Inuyasha ch. 499 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 51, chapter 499 Fragment of the Monster

Wow, chapter 499…I can’t believe we’re just about at chapter 500! 0_o I’m glad I wasn’t one of those people who, a couple of years ago when chapter 400 was released, thought the Inuyasha series would end at 500 chapters, ’cause obviously I would be disappointed =P But judging from the way the series has been going lately, I don’t see it ending anytime soon…at least not until chapter 550+.

Anyway, as far as this particular chapter goes, most of it was good. All of the characters had pretty equal screentime – Kohaku’s situation still isn’t resolved like I thought it would be, but he did get some good character development, there were some pretty humorous moments between Inuyasha and Jaken (my favorite part: [Kagome] Osuwari! [Inuyasha] What was that for? >_< [Kagome] Sesshoumaru isn't here and you're being violent in front of his kids. [Jaken] Kids? Me?! 0_o [Rin] You are little, Jaken-sama...XD), and we also got yet another incident of Miroku's struggle with the spreading shouki wound. But towards the end, again we're heading back with Sesshoumaru and the Tenseiga vs Tessaiga conflict. With all the subplots this series already has going, I wish this one would've been resolved when it started back in the early 490s, but apparently Takahashi-san has other ideas for it ~_^ And I don't know what the heck is up with Kanna's mirror shard being able to somehow take all of Tessaiga's power back. Well, guess we'll find out more about that in the big 500! ^^

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  1. rachel says:

    im a little confused…I am a huge inuyasha fan but I was wondering if the animated series on tv will stop at season 8…also I have the an-manga books of inuyasha and do they stop also where the tv series stops? ive been looking for answers all over but havent found any yet…please help. If you play neopets…my accound is rachel_1214_ala. my myspace is
    and i can be reached at those easier than email but if you ave neither of those…email is fine. please message me back! thanks

  2. rachel says:

    one more thing…sorry for all the typos! I dont know the names of things well but like the images you have about your paragraoh…ch 499…is that the manga released in japan? Can I also order those because I would liek to collecet them…thanks

  3. Yumeka says:

    The Inuyasha TV series only went up to season 6, which ended at episode 167 (I don’t know where you heard season 8). It stopped airing in Japan way back in Sept. 2004, but reruns are still being shown on US’s Adult Swim. No new episodes have been made since episode 167, though the manga series still continues. I don’t know much about the Ani-manga books, but I’m sure they stop where the anime stops.

    All the IY manga chapters I review on my blog are of the latest chapters released in Japan, not in the US. The US manga releases are way behind the Japanese ones. I don’t buy the Japanese chapters though…I download them from the scanlation site MakiMaki, who translate the chapters into English so fans can read them. You can download the translated chapters for free on the MakiMaki site. You don’t have to order anything, unless you want to buy the actual Japanese volumes of the manga, but they won’t be translated into English (you’ll have to wait until the US releases catch up to those volumes).

  4. Nekozumi says:

    Oh wow! I stopped reading for about 2 years Inuyasha, and so much happened… (…….Kinda…)

    I can see the manga ending soon, though. She’s hurrying things up, giving everyone ultimate weapons lately. Chapter 500 was pretty boring. I really find the swords arc not fun. Can’t Sesshoumaru just be happy that he has a strong attack and can kick his brother’s ass whenever he wants?! And the brief part where Kagome came back to the present should’ve been a little bit longer, and less indoor…-sh after so much action.

    Chapter 499 was boring, too. I wonder what you’ll write about 500 :P

    By the way : I enjoy your reviews very much, and I’ll be watching you ~

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