Inuyasha ch. 492 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 50, chapter 492 Father’s True Intent

The only thing that I thought really stood out in this chapter was the fact that Sessoumaru doesn’t seem to care about getting Tessaiga anymore. He states that he no longer feels bitter that Tessaiga was left to Inuyasha instead of to him, and that not having it has actually allowed him to excel in battle. But I don’t know why I’m starting to feel like this is going to be the last arc dedicated to Sesshoumaru. We already had the arc with his mother not that long ago. In that one, we were finally given insight on how much he’s developed in his feelings for Rin and to what extent he’s willing to express his emotions. And it seems like by the end of this arc, he will finally come to grips with wielding Tenseiga and also his relationship with his father. After all this, I don’t really see much else for Takahashi-san to do with him…except give him a few more good fight scenes with Naraku perhaps XD Hopefully he won’t meet the same fate as other “secondary” main characters like Kouga and Kikyou, and either die or get written out of the story ~_^

BTW, today I bought a copy of the new Inuyasha DS game, Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel (an Inuyasha game on a Nintendo system? That’s rare 0_o) It was my Valentine’s gift to me, LOL =P Anyway, I’m not sure, but I think this game was only released here in the US and not in Japan. I’ve only played it a little so far, but it seems pretty fun. I’ll try and write a review of it once I get further into it =)

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  1. Jay says:

    Do you Know if there are any other games of IY. Id love to get some.

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