Inuyasha ch. 484 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 484 “Youdoku”(Dissolving Poison)

So Sango loses her signature weapon…guess that was a bit unexpected. Well not really, since that bone youkai made some major and probably unfixable teeth marks in it the last chapter. But still, what the heck is Sango going to do without Hiraikotsu? Now that I think about it, she seems pretty useless without it, LOL. Maybe she’ll have to start using that sword that she always carries around but never uses. This probably won’t happen, but I hope she doesn’t get written out as a main character now that she can’t fight much anymore.

Well, I guess Sango losing her weapon is pretty big, but still, I was hoping for something important to happen involving the series’ already established plots. And one other thing that bugged me about this chapter was Inuyasha suddenly returning to his hanyou form right in time to destroy the youkai. C’mon, Inuyasha’s been hogging the battle glory for over 5 volumes, while everyone else has been acting as spectators more than anything. There was no reason why Sango couldn’t have had the finishing blow…it would’ve made her loss of Hiraikotsu all the more impacting. But I guess the chapter as a whole was touching enough(despite the stereotypical enemy youkai.) I don’t know why, but it seems to me that Miroku and Sango’s relationship has been getting way more attention and development these past few volumes than Inuyasha and Kagome’s ~_^ But anyway, hopefully the events of this arc lead to something that will actually advance the series’ many subplots. Guess only time will tell =)

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  1. Inuhanyou says:

    Dern that bone monster again! >

  2. Inuyasha is easily the best anime ever made, I’d say.

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