Inuyasha ch. 483 review

*image courtesy of MakiMaki*
Volume 49, chapter 483 “Hone no Ori”(Cage of Bones)

Like last chapter, there really isn’t too much to say about this one, since the “monster-of-the-week” formula still seems to be in play. I thought this arc was going to be pretty much only focused on Miroku and Sango, but that’s obviously changed now that the others have come looking for them. Inuyasha is still stuck in his human form, so hopefully one of the other characters will get a chance to battle it out with the enemy for a change XD The only thing a bit revealing that happened in this chapter occurred on the last page, when the bone youkai said that Hiraikotsu is “returning” to him, which could maybe mean that Hiraikotsu was forged from this youkai’s bones. Of all the available subplots, that one doesn’t sound all that interesting, but you never could know what it could lead to. Anyway, let’s see how the gang escapes being gobbled down by the bone youkai in the next chapter! =)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot…

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ^^

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  1. Inuhanyou says:

    Dern bones, jeeze…this bone arc really came outta nowhere for me, i thought we were actually going to get somewhere with Inu and kag’s relationship after Kikyou but nooooo…-sigh- Ah well, saves the best for last i suppose. But now everytime i think of the latest chapters i have the urge to say “bones” xD

  2. Yumeka says:

    Yeah, the Kikyou’s death arc ended too abruptly. I agree that there should have been at least a little more resolution with Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship, like maybe one of those light/funny/cute chapters where Inuyasha goes to Kagome’s world. But instead we just jump right to the arc with Sesshoumaru’s mom. And after that we do get the short Kaou arc(chapters 472 to 474), but that wasn’t anything special. But maybe you’re right, the best for last perhaps ~_^ The manga is supposedly ending soon, so maybe the reason we’re not getting much satisfaction is because Takahashi-san is a bit overwhelmed trying to resolve all the subplots in the series(Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship is just one of many =P) Well, hopefully things will pick up soon. Let’s just see how it goes ^^

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