New Bleach dub+rant: “Give English VAs a break”

Well, Bleach has finally been officially released in America. And even though it didn’t seem to create quite a reaction as when Naruto was officially released, it’s still a pretty big deal for Bleach fans. As of my writing this, I’ve watched Bleach fansubs up to episode 98 and I’ve watched the 5 dubbed episodes that have aired on Adult Swim so far…and I’m happy to report that I’m pleased with the dub.

Johnny Yong Bosch, who also does the voice for Vash from Trigun and Kiba from Wolf’s Rain, is an excellent voice actor. But I wasn’t sure if he would be good at a “bad-ass” guy like Ichigo(most of the voices he’s done are of quieter, gentle guys.) Although he doesn’t make Ichigo sound quite as “tough” as Masakazu Morita makes his sound, he still makes Ichigo sound appealing. The rest of the main characters, like Rukia, Chad, and Orihime, are well cast too. Supporting characters like Ichigo’s family and classmates, and the Hollows, all sound good as well. I really couldn’t point out any character that I felt was poorly miscast. We got to hear a bit of Kon and Urahara’s voices in the previews, but not enough to really tell what they’ll be like once they make their appearances in the episodes.

Translation-wise, I think Viz does a pretty good job with making the dialogue sound natural(way better than what they did with the first season of Inuyasha.) Of course there were some lines I thought could’ve been translated better, but for the most part I can’t complain. The only thing that struck me as kind of odd was that they translated “shinigami” as “soul reaper,” but left the Japanese word “zanpakuto” untranslated. But I suppose whether they chose to translate both words, neither one, or one and not the other, people would still complain.

Which brings me to another point I want to touch on while we’re on the subject of dubs, especially those of popular fansubs. I’m sure there are people who will read this and think “How can she say such good things about the Bleach dub?! It sucks! The voices are so horrible! etc,.” But most people who think things like this have the same negative opinions about all anime dubs. I’m not saying it’s wrong to prefer the Japanese version over the English dub. For most of the anime I watch, I prefer the Japanese version, and I have my share of dubs that I think are bad and refuse to watch. But what I’m referring to are fans, usually those who only watch anime via fansubs, that bad-mouth pretty much every dub no matter its quality, sometimes even if they haven’t seen it themselves. It’s like they feel that only Japanese voice actors have talent, and that all English voice actors are completely incapable of portraying anime characters in a satisfying way. This is a pretty shallow way of thinking in my opinion. What if you have someone who’s passionately aspiring to be a voice actor for a popular anime that’s soon to be dubbed? Would you tell them that they should just give it up now because anime dubs suck and they could never match the quality of the Japanese version? Yes, there are many horrible dubs out there, but most dubs that have been released straight to DVD or on Adult Swim, have been fairly decent, especially within the past few years.

Rather than complaining about every little flaw in English dubs, I think fans should be happy about the increased respect and overall better dubbing quality that anime has been getting recently. If you think dubs are so horrible now, take a look at a dub from the 90s or even before, back when anime was just a sliver of an entertainment genre and most of the few American anime companies out there couldn’t afford to hire real voice actors. Viz’s dub of Naruto is a good example of the point I’m trying to make. A few years ago, airing a show like that, even with the (relatively few) edits that Viz makes, would be totally unheard of. I’m sure Viz had to pull a few strings to get Naruto its PG rating rather than Y7. Fans complain about edits and voice casting, but nearly everything about the story, characters’ names, dialogue, etc., is translated accurately. People also gripe about the censoring of violence and some blood(I say “some” because Viz does leave a lot of the blood intact), when in fact, I believe Naruto’s the only children-aimed cartoon to even show blood so frequently. If Naruto actually did air a few years ago, it would be so heavily edited and chock full of mistranslations and American gags that it would be pretty much unrecognizable. Same goes for Viz’s other dub, Zatch Bell. Now Zatch Bell has a Y7 rating, so its probably aimed at an even younger audience than Naruto. And sure, its has its censoring, edits, etc., but in general, like Naruto, nearly everything about the story, characters, and dialogue is translated fairly well. Zatch Bell can get a bit wacky sometimes, but even then I never hear Americanized jokes or totally rewritten dialogue. Again, if Zatch Bell aired a few years ago, it would surely be butchered into almost a different show(i.e. Cardcaptors.)

And if the quality of “made for childrens’ TV” dubs like Naruto and Zatch Bell have improved so much over the years, then the quality of some direct to DVD and Adult Swim dubs can surely be considered good. Nowadays, fans should be rejoicing in the fact that anime is finally being marketed as its own genre, independent of “cartoons” and American shows, and that US anime companies know its essential to have well translated, quality dubbing. In fact, I think the only anime still suffering are the few aired on local channels(they usually fall prey to 4Kids.) But generally, in my opinion anyway, most dubs coming out nowadays are at least decent. Sure, there are still and always will be bad dubs, and even with good dubs, even I usually think the Japanese version is better. But what I’m saying is that fans shouldn’t label every new dub of their favorite fansub that comes out as “bad,” especially ones like Bleach, in which there’s no editing nor any significant miscasting or mistranslation. Rather, they should be happy that dubbing quality and respect of anime has been on the rise for many years now. And maybe they should take the time to see that there are some good English voice actors out there. I know of many English VAs that voice a variety of anime characters that I believe are very talented people, just as my favorite Japanese VAs are. I know there are many English VAs, Crispan Freeman for example, who are just as passionate about their work as Japanese VAs, so someone needs to give them some praise. If fans of the show won’t do it, then who will? =P But really, to sum this rant of mine up, all I’m saying is that I think fans shouldn’t be so narrow-minded in their opinions about anime dubs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with preferring the Japanese version, but at least be a little appreciative of the improvement anime dubs have seen over the years and that the more accurate dubbing nowadays means that more Americans will be able to see the true storytelling quality that makes anime so special.

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  1. Sami says:

    I completely agree with this! I don’t know why people complain about the Bleach dub when it’s not horrible. I actually found it pretty good, same for the Naruto dub. The only thing I didn’t like about the Naruto dub was the fact that they changed the opening and endings, other than that it’s a pretty good dub.

  2. Ami says:

    the dub for the bleach is definitly satisfying, but listening to the voice actors in english is still just….. not as good as listening to Japanese voices after you’ve watched up to eps 98. i was so happy that naruto eps 202 203 and 204…. was it? or (203 204 205) was aired as a special!!! three eps in one week, quite the treat. but 206 is coming out on oct. the 19th i think and that’ll be quite the wait. oh well, at least bleach ###99 is coming out this thursday ^^

  3. Kyan says:

    I can’t watch most adult anime, since I’m not 13 yet, so ROCK ON ANIME!!!!!

  4. I see that many anime are targeted to older children to teenagers. In cases like Death Note, older teenagers.

    Kyan. The ‘adult’ anime on adult swim you can pretty much watch once you are 14 but there are anime that are strictly for the Adult Only (after M) level.

    I checked the dub for both and they are pretty good. They aren’t as bad as people said and the Japaneses music was put back at the beginning on the Japaneses season three.

  5. Dead_Starfish_636 says:

    I agree totally! When I was younger, I only ever watched the dubs on TV, since I never went near a computer. (Being from Uk, there wasn’t much to choose from though) The first anime I ever watched online was FullMetal Alchemist, fansubbed. After that I kinda only watched the subbed anime, for one thing it was more available, and I HATED the FMA dub (just Ed’s voice actually) But then my friend (known as Tohru Honda to her fellow anime fans) told me to watch Fruits Basket. She mostly watches dubbed anime, so she refused to watch Fruits Basket subbed with me. I ended up watching the whole series dubbed, I found it great! I think there can be pros and cons to both dubbed and subbed anime, so I’m glad in the case of Fruits Basket I kept my mind open.

    Another thing – I think it does depend on which you see first. I watched Shaman King, dubbed, for three years on UK kid’s channels. I admit, they did “edit” it quite a bit (i still haven’t seen the end, OH NOES!) but I can’t watch subbed now, it’s just too much of a change. What I’m trying to say is, if you’ve gotten used to a character speaking in one voice, it’s difficult to hear them speaking in another. Plus, Ren has the same Japanese VA as Ed….that just confuses me. ^_^

    I think it’s fun, in fansubs, when they put karaoke on the theme songs, they should keep that in the dub!
    I love Bleach by the way, I think it was dubbed really well. In the Japanese original, there wasn’t anything that would bother anybody, like boys sounding like girls (that’s what annoys some of my friends) but there was nothing in the dub that annoyed me, like mistranslations or anything. About the “soul reaper” translation? That was how they translated it in the manga, although in subbed, isn’t “shinigami” translated as “death god”? Nevermind “^_^ I’ve ranted enough now.

  6. Tony says:

    Stright up i started watchin bleach like 2 weeks ago the dub versions and i love it i never seen the jap versions… i saw ep 20 – 27on adult swim (dub versoins) adn i watch allof the rest till 42 and now im so pist i need more bleach and i cant stand sub titles i need help lol

  7. heero yuy says:

    hey are they any dub bleach episodes for sale

  8. adam says:

    I feel the exact same way, bleach is my faverite tv show and i watched up to about eps.125 (subbed ) and then i saw the dubbed version it wasn’t that bad although i still prefer the subbed version.

  9. chris says:

    i think that bleach is one of the best animes on adult swim right now after they took of my all time fav inuyasha which i did not like to see go and i think that bleach has a great story line an the characters are perfect in my eyes im glad there showing it in the u.s and i say go bleach!!!!!!!

  10. Doug K says:

    Hiya Alia!

    Well and truly spoken—it really pisses me off to hear “fans” do nothing but complain about the dubs. Nobody seems to want to give credit to dubs for GROWING anime into something mainstream; you wouldn’t have it on TV or on shelf after shelf at the video store if everybody in America (and elsewhere in the anglophone world) had to watch subs-only. Since I’ve been studying Japanese with you for the last several years, I too watch and enjoy subs but have to admit to preferring dubs. Why? Well, I’m a native English speaker. I just enjoy it more that way. In fact, if I watch a given anime in Dubs, Japanese + subs or Japanese only, I get a different “feel” for each experience and enjoy each in a different way. It’s like I’m using different parts of my brain and psyche for each. Sometimes I think that the subs-only complainers are like those people who see foreign-language films because they think it makes them cool and they like to act superior. Baka da. ne? I myself do voice work and am hoping *someday* to get into anime dubbing. Complaining does the VAs a disservice, and a lot of them are really talented. You wanna see amazing voice acting? Watch Kodocha and listen to Laura Bailey as Sana—she’s a goddess (and a lot different in this role than as Tohru Honda in FruBa or Keiko in Yu Yu Hakusho). Oh and FYI—fansub junkies seem to be the worst types for complaining, as if they’re HELPING the growth of anime/manga by watching for free. Tchah…

  11. Olana says:

    In my opinion if it isnt in english in a country that it should be in english it has no reason to be there. I myself do not and will not watch anything subbed. I dont know about the rest or care. However I feel that it should be easier to find dubbed anime than it is.

  12. Hardy says:

    Im in the Uk, and started watching Bleach when they had subbed up to 53, so i began with the subs. After that ive gone to 164 and waiting for 165 in subs, but to be perfectly honest i dont see any difference – at all in the dub or sub, it makes very little difference for me, but the one thing i cant stand is the subs that dont make sense. Rather have a “rubbish” dub than a mistranslated sub.

  13. Aileen says:

    Completely agree. People who say “Dubs suck! Subs forever !111!!!!1” have no variety. and Everyone needs variety. I watch both. There’s a HUGE difference in Hanatarou’s voice. I prefer his english voice. His Japanese VA seems like…they’re sick or something.
    I love Ichigo’s/Hichigo Voice xD

  14. Tera says:

    i’ve watched bleach well into the 200 episode mark *i don’t remember when i gave up on it..* and it’s an amazing anime in jap or eng. some of the voices like kon are annoying either way but i like the eng voice of orihime**sorry if i spell that wrong** better it’s not as.. winey.. then again a lot of the jap female characters have that signature *wine* it’s just the trait of the Japanese female voice. and the only thing i found horrible about the naruto dub was the naruto voice.. no offense to the eng VA’s voice but holy hannah!! it’s such a grating voice. but that’s just me.

    but as for bleach i’ve seen the ones aired on ytv *i’m canaidan so i don’t get adult swim unless i pay an absurd price for special ordered channels* and they’re extremely well done.. although the pronunciation of some words could have been better. i know it’s an accent thing but wow.. some of the names are hurtin. ah well such is the chance you take when you dub an anime.. overall 3.5 out of 5 stars… the anime series like naruto and inuyahsa is WAY too long and has way too many filler arc’s.. like 80 episode filler arc of naruto.. c’mon.. a bit extreme. ah well ^-^ the things we do for anime we love.

  15. Elizabeth Terry says:

    I can’t watch anime on tv sence they got rid of the Funimation channel so i can only watch anime online but i cant watch it tell 2 am. I got Hughes(They say that you can download a music album just like that, so not true. You have to wait tell 2 am.) But don’t have much of a chose(Live in the middel of the woods T.T)

  16. Of the Iridescent Blue says:

    I don’t mind dubs (Especially good ones like Bleach, Lucky Star and Code Geass) but I prefer subs, mainly because I’m paranoid about mouth flaps. It also depends on whether I’ve watched the subs before. I watched the dubs for all 3 of the above before starting the series seriously. The dubs are still great, but I’m more likely to watch the subs from now on. (For anime Iwatched fully in subs, I’m not likely to watch the dubs)
    Anyways, I don’t know why people continue ragging on dubs. They aren’t bad :/

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