Inuyasha ch. 498 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 50, chapter 498 Reborn Hiraikotsu

This chapter was pretty exciting and a bit…unexpected. For a second, I thought Naraku was finally gonna be destroyed when Hiraikotsu sliced through him like that, but I guess that would be too easy (and too abrupt of a defeat for a villain like him). So now Sango’s got a jyaki-absorbing weapon much like Inuyasha’s Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga. Hmmm…I guess she could use the power up-grade, but seriously there’s been way too many power-up/weapon chapters lately. Hopefully this will be the last one for a nice long while =P

So what’s gonna happen to Kohaku? I still don’t have any idea. From where this chapter ended, I think the most that can be done for him at this point is to somehow purify his shard so at least he won’t be under Naraku’s control anymore. But as for restoring his life completely so the shard can be removed from his body without him dying for good as a result…don’t know how that’ll happen. I always had the thought that at some point in the IY saga, the Shikon Jewel would eventually become whole again and then be destroyed. Even if it’s not destroyed along with Naraku, there always seemed like a chance that such an evil thing as the Shikon Jewel should not be allowed to exist in the end. So if the Jewel does become whole again, I don’t know what’s gonna happen to Kohaku. Unless Takahashi-san comes up with a way for the series to end without the eventual completion of the shard, or unless she invents some twist for Kohaku to end up being saved after all, I don’t see any sort of happy ending for Sango’s poor brother =(

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  1. mochi says:

    Thanks for these reviews…since I don’t read the manga, it has been the only way
    for me to check on the progress of the story.

    I do have one question about your calling the Shikon Jewel evil…I was under the
    impression that the jewel is neither good nor evil (or perhaps more accurately,
    it is both) since it contains the spirit of Midoriko and the spirits of the demon(s)
    she bound. These spirits, I thought, were in continuous battle and the tipping
    point for whether the jewel is good or evil is its possessor…if it is an evil being
    like Naraku, then the jewel is corrupted…if it is a good being like Kikyo, then
    the jewel is purified.

  2. Yumeka says:

    What I meant is that the existence of the Jewel is evil in the sense that, as long as it exists, demons and evil people will continue to pursue it, and thus more violence and killing will follow. I’m not saying that it can’t be used for good purposes, I’m just saying that if it was gone completely, all the evil seeking it will disappear (it seems that there’s more evil seeking the Jewel than good). Anything that can bestow so much power on any one being is probably better off gone.

    Oh, and thanks for reading my IY chapter reviews. I’m glad I’m not just writing them for myself ^^

  3. Jay says:

    I’m with mochi here, I dony get to read the manga and this is the only way I can keep as well. So, keep doing this it Rocks so hard!!!

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