Does a love of anime always lead to a love of Japan?

It’s not unusual for people who become anime fans to also become interested in the country that anime comes from – Japan. I’ve seen this interest in some form or other in most of the anime fans I’ve encountered, ranging from mild to extreme. There are people who take up a slight interest in an aspect or two of Japanese culture, and perhaps learn a few Japanese words, but otherwise don’t pursue Japan/Japanese things…all the way down to what the Internet calls “weeaboos” and “Japanophiles,” or people who convince themselves that Japan is superior to other countries and they insist on incorporating Japanese words and cultural habits into their everyday lives, becoming a Japan connoisseur in terms of things like music and food, yearning to go to Japan, and even wishing they were Japanese. But does every person who gets into anime necessarily take up an interest in Japan, whether mild or extreme?…

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What I’ve learned from fan translating

As some of you probably know, for the past couple of months I’ve been part of a translation group that’s been working on providing an English release of the latest Haruhi novels (volumes 10 and 11). We finally completed the project earlier this week. Baka-Tsuki, the group that had provided fan translations for the previous nine novels, could no longer work on the series, so myself and a few other dedicated individuals took on the task. I translated and edited one chapter myself (72 pages) and edited two that were translated by someone else (222 pages). Since this was the first major translation project I’ve worked on, I’d like to share what I’ve learned about the experience…

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The common structure of anime songs

In a previous post, I discussed the common themes of anime songs and how the majority of them, regardless of genre, have many similarities in their lyrics. In this follow-up post, I’ll be discussing the commonality of anime songs when it comes to their actual structure…

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Why do we like anime songs?

For any anime we watch, chances are we’ll take an interest in the songs for that series, particularly the openings and endings. Many of us, myself included, become quite enamored with anime songs to the point of listening to them everyday and memorizing the lyrics. I’ve often wondered why we develop attachments to anime songs, especially when we usually can’t understand the words and they often have nothing to do with the show itself…

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Don’t get discouraged when learning Japanese (because it’s easier than English)

I’ve been studying Japanese at college, abroad, and on my own since mid-2004. The most common reaction I get from people whom I talk to about it, or who are beginning to learn themselves, is that it must be an extremely difficult language. But over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that Japanese is actually a relatively easy language, and there are in fact numerous ways in which it’s easier to learn than English…

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How do you keep up your Japanese studies after graduation?

I have now gone half a year without any formal Japanese study after taking it up to advanced level at my university. Although I don’t feel like I’ve forgotten too much yet, what with my daily exposure to anime and my sheer willpower to keep it in my head, I wonder how long I’ll be able to keep it up…

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Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 7

Chapter 7, the final chapter, of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 6

Chapter 6 of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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Teaching an anime enrichment class: first session complete

Back in September, I got hired as an after school enrichment teacher for the local YMCA, with my topics being Japanese and anime. Each week I go to a few different elementary schools in the area and give lessons to the kids. Last week I finished my first eight week session of the enrichment…

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Autobiography of How I Became an Anime Fan (2009 edition): chapter 5

Chapter 5 of my newly revised anime autobiography…

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