
English Voice: Rachael Lillis

Seiyuu: Megumi Hayashibara

Japanese Name: Musashi

Current Pokemon: Seviper, Dustox, Wobbuffet

When Jessie was a little girl, she and her mother Miyamoto(who was also a Team Rocket member), were very poor. Sometimes all they had to eat was snow! But Miyamoto was killed on a mission to find Mew up in the mountains, and as one thing led to another, Jessie eventually joined Team Rocket as well. Their main goal is to steal rare pokemon, but when they saw how powerful Ash's Pikachu was, they decided to steal that one as well. Jessie's the leader of the trio; she gives most of the commands and is usually the one to pilot Team Rocket's many large robots. Jessie may appear as being extremely short-tempered and quick to violence, but deep down inside her lies a very caring heart. Even though she beats up on James and Meowth sometimes, it's obvious that their little trio is inseparable.

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