Inuyasha ch. 485 review

*images courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 485 “Yakurou Dokusen”

After a bunch of serious chapters, we’re finally treated to some of the ol’ Inuyasha-type humor in this chapter XD But on the down side, this chapter seems to be leading to even more diversion from the main plot. Getting the weird old guy to fix/power-up a weapon is a pretty exhausted plot, the only exception being this time it’s Sango getting the power-up rather than Inuyasha, and instead of Toutousai, we get Yakurou Dokusen(will Takahashi-san ever run out of characters?) But after how the last chapter ended, I’m glad that Sango may be able to repair Hiraikotsu after all(seriously, what would she do without it?) It’s cool that Sango’s getting more screen-time, but I would like it better if we were to focus more on the already established subplots of the series. I honestly don’t see any way Takahashi-san could finish the series by chapter 500, or even 530, and still tie up all the loose-ends and have a good ending. Well, we’ll see what happens =)

By the way, apparently there were two funny bonus pages to this chapter that Takahashi-san drew in which she addressed the fans. MakiMaki didn’t actually translate these pages, but rather made-up their own dialogue to match the pictures, and it actually came out to be quite hilarious XD I thought they did such a good job on it, that I just had to share it with anyone who missed it. You can get page 1 here, and then page 2 here. Enjoy! And let’s see how Sango manages to fight youkai without a weapon while swimming in a poison-filled jar, next chapter =P

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  1. Inuhanyou says:

    Indeed it almost feels like the standard “omg one of our weapons is broken from a random youkai battle, let’s fix it up so it’ll be exactly like it was!” :/ I feel the need to point out many times when this has happend. But i’m hoping it’ll be somthing original this time, like hiraikotsu aquiring a new power this time, although that in itself isnt very original either. Miroku threatening the Saya look-alike was funny, and Inuyasha showing some concern for his friend sango was pretty worthwhile to see, can’t wait for the next chapter :)

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