My 12 moments of anime for 2012

Credit to linked pixiv user

Since 2009 I’ve been participating in the anime blogsphere’s “12 Moments of Anime” project, which consists of us counting down our best anime-related moments of the year every day during the twelve days until Christmas. As usual, I prefer to list my twelve moments altogether in one post rather than split them over twelve posts. I know I’m doing my moments post earlier than usual this year, but that’s due to my new blogging schedule of only posting once a week and in the coming weeks I’m already planning to review some seasonal anime that are going to be ending. So, without further adieu, here are my 12 moments of anime for 2012…

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Anime for people who don’t like anime

A recent post on Japan Powered talks about certain anime titles that even people who hate anime could watch and enjoy. The idea it’s bringing out is that, despite how much we love it, we know that all anime – from shonen to slice-of-life – is full of tropes and character archetypes we see over and over again. Many of these cliches we love, some we don’t, but generally what makes us stay fans is that we don’t mind such things in our anime or even have specific tropes we can’t get enough of. But for some people, anime-specific tropes such as bishy guys, moe girls, giant robots, wild fantasy battles, and cuteness for cuteness’ sake, just aren’t their thing. So today I wanted to think about what anime are virtually free of these cliches and seem to cater to universal tastes rather than otaku tastes…

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A few older anime I’ve recently watched

As many of you know, since 2007 I’ve mostly been watching seasonal anime and rarely start watching older, completed titles. While last year I decided to rewatch a lot of my favorite series, this year I’ve been trying to watch older series I hadn’t seen before in additional to seasonal ones. For this post, I wanted to talk about four such anime I’ve watched over the past bunch of months. These aren’t full-on reviews so much as my general thoughts about each one…

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