powers, but can’t realize her true potential until this “seal” is broken. The bow of Azusa must have it’s own power (along with Kikyou’s influence), but hopefully soon Kagome will be able to kick ass on her own like everyone else XD

Well, more on “Kagome’s spiritual powers being sealed” conflict in the ch. 512 to 513 review next time!

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  1. Betty says:

    That would explain why her power is so weak, and her soul is so big. She has a big soul, but weak power. That doesn’t add up. but, if her TRUE powers are being sealed that would make more sense. It would also explain why wierd things happen to her. Like the time her bow broke in the human faced fruit chapter. She could possibly be even more powerful than Kikyo herself. :O

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